Spring Show Program Ads
Each year, LPHS Chatos Dance Team Booster Association with the Chato Director put together an awesome ALL school performing Fine Arts Spring Show. This year, the Spring Show will be held Friday, April 10, 2015, in the LPHS gym beginning at 7:00 pm.
This show features many of our talented students at LPHS. Past performances have included students from our theatre and dance departments, band, color guard, choir, athletics, battle of the band students, all boy hip hop dance crew, as well as our award-winning Chatos Dance Team and Reserves. This show also features performances from some of our local area dance studios.
Any LPHS students who wish to audition to perform in the show need to contact Mrs. Hoff in the Chato Dance Studio for an audition day and time as soon as possible. Spots fill up quickly and performing availability is limited. Permission to perform in the show is solely to the discretion of the Chato Dance Team Director.
To spotlight your “special performer,”the Chato Booster Association produces a wonderful memory Spring Show program which will be treasured for years to come. This program includes personalized Ads from those individuals who wish to honor their performer in public print. The Ads are priced as follows and must be submitted in print-ready format:
Full-Page Ad $50.00
½ Page Ad$35.00
¼ Page Ad$20.00
If you would like to place an Ad in the program, please either email your “ready-to-print”Ad (in JPEG format) along with your message to Bambi Witt @ ; or you can print out a “ready-to-print”hard copy (along with your payment) and mail it to: Bambi Witt 306 S Holmes., La Porte, TX 77571. Don’t forget to include your performer’s name in the message. If you email the Ad, you will need to make arrangements to deliver the payment. Checks should be made payable to the LPHS Chatos Booster Association. Be sure to include your driver’s license number on the check. When submitting your payment, please use the attached order form. ALL orders are dueno later than Thursday, March 7, 2015. There will be no exceptions as we must allow time for the printing of the program. Also, all orders must be paid in full in order to have them in the program.
- Create your print-ready ad (.jpg format)
- Submit your Ad no later than Thursday, March 7, 2015. The Ad can be either submitted via email to , or mailed to Bambi Witt at the address listed above.
- Make your check payable to LPHS Chato Booster Association by Thursday, March 7, 2015. Include your driver’s license number on the check.
Additionally, if you know of any business that would like an Ad to help advertise their company, please let us know!
**If you purchase an Ad you will receive a full-color program.**
Order Form
Name: ______
Contact Number: ______
Performer’s Name: ______
Check No.: ______