The following guide provides a list of resources available at the French Institute Alliance Française Library, on the Internet, and at other libraries and government agencies in New York.

Resources at the French Institute/Alliance Française Library

  • A Directory of FrenchSchools and Universities Offering Summer and Year-Round Language and Special Courses(ask at the Reference Desk)

A continually-updated listing of schools and universities primarily in Ile-de-France, the LoireValley, and Southeastern France, this directory includes school brochures as well as information on Visa requirements for study abroad.

  • Répertoire des centres de formation en France: cours de Français langue étrangère et stages pour professeurs,published by the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

This directory provides addresses (including Web sites), registration information, tuition rates, and schedule information for language schools throughout France. This directory is also available on the web at

  • Alliance Française Directory (ask at the Reference Desk)

Provides addresses, phone numbers, and activity information for Alliances throughout the world, including France. (also available at annuaire)

  • Le guide des études en France (REF/370/GUI and 370/GUI)

Offers international students a full range of information concerning French Studies, from the different types of schools and diplomas to visa, housing and health insurance.These guides can be found in both the reference and circulating collections.

  • Je vais en France/I’m going to France (REF/370/JEV, 370/JEV and 370/IAM)

These handy guides (in both French and English) provide practical information on life in France, the French educational system, student jobs, housing, and visa requirements. These guides can be found in both the reference and circulating collections.

  • Art et culture: venir se former en France (REF/370/ART)

A handy guide for students interested in studying the arts. Provides address and information about programs all over France.

  • Fiche CIDJ: «Les cours de français pour étrangers» (ask at the Reference Desk)

Contains helpful tips for organizing a successful study program in France. Also contains a thorough listing of French language schools throughout France. In French.

  • Fiche CIDJ : «Les séjours linguistiques en France pour jeunes étrangers» (ask at the Reference Desk)

Geared for teens wishing to combine language study with vacation activities. In French. Available for consultation at the FIAF Centre de Ressources Reference desk.

Resources on the World Wide Web

  • French Embassy (USA)—Cultural Services

Part of the French Embassy’s web site, this page provides information for those interested in studying in France—including fellowship and visa information, links to educational sites from and about France, and Web sites for learning French.

  • EduFrance

Designed to encourage students from all over the world to study in France, this well-organized site offers practical information on programs of study in all disciplines and links to university web sites

  • Phosphore

A magazine for prospective students in France. Includes a listing of French universities, the programs of study, and their websites.


Information on education and training opportunities in France for foreign students and researchers. Helps prospective visitors find suitable programs, and organize a visit in France. Includes information on grants.

  • – Information on over 100 study abroad, volunteer, and internships in France and francophone countries.
  • – Study French abroad in Paris, Antibes, Côte d’Azur, and on the French Riviera

Student Residences

  • Gecina Studios for students located in le Bourget, just a short RER ride from Paris center.

Other useful services

  • Studies Office of the Services Culturels de l’Ambassade de France 972 5th Avenue (corner of 79th) New York, NY 10021 (212)439-1463


This office provides practical information to Americans interested in studying in France, primarily at the university level, including year-long and summer programs, scholarships, internships, and diploma equivalencies. The office is open to the public Wednesdays and Fridays 2:00 to 4:00 pm; you can also call or email to request that information be sent by mail.

  • Council on International Educational Exchange

Provides information on educational programs in France, visas, scholarships, travel grants and working and volunteering abroad.



Centres Internationaux Francophones des Lions Clubs de France offers each year to approximately 170 students from 18-25 years old, a free 3-week stay in one of their affiliated schools in France. (only the cost of air fare is undertaken by the student) Each student should already have a good level of French.

Centres Internationaux Francophones desLions Clubs de France

295, rue Saint-Jacques

75005 Paris





For application, go to

J:\Texts for public\Pathfinders\studyinfrance.doc