La Costa Canyon High School
Course: Statistics
Room: 741
Teacher: Ms. Dudley
Phone: (760) 436-6136 x6286
Dear Student and Parent(s):
Welcome to La Costa Canyon High School (LCC) and to an exciting year of Statistics. There are various topics that will be covered this year, here are just a few: probability, standard distributions, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, frequency tables, histograms, standard line and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatterplots, box-and-whisker plots, and inference tests for means and proportions. Students will learn to use the language and symbols of mathematics to communicate, to discuss problems and problem solving, and to develop confidence in their ability to solve problems.
Everyone will be expected to work with the other members of the class and occasionally, present their work in front of class. I encourage you to work with your fellow classmates both in class and outside of class. All work conducted outside of class is under the honor code and work presented by you should be your own. Be sure to read the academic honesty policy for LCCHS.
Textbooks: Elementary Statistics-10th Edition, Mario F. Triola, Pearson Addison/Wesley, Copyright 2006
Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data and the Graphing Calculator-2nd Edition, Allan J. Rossman, Key College Publishing, 2002
Course policies:
Grading: Each assignment/test will have an assigned point value. These point values will be varied dependent on the type of assignment and the number of questions/problems. Students should keep track of their assignments, due dates for each, the points possible and the points earned for each assignment. Students can then convert this information into a percentage and record this on an available assignment sheet.
Possible Points / Projected percent of GradeUnit Tests / 150 points / 55%
Projects / 50 or 100 points / 14%
Homework/Classwork / 2 points / 9%
Quizzes / 100 points / 7%
Semester Final Exam / 200 points / 15%
Grading Scale
A+ / 97% / B+ / 87% / C+ / 77% / D+ / 67% / F / <60%
A / 93% / B / 83% / C / 73% / D / 63%
A- / 90% / B- / 80% / C- / 70% / D- / 60%
Tests/Quizzes: All students must take all tests and quizzes. NO test/quiz will be dropped in determining a student’s grade. All make up tests/quizzes for absent students can be taken for full credit and must be scheduled with Mr. Zyburt. All make up exams/quizzes may be in an essay and/or oral format at the discretion of the teacher. Any test/quiz not taken by a student on or before one week of their return to class or the last full class day of the 1st semester or the third to last full class day for the 2nd semester (whichever is first) will be recorded as zero points earned (which is less than a 50% on the test).
Projects: All students must complete all projects. NO project will be dropped in determining a student's grade. All projects are expected to be completed and in class on the assigned date (not necessarily the presentation date). Projects will be given individually, pairs, threes, and fours (rarely). The sizes of the group for the projects are determined based on their length and depth of knowledge needed to complete. The grading of projects are based on the objectives assigned to each group/individual. Each individual receives a separate grade when working within a group and group projects do not necessarily mean that everyone receives the same grade. Sometimes other students will critique presentations made to the class and these will be considered, but will not determine an individual's grade. Students opting to not participate in their assigned group for personal and/or academic reasons must state these (in writing) within two school days of being assigned to that group. Opting-out of a group is not guaranteed to be granted, but your reasons will be considered. Most group project "issues" will be resolved by that student completing the project individually.
*Remember*: I am aware that "issues" can develop when working in groups throughout the school year. I am reasonable if the issues are brought to my attention ASAP; however do not expect me to be sympathetic to your situation if I am made aware of the "problem" on the due/presentation date.
Homework: Homework/Classwork is graded on completeness and correctness. Students will receive a point score from 0 – 2, ‘Inc’ an incomplete, ‘DO’ a do over, or a ‘NC’ no credit on each assignment. Incomplete homework is considered not done and no credit will be given, but may be handed-in as a late assignment. The “do over” grade means the student must re-do the whole assignment, attach the original assignment, and then hand it in the next class meeting. A “no credit” grade is essentially a zero grade on the assignment. Homework is posted on the whiteboard every day, assigned in class, posted on the class web site, and available by e-mail from Mr. Zyburt. It is the students’ responsibilities to copy and write this down daily. Homework that is due the day of an excused absence is due the day of his/her return. Homework assigned on a day of an excused absence is due the next class period after her/his return. All homework assigned and/or due on the date of an unexcused absence will still be accepted as per excused absences, but will be given half credit (0 or 1 point).Assignments that are handed-in late (Student was present or unexcused absence on due date and assignment was not complete) and are complete will only receive 1 point.
