Laboratory Information System

MIC Source Dictionary



To define all the locations in the body in which a Microbiology specimen can be obtained and submitted for isolation and identification.


All Microbiology orders require a Source to be defined. Microbiology Procedures can be restricted to specific Sources to facilitate the ordering process.

Examples of Sources and the connection with the Source Category:

Category / Print # / Sources / Print #
Wound / 100 / Leg / 100.000
Arm / 100.100
Urine / 200 / Urine,Random / 200.000
Urine,CC / 200.100
Fluid / 200 / Amniotic Fluid / 300.000
Synovial / 300.100

Management, Statistical, and Patient Summary Reports can be sorted by Source Category and Source.

Sources can be created in two ways: General or Specific.

If Sources are defined as general locations of the body, they will be used in conjunction with Specimen Descriptions to further define from where the specimen was obtained.


Source / Specimen Description
Leg / Left, Right
Blood / Arterial, Capillary, Venous

If Sources are defined as specific locations of the body, they will not need to be accompanied by Specimen Descriptions.


Source / Specimen Description
Left Arm / N/A
Right Arm / N/A
Arterial Blood / N/A
Capillary Blood / N/A
Venous Blood / N/A

Many sites use a combination of general and specific sources. Prior to building the Source Dictionary, the ordering and reporting needs of your Laboratory should be evaluated in order to determine which methodis the most suitable.

6.0 MIC Source Dictionary (Continued)

Dictionary Prompts:

Mnemonic: (Free Text) Standard Definition

Active: (Y/N/E)Standard Definition

Name: (Free Text)

Appearsin lookups and on reports to further define this dictionary entry.

The name entered here will appear with the collection date, time, and specimen status on the Microbiology Panel in the Enterprise Medical Record (EMR) Application.

Abbrev: (Free Text)

Enter an abbreviation using up to ten characters of free text.

The system uses the source abbreviation in standard specimen headers.

If a standard specimen header is defined in the LIS Report Format Dictionary for the External Inquiry, the abbreviation when seenwhen results are viewed in the Order Management (OM) and Enterprise Medical Record (EMR) applications.

6.0 MIC Source Dictionary (Continued)

Print Number: (Numeric Free Text)

Enter a print number to define the source. The recommended format is NNN.NN. The number is used for sorting purposes on reports.

Category: (Lookup to MIC Source Category Dictionary)

Associate this Sourcewith a more general classification called a Source Category.

Source Categories allow users to consolidate and organize Sourcedata on reports and summaries.

Result Susceptibility Target: (Lookup to Internal Susceptibility Target Dictionary)

Enter the Susceptibility Target that is associated to the Source being defined.

Note: This is an internal dictionary, meaning that each entry that is entered and filed at this field is retained by the system.

These entries will later be linked in the Antibiotic Dictionary to the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration and/or Kirby Bauer Values. When resulting a susceptibility panel, the target ultimately determines the reaction that will appear on the result entry screen.

Print Susceptibility Target: (Lookup to Internal Susceptibility Target Dictionary)

Enter one or more Susceptibility Targets that will be eligible to appear on reports. If this prompt is left blank, no targets will appear on reports.

The system prints antibiotic data such as dosage, route of administration and susceptibility reaction for each of the targets identified in this field.

Note:The result susceptibility targetshould be defined for this source as one of the print susceptibility targets.

Non-Reportable Antibiotics:(Lookup to the MIC Antibiotic Dictionary)

Define the antibiotics that should be suppressed from appearing on susceptibility reports associated with this source. If this is left blank,no antibiotics will be suppressed for the source.

Antibiotics can also be defined as non-reportable in the following areas:

1)MIC Instrument

2) MIC Antibiotic Dictionary

3) MIC Source Dictionary

4) MIC Organism Dictionary

5) MIC Procedure Dictionary for S type procedures

6) MIC Calculation

LIS Site/Name: (Lookup to LIS LAB Site Dictionary)

Enter a site that will be mapped to Interoperability Interfaces (NMI).The name of the site will default in when the site is selected.

6.0 MIC Source Dictionary (Continued)

Mnemonic: (Free Text)

Place the code that the interfaced site uses to reference thisSource.

Ask Specimen Description:(Y/N/O)

Decideif the Specimen Description will appear as a selection when a Microbiology order is placed in the LIS E/E Requisition Routine or in the OM Order Routine.

The options to dictate whether or not the description will be selected are outlined below:

YES (Y): Users will be required to enter a Specimen Description for this Source.

NO (N): Users will not have the option to enter a Specimen Description.

OPTIONAL (O): Users will have the ability to enter a Specimen Description but it is not required.

Restrict to Specimen Descriptions: (Lookup to MIC Specimen Description)

Enter the Specimen Descriptions that are associated to this Source. The descriptions that are selected in these promptswillbe the only descriptions listed when placing a Microbiology order.

If this field is left blank, all Specimen Descriptions will be available for this Source when placing an order unless the “Ask Specimen Description” prompt is set to “N”.