LA 201 Socratic Seminar
Text:Kindred by Octavia Butler
What is a Socratic Seminar?
A Socratic Seminar is a method to try to understand information and complex ideasthrough thoughtful, student-lead dialogue.
How does a Socratic Seminar work?
The way will do our class seminar is as follows: We’ll divide the class in half. The inner students will act as the inner circle, the outer students act as the outer circle. First, the inner circle members will hold their discussion for 5minutes. During this time the outer circle will take notes on the discussion. Then the outer circle will give the inner circle feedback for 2-3 minutes. After feedback, the circles switch for the next round of discussion. Now the new inner circle holds its discussion while the new outer circle takes notes. Likewise, the new outer circle will give feedback when the 5 minutes are up for the second inner circle.
Opening Questions:
How can love exist between slaves and masters?
How and why are people conditioned to accept oppression?
Homework the night before:
Do a close reading of the assigned text and annotate all over the text as you see necessary. Especially pay attention to parts of the text that support your answer to the opening questions. Using the Socratic seminar question handout, develop three questions fordiscussion on each opening question. You can draw on other parts of the novel to help answer the opening questions.
Inner Circle Expectations:
- Refer to the text when needed during the discussion.
- Talk to each other, not just the teacher or leader.
- Don’t raise hands; take turns speaking.
- Listen carefully and respectively.
- Ask questions of your peers.
Outer Circle Expectations:
- Take notes on the discussion in the inner circle.
- Make note of ideas that really strike you.
- Give feedback on the discussion: What did the inner circle accomplish well?
- Make note of any clarifying questions you still have for the inner circle.
- Listening actively and respectfully.
- One assigned student in the outer circle will act as Socrates. He or she will ask questions when needed to keep the discussion moving.
(A) / Yes!
(B) / Sure
(C) / Sort-of…
(D) / Nope
Student actively participates as a member of the inner circle, referencing his/her book whenever appropriate
Student asks deep, subjective questions of his/her peers and answers when prompted
Student respects his/her peers through words, attention, and actions in both the inner and outer circles
Student takes thorough notes as a member of the outer circle
Student has read the required reading and is obviously prepared for today’s seminar