Team Name: ______A.P. Environmental Science

Group Members:

HTPA Primary Waste Water Treatment Competition

Your team is invited to compete in the HTPA Primary Waste Water Treatment Competition. You will be given a quantity of “waste water” which may contain some or all of the following elements: potting soil, plastic, leaves, dried beans, oatmeal, tea, coffee and/or other organic material. The wastewater used will not contain any bacteria-laden materials or other pathogens. Your team will have time to design, “purchase” the parts, and construct a primary wastewater treatment device (PWWTD). The final competition will begin at the designated time when everyone will receive 250 ml of the Teacher’s Waste Water. 50 ml MUST be brought up for judging.

The competition will be scored on the following criteria: design and cost of the device, clarity and color of water, and rate of purification. Extra credit will be given for 1stplace for the “cleanest” water. See the rubric on next page for details.


This lab will span across 3 periods:

Period 1: Designing & Purchasing Materials

  1. Break into your randomly assigned teams of four, come up with a team name, and design your primary wastewater treatment device (PWWTD).
  2. You are limited by the components listed on the order form below.
  3. When your team has finalized a design, draw your PWWTD on the competition form where indicated.
  4. You will be given a small window of time to share ideas with the other groups if you so choose to.
  5. Using your final design, fill out the order form below to “purchase” the components for the PWWTD.
  6. To make a “purchase” you must hand the form to me, the “clerk of the store.” I MUST SIGN YOUR FORM BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE STORE TO VERIFY THE COST. Any time more materials need to be purchased, you must bring this form with you.
  7. Begin constructing your PWWTD.

Day 2: Constructing the PWWTD

  1. Begin or continue working on your PWWTD. You will have access to one of “waste water” while constructing your device. You should aim to complete construction by end of the period.

Day 3: Competition Day!

  1. Take 10-15 minutes to finalize construction.
  2. Begin competition: Each team will receive 250 mL of “waste water.” Remember, at least 50 mL of water must be brought up for judging.
  3. Assign one group member to be the “timer”. He/she is to record the time it took for 50 mL of wastewater to be purified.
  4. We will observe each other’s PWWTD in action. On an index card, you are to write at least one positive comment about the PWWTD and one suggested improvement.

Order form

Plastic water bottle / $100
Bag of sand / $10
Bag of gravel / $10
Coffee filter / $10
8 cm x 8 cm square of plastic screen / $20
8 cm x 8 cm square of newspaper / $5
Duct tape, 10 cm / $10
Rubber band, each / $2
Paper clip, each / $2
Spoon / $2
Cotton Balls / $2

Teacher’s signature for received items: ______


1. Names of team members (max of four):


2. PWWTD design: Please attach your sketch on a separate sheet of paper. Your sketch must include the following: (5 pts)

a)Identification of all components (ex: 8 oz plastic bottle, plastic screen, sand etc)

b)Brief identification of the purpose for each component…why did you choose to use the components you did and why did you choose the set up you choose?

3. What were some challenges you faced while designing and constructing? What part of the designing and construction process did you find easier?

Competition Results:

Total time for purification (include minutes and seconds):______


10 pts / 9 pts / 8 pts / 6 pts / 2 pts / TOTAL pts
50 ml of purified water or more delivered to judge’s table? / More than 50 mL / / 50 mL / / Under 50mL
COST / $100 to $150 / $151 to $200 / $201 to $250 / more than $250 /
MINUTES FOR PURIFICATION / 50 ml in less than 2 minutes / 50 ml in 2 to 4 minutes / 50 ml in 4 to 10 minutes / 50 ml in
10 to 16 minutes / took more than 16 minutes
COLOR of water post-treatment / colorless / Pale / cloudy colored / colorful / dark-black
CLARITY of water post-treatment / clear / slight turbidity; no debris, but maybe some sand / cloudy, very little debris / cloudy with debris other than sand / flashflood turbidity



Pre Lab Questions:

  1. How many people in the world are estimated to be without clean, potable drinking water?Proper sanitation? How many are estimated to die each year from water-related illness? Cite your reference.
  1. Summarize the 3 stages of wastewater treatment (primary, secondary, tertiary treatment).

Stage / What is being removed / How is thiscompleted in an wastewater treatment plant
Primary Treatment
Secondary Treatment
Tertiary Treatment
  1. Identify 2 wastes/items that should not be flushed down the toilet or discarded down your sink. Describe why each of those items should not be discarded in this manner.
  1. Search the Internet for one example of a “non-traditional wastewater treatment” device that is currently being used somewhere in the world today or on the market. Summarize how the device works and where it is being used.


Post Lab Questions

  1. Identify and describe the strengths and weaknesses associated with your design and the winning design.

Your Design:

Winning Design:

  1. Identify one way to improve your design, which addresses one of the weaknesses in your design.
  1. For your PWWTD design, correlate its structure and function with its associated part in an actual wastewater treatment plant.
  1. If we were to continue this experience, what would you include in the future design to address secondary wastewater treatment and why.
  1. If the quality of your 50ml sample had the same characteristics as the actual output at the end of treatment, what environmental and health problems may arise?
  1. Going Further: Choose one of the following:

A)Read the article “Did You Know Your Pee is an Excellent Fertilizer” ( Summarize the article and in your summary include

  1. the experimental results,
  2. problems associated with this technique
  3. and what problem this technique shares in common with current wastewater treatment plants.

B)Listen to NPR’s Radiolab titled “Poop Train”

  1. Summarize the broadcast in no more than 2 short paragraphs addressing the microclimate and food web in the actual treatment plant, what used to happen to NYC sewage and what was the proposed next option


  1. Draw/diagram what you are listening to illustrate the broadcast