Electronic supplementary material to “Neoarchean high-pressure margarite–phengitic muscovite-chlorite corona mantled corundum in quartz-free high-Mg, Al phlogopite-chlorite schists from the Bundelkhand craton, north central India”
L. Saha, N.C. Pant, J. K. Pati, D. Upadhyay, J. Berndt, A. Bhattacharya, M. Satynarayanan
Analytical methods
Whole rock major element compositions were measured using a Phillips Magi X-PRO RW2440 X-Ray Fluorescence at the National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad (India) on pressed pellets of rocks crushed and pulverized in a Fritz tungsten carbide ball mill to grain size less than 200mesh.
Back Scattered Electron (BSE) images and cathode-luminescence (CL) images were done using a JEOL JSA 6490 Secondary Electron Microscope at the Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. X-ray element images and quantitative analyses of mineral compositions were carried out with CAMECA SX-100 Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) in the same department. For the EPMA analyses, typical operating conditions were 15 kV accelerating voltage, 100nA beam current, and 1μm beam diameter. The bulk compositions of micro-domains in thin sections were measured using the CAMECA EPMA with 50μm beam diameter. Multiple secondary standards analyzed with a 50μm beam diameter gave an accuracy better than 2% for elements constituting >2 weight % (excepting Ca) and up to 10% for elements constituting <1 wt%. Ca concentrations were aberrant at low Ca abundances (<4wt %), but at higher concentrations, the measured and recommended values were similar within the analytical uncertainty (Table A1).
In-situ chemical dating of monazite grains in thin sections was done using the CAMECA EPMA at IIT Kharagpur using an accelerating voltage of 20kV and a beam current of 200nA (Table 7). For Pb, the Mα peak was measured on LPET with peak counting time of 300 seconds and background measurements on both sides at half the peak time. For U, the Mβ line was used to avoid the interference of Th Mβ line. In order to counter the loss of count rate, a counting time of 200 seconds on the peak and background (100 seconds on either sides of the peak) was used for the U Mβ line. U and Th were both measured on the PET crystal. For, Th the Mα peak was counted for 200 seconds, similar to U. Rare Earth Elements (REE) that were measured included La (Lα), Ce (Lα), Nd (Lα), Pr (Lβ), Sm (Lα), Ho (Lβ), Dy (Lα) and Gd (Lβ). Matrix effects were corrected using the procedure outlined in Armstrong (1995). The individual spot ages were calculated according to the formulations in Montel et al. (1996) whereas the age probability plots were constructed using Isoplot\Ex (Ludwig, 2001). The external reproducibility of the chemical dating technique was estimated by repeated measurements of two monazite standards interspersed with analyses of the samples. The two standards dated at 3132 Ma and 2645 Ma by isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (Crowley et al., 2005; Chatterjee et al., 2007) give ages of 3098±98 Ma (2σ, n=10) and 2629±89 Ma (2σ, n=5) respectively demonstrating the robustness of the technique.
U-Pb isotope dating of zircon grains in thin sections was done using a Thermo-Finnigan Element2 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) connected to a New Wave UP193HE ArF Excimer laser system at the Institut für Mineralogie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Table 8). A laser repetition rate of 10 Hz and energy of ca. 5 J/cm2 were used at a spot size of 35 µm. The masses 202, 204, 206, 207 and 238 were measured in peak jumping mode. 202Hg was monitored during the measurement to correct for the interference of 204Hg in the carrier gas on 204Pb. Laser-induced elemental fractionation was corrected by applying a linear regression through the 206Pb/238U ratios, excluding outliers (> 2σ from reference line), and extrapolating to t=0, i.e., the moment the laser shutter was opened. This value is assumed to be affected only by instrumental mass bias and free of any laser induced dynamic fractionation during ablation. The instrumental mass bias and drift were corrected for by bracketing groups of five unknowns between two consecutive measurements of the GJ-1 standard zircon (Jackson et al. 2004). The data were processed offline using an in-house Excel® spreadsheet. A common Pb correction was applied to all analyses in which the estimated common 206Pb was >1% of the total measured 206Pb signal. The isotope compositions of the common Pb were taken from the two-stage terrestrial Pb evolution model of Stacey and Kramers (1975). The reported 207Pb/235U values were calculated from the 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/206Pb values assuming a natural abundance ratio of 137.88 for 238U/235U. Repeated measurement of the 91500-standard zircon (Wiedenbeck et al. 1995) as unknowns gives values of 0.17801 (±4.4%) for the 206Pb/238U and 0.07464 (±3%) for the 207Pb/206Pb (n=7). All uncertainties are reported at the 2σ level.
