La Porte Junior High Girls Athletic Guidelines
- An individual may participate in UIL competition or contest as a representative of a school if he (a) is a seventh grade student less than 14 years old on September 1st (b) is an eighth grade student less than 15 years old on September 1st.
- An athlete must pass a physical examination and turn in the record to be kept on file. UIL rules state a physical must be on file before a student can participate in off-season as well as the regular season.
- State law requires a student to be passing all subjects to participate in extra-curricular activities (below 70 is failing). Ineligibility will follow UIL guidelines as it pertains to the grading periods.
- All athletes participating in school related activities shall maintain high standards of behavior whenever they are representing the school. Disregard for these regulations will result in disciplinary measures. Any behavior which warrants being sent to the discipline office will be reviewed by the principal and coach.
- An athlete in possession or under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, or controlled substances will be subject to the disciplinary actions as stated in the student handbook.
- All team members are expected to be on time to all meetings, practices, and games. If an emergency occurs, the athlete or her parents should notify a coach. Please do not send word by another student.
- An athlete must attend school at least the last half of the day in order to practice or play a game, unless approved by the principal.
- Team members are expected to attend school the day following a contest with the exception of illness or unless prior arrangements have been made. Attendance will be closely monitored.
- B team members are expected to remain for the A team game unless prior arrangements have been made with the coach.
- Athletes will be expected to provide their own transportation to and from practices and after athletic events.
- On out-of-town trips, all players will travel with the team. Only those who are participating will make the trip.
- Persons not employed or enrolled in the school system may not travel with the team.
- All athletes will return with the team unless a parent personally requests supervision of their own child, and it is requested that this be done only in emergency situations.
- No athlete may leave the team under supervision of anyone other than his parent.
- All athletes will abide by locker room rules or lose the privilege of using it.
- Missing two practices before a game will result in the athlete not participating in the next game. There will be exceptions for tutorials and sectionals with coaches’ prior knowledge.
- If an athlete is unable to participate because of injury, he will need a note from the doctor after 3 consecutive days. Please have the doctor state how long the athlete will be out and any restrictions.
- There will be no gum chewing for safety reasons.
- Equipment is issued by number. Athletes should wear only athletic equipment issued to them and bearing their assigned number.
- Jewelry is not to be worn in athletic periods, (earrings) during practices or games.
- Athletic uniforms are laundered by the school system and returned clean each day. They are not to be taken home unless permission is given.
- An athlete is responsible for replacing at her own expense any equipment he does not return at the end of the season.