Lab: Waste AnalysisClass Set (Make your paper look as close to this as possible)
Introduction: You have now been keeping track of the waste that you personally produce for the last 48 hours. Today you will be looking at your data as well as the data from a small group of your peers to asses where most of the trash we generate comes from and brainstorm some ways that we could possibly reduce this amount.
Part 1: Personal Data
- Looking at your personal waste data, what is the total number of items for each category?
- Paper:
- Rubber, leather, clothes:
- Glass:
- Plastic:
- Metal:
- Food:
- Wood:
- Yard waste:
- Other:
- Which category did you produce the most of?
- Describe where most of this waste came from?
- Did you produce any waste in the “other” category? If so what was it? Did you produce any hazardous waste? If so what was it?
- Construct a pie chart below to compare the percentages of each category you generated.
Title: ______
Part 2: Group Data
- With your group, add up the total number of items for each category.
- Paper:
- Rubber, leather, clothes:
- Glass:
- Plastic:
- Metal:
- Food:
- Wood:
- Yard waste:
- Other:
- Which category did your group produce the most of?
- Describe how the group’s data was similar to yours. Describe how the group’s data was different than yours.
- Did your group produce any waste in the “other” category? If so what was it? Did your group produce any hazardous waste? If so describe it.
- Construct a pie chart below to compare the percentages of each category your group generated.
Title: ______
Discussion Questions:
- What are 2 ways that you and your group could realistically reduce the amount of material you had to dispose of?
- What are 2 ways that manufacturers could reduce the amount of waste that you had to dispose of?
- How does the amount of industrial waste produced in the world compare to the amount of municipal waste produced?
- How does waste produced in the USA compare to other places around the world?
- Describe what is meant by a “linear economy.”
- Describe what is meant by a “circular economy.”
- How does the data that you collected compare to the data in our textbook. Compare your pie chart to the book’s in detail.
- Rank the 3 R’s in terms of best to worst for the environment. Explain your ranking!
- Describe primary and secondary recycling.
- Why is the human carrying capacity difficult to measure? (5 reasons)
- Describe how an ecocentrist and a technocentrist would approach the human carrying capacity issue.
- Which approach do you agree most with and why?