Labeling: All homework assignments should be labeled clearly in the top right corner with: the student’s name, today’s date, period and assignment. When students hand in homework due to absence, this should be labeled on the paper with the word: “absent”. If any of these are missing, the assignment is considered incomplete and will not receive credit.
Posting grades and/or notification of grades:
E-mailing grades: I will send e-mails to all students and parents (listed on Aeries) after major assessment grades have been posted on Aeries. Be sure that you have correct e-mail addresses listed on Aeries.
Student grade printout: Beginning the 3rd Monday of a semester, when requested, I can provide any student with a personal grade printout report.
Online Grades: All grades are on Aeries and can be accessed at your convenience. Go to: . You will need your e-mail address and password.
Behavior: Students are expected to know appropriate behavior expectations within the classroom. As a guideline students are to be attentive during the lesson, taking notes, and participating appropriately. Class rules and consequences are given below, posted in the classroom, and reviewed during class. A student’s behavior is to be guided by honesty and by respect for themselves, for their classmates, and for their teacher. Any student whose behavior warrants a verbal comment from the teacher is not only disrupting the educational process for other students, but is in danger of further disciplinary action (e.g. parent phone call, detention, referral, etc…).
1. Be prepared and in seat when 2nd bell rings.
2. Listen silently and raise your hand to ask questions.
3. Work quietly and follow directions the first time given.
4. Do not interrupt other’s right to learn or my right to teach.
1. Warning.
2. Detention and parent contact.
3. Detention, lower citizenship, and parent meeting.
4. Referral to Assistant Principal.
* In the event of a severe disruption, students will be immediately referred to the office.
Plagiarism/Cheating: Plagiarism is defined by SDUHSD as: “Any intentional representation of another's ideas, words, or work as one's own. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published material, electronic material, and/or the work of other students. The original writer who intentionally shares his/her paper for another to copy, without the permission of the teacher, is also engaged in plagiarism.” The consequences can be: “Referral to the assistant principal and the parent/guardian will be contacted. Loss of all credit for the assignment or test with no make-up permitted. Placement on probation with a contract (in the class of the infraction) for the remainder of the class. Receipt of a "U" in citizenship for the current grading period. Violation on a school administered national or state examination will result in a district code of conduct violation. Dropped from the class with no credit. Referral to the Student Assistance Services (SAS) Team. Suspension from school. Removal from all elected or appointed leadership positions for the remainder of the school year.”
*In Statistics, students will typically receive zero points on the assignment and will be referred to the Assistant Principal.
Graphing Calculator Use: The graphing calculator is an essential part of the statistics classroom. To avoid disruptions during classroom time: NO GAMES are allowed to be played on the calculator at any time. This is the only warning. Any student found playing games during class time will have the calculator confiscated and sent to their Assistant Principal. These can then be picked-up by the parents.
Cell Phone: Cell phones have become a ubiquitous part of a student’s belongings and I recognize the importance for students to have them. However, to avoid disruptions during classroom time: cell phones are not to be used during class time (outgoing or incoming). Please turn these off before entering the classroom. This is the only warning. Any student found using the cell phone during class time will have the phone confiscated and sent to their Assistant Principal. These can then be picked-up by the parents.
Extra-Credit: Is just that: Extra! I usually give out extra-credit unannounced for students that are present in class and attentive to the lesson. Remember that this is EXTRA-credit and will not be allowed unless the student has completed all of the required work for the course. This does not mean that if a student has completed all of their work they are entitled to this opportunity. I must, as the teacher, maintain the integrity of the grades for this course.
I’d like to welcome you to (back) La Costa Canyon High School. It’s an exciting time for both the students and their parents. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or e-mail. Thank you for taking the time to review this material with child.
Please Note: I have all grades on Aeries.
I have read and reviewed the course syllabus with my son/daughter. We understand and acknowledge that success in Statistics is ultimately his/her responsibility.
Student: ______e-mail: ______
Parent/Guardian: ______e-mail: ______
Parent/Guardian: ______e-mail: ______
Date: ______
(Please sign and return this sheet the next class meeting. The student should keep this syllabus in their school notebook.)