Laboratory Library Committee Meeting

September 30, 2009




Corwin Booth

Bob Cahn

Richard Firestone

John Christensen

Ulli Weier

Doug Black

Greg Penn

IT Employees

Rosemary Lowden

Mark Rosenberg

Jose Olivares

Michael Golden


Bob Cahn presented his proposal of a variety of opportunities for the Library to recreate itself in terms of space and functionality. Further meetings with facility planners and Laboratory management are planned to ascertain feasible alternatives. There was consensus that ultimately the master plan should be phased in a measured and deliberate fashion.

Drupal is the new content management system database hosting the new library website. The website will be launched on October 1, 2009. The committee agreed to provide comments about the new site. It was suggested to post the library statistics on compact shelving usage, ILL’s and warehouse retrieval on the new website.

The library has been conducting a periodical use study to determine the print journal subscriptions to renew in December. A list of journals to be culled from the collection was distributed. Unless we hear otherwise from the committee members, print copies of selected journal will be discontinued based on their lack of usage. The library does intend to keep hard copies of the more generic journals in the reading area.

Rosemary thanked John Gibson, Doug Black and Ulli Weier for serving on the panel for the UCB Bioinformatics Librarian interviews. The new librarian (Jeff Loo) is slated to start November 1st. He and Mary Ann Mahoney will join us for the next library committee meeting.

The committee did not feel that lack of hits on the new e-Journal website was not indicative of poor communication. Members of the committee called attention to the fact that researchers are less inclined to browse a list of new journal titles opposed to being delighted at the successfulness of their searches.

Committee members agreed to give Rosemary the top 1-2 new e-journals of value to their division.

The next LLC meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 1st (10:30-12pm). Open-access issues were postponed for discussion at the next meeting.