Dickinson ISD / Letter of Intent(LOI)
Special Programs / Effective Dates of Agreement: XXX

Letter of Intent (LOI) between

Dickinson ISD and XXXXXX


1.  This LOI represents the agreement between DISD and XXXXXX for planned services to be provided for during the 20XX-20XX school year.

2.  The Texas Education Agency requires all professional services contracts be effective only during the period of availability of the funds identified in the Notice of Grant Award (NOGA). However, subgrantees may negotiate contracts prior to the effective date of the contract.

a.  A letter of intent to contract with a third party may be signed prior to the issuance of a NOGA. This document serves as the Letter of Intent (LOI).

b.  Any future agreement based upon this LOI is contingent upon receipt of the specific NOGA.

c.  Any professional services agreement pursuant to this letter of intent will be executed after the NOGA is issued.

3.  Services to be included within the future professional services agreement include the following:

a.  Task 1

b.  Task 2

c.  Task 3

4.  Scheduling of the services described in the future professional services agreement will be determined by mutual agreement of DISD designated staff and XXXXXX, to occur during the specified school year. All services will be completed during the effective dates of the agreement.

5.  A completed, current W-9 form and conflict of interest questionnaire must be completed prior to initiation of services.

a.  All services must be invoiced monthly after services are received and paid upon verification of receipt of services.

b.  All forms should be provided to:

Patricia Taylor Phone: (281) 229-6083

Dickinson ISD Fax: (281) 229-6099

P.O. Drawer Z Email:

Dickinson, TX 77539

6.  This Letter of intent does not constitute a professional services agreement or employment agreement and the contracted service provider understands he/she must provide his/her own insurance coverage; including, but not limited to, worker’s compensation coverage as part of the future formal professional services agreement.









Laurie Goforth Rodriguez

Director of Special Programs

For Office Use Only:

The LOI identifies the funding sources that will be charged for the services provided, including the specific amount and/or percentage of the total PSA amount to be charged to each funding source. This budget specification chart:

Fund / Year / Function / Organization / PIC / Budget Mgr / Object / Sub-obj / Expected Total

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