Albite / Andradite / Rhodonite / Almandine / Olivine / Diopside / Orthoclase / WollastoniteElement / Mean±1σ / Mean±1σ / Mean±1σ / Mean±1σ / Mean±1σ / Mean±1σ / Mean±1σ / Mean±1σ
Na / 8.53±0.11 (8.48) / 0.00±0.01 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.00 ( - ) / 0.04±0.01 ( - ) / 1.04±0.04 (1.01) / 0.01±0.01 ( - )
Mg / 0.00±0.00 (0.09) / 0.07±0.03 (0.18) / 1.12±0.03 (1.12) / 1.23±0.03 (1.42) / 29.66±0.13 (28.66) / 11.19±0.06 (11.22) / 0.00±0.00 ( - ) / 0.03±0.03 ( - )
Si / 31.77±0.21 (31.81) / 16.37±0.07 (16.36) / 22.04±0.09 (22.17) / 17.31±0.36 (17.37) / 19.07±0.05 (18.81) / 25.90±0.14 (25.94) / 30.49±0.10 (30.43) / 23.93±0.07 (24.18)
Al / 10.22±0.11 (10.08) / 0.03±0.02 ( - ) / 0.01±0.00 ( - ) / 11.18±0.66 (11.11) / 0.01±0.01 ( - 0) / 0.02±0.01 ( - ) / 9.67±0.06 (9.82) / 0.03±0.07 ( - )
P / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.01±0.00 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.00 ( - ) / 0.00±0.01 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - )
K / 0.08±0.04 (0.18) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.00 ( - ) / 0.00±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.00 ( - ) / 12.20±0.08 (12.19) / 0.03±0.08 ( - )
Ca / 0.21±0.11 (0.45) / 23.81±0.20 (23.84) / 5.26±0.06 (5.11) / 3.50±0.32 (2.82) / 0.04±0.02 (0.08) / 18.57±0.12 (18.51) / 0.00±0.00 ( - ) / 34.38±0.42 (34.50)
Ti / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.04±0.03 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.04±0.04 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.02±0.02 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.01 ( - )
Mn / 0.01±0.02 ( - ) / 0.03±0.05 ( - ) / 32.47±0.43 (32.93) / 0.85±0.15 ( - ) / 0.09±0.06 ( - ) / 0.05±0.05 ( - ) / 0.01±0.02 ( - ) / 0.47±0.09 ( - )
Cr / 0.04±0.03 ( - ) / 0.03±0.04 ( - ) / 0.02±0.02 ( - ) / 0.02±0.02 ( - ) / 0.02±0.04 ( - ) / 0.02±0.02 ( - ) / 0.01±0.03 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - )
Fe / 0.02±0.04 ( - ) / 21.14±0.33 (21.89) / 0.71±0.10 ( - ) / 25.46±0.48 (27.42) / 7.24±0.19 (8.89) / 0.67±0.06 ( - ) / 0.01±0.02 ( - ) / 0.21±0.10 ( - )
Zn / 0.06±0.07 ( - ) / 0.01±0.04 ( - ) / 0.08±0.08 ( - ) / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.01±0.04 ( - ) / 0.07±0.13 ( - ) / 0.02±0.04 ( - ) / 0.09±0.08 ( - )
Ba / 0.01±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.00 ( - ) / 0.00±0.02 ( - ) / 0.00±0.01 ( - ) / 0.00±0.01 ( - ) / 0.09±0.03 (0.13) / 0.00±0.01 ( - )
O / 48.36±0.29 / 34.29±0.18 / 37.63±0.10 / 39.43±0.16 / 43.34±0.11 / 44.53±0.21 / 46.17±0.12 / 41.25±0.12
Total / 99.31±0.62 / 95.85±0.66 / 99.36±0.53 / 99.05±0.63 / 99.50±0.37 / 101.08±0.54 / 99.75±0.25 / 100.46±0.42
Table A1 Measured atomic fractions (± 1σ) of elements in secondary standards measured with 50μm diameter beam and compared against recommended values (in parenthesis) of the standards
Table 7U-Th-Pb concentrations and chemical ages of monazite grains
Th (wt. %) / U (wt. %) / Pb (wt. %) / Age / Age errorWs3 / 7.619 / 0.161 / 0.995 / 2544 / 84
7.830 / 0.16 / 0.994 / 2485 / 83
8.445 / 0.166 / 1.049 / 2443 / 79
9.500 / 0.162 / 1.223 / 2546 / 76
6.029 / 0.23 / 0.801 / 2445 / 90
6.450 / 0.237 / 0.865 / 2476 / 87
6.644 / 0.245 / 0.865 / 2410 / 85
6.380 / 0.334 / 0.884 / 2430 / 83
6.415 / 0.351 / 0.893 / 2424 / 81
7.804 / 0.16 / 0.994 / 2492 / 84
8.147 / 0.176 / 1.115 / 2651 / 83
9.236 / 0.189 / 1.132 / 2405 / 75
6.582 / 0.254 / 0.875 / 2443 / 86
Ws4 / 9.085 / 0.178 / 1.242 / 2808 / 122
9.290 / 0.196 / 1.269 / 2785 / 120
9.05 / 0.186 / 1.238 / 2798 / 121
8.717 / 0.174 / 1.177 / 2770 / 121
8.983 / 0.176 / 1.207 / 2749 / 120
6.956 / 0.366 / 0.980 / 2580 / 115
7.184 / 0.150 / 0.960 / 2733 / 126
7.015 / 0.135 / 0.933 / 2729 / 128
7.029 / 0.164 / 0.953 / 2745 / 127
8.041 / 0.156 / 1.077 / 2754 / 123
7.037 / 0.166 / 0.949 / 2729 / 126
8.732 / 0.153 / 1.153 / 2736 / 121
9.782 / 0.190 / 1.312 / 2761 / 118
9.54 / 0.187 / 1.209 / 2616 / 113
7.493 / 0.145 / 1.035 / 2834 / 129
8.267 / 0.145 / 1.077 / 2703 / 122
10.198 / 0.197 / 1.336 / 2700 / 114
Ws2 and 5 / 6.661 / 0.218 / 0.914 / 2688 / 87
7.562 / 0.117 / 0.978 / 2704 / 83
5.566 / 0.262 / 0.825 / 2751 / 94
10.78 / 0.172 / 1.356 / 2634 / 71
10.41 / 0.138 / 1.108 / 2276 / 64
Table 8 U-Pb isotope composition and ages of zircon from white schists
U / AgesWS2 / ppm / 207Pb/235U / ±2σ / 206Pb/238U / ±2σ / 207Pb/206Pb / ±2σ / ρ / 206Pb/238U / ±2σ / 207Pb/235U / ±2σ / 207Pb/206Pb / ±2σ / 206Pb/204Pb / %206Pb / %
ages / ages / ages / comm. / Con.
Ws2-18-1 / 540 / 13.383 / 0.811 / 0.5054 / 0.0291 / 0.19204 / 0.00362 / 0.95 / 2637 / 125 / 2707 / 57 / 2760 / 31 / 390 / 3.5 / 96
Ws2-18-2 / 468 / 14.544 / 0.944 / 0.5323 / 0.0332 / 0.19815 / 0.00361 / 0.96 / 2751 / 140 / 2786 / 62 / 2811 / 30 / 596 / 2.2 / 98
Ws2-29-3 / 60 / 13.355 / 1.388 / 0.5203 / 0.0504 / 0.18617 / 0.00706 / 0.93 / 2700 / 214 / 2705 / 99 / 2709 / 63 / 16053 / 0.1 / 100
Ws2-40 / 47 / 13.156 / 1.873 / 0.4981 / 0.0561 / 0.19157 / 0.01668 / 0.79 / 2606 / 242 / 2691 / 135 / 2756 / 143 / 1668 / 1.1 / 95
Ws2-2-1 / 165 / 14.036 / 2.438 / 0.5382 / 0.0574 / 0.18914 / 0.02593 / 0.61 / 2776 / 241 / 2752 / 166 / 2735 / 227 / 368 / 4.8 / 102
Ws2-3 / 1029 / 13.155 / 0.869 / 0.5204 / 0.0303 / 0.18332 / 0.00570 / 0.88 / 2701 / 129 / 2691 / 62 / 2683 / 51 / 230 / 7.7 / 101
Ws2-12-2 / 424 / 11.193 / 0.743 / 0.4194 / 0.0258 / 0.19355 / 0.00490 / 0.92 / 2258 / 117 / 2539 / 62 / 2773 / 42 / 449 / 3.1 / 81
Ws2-12-3 / 2013 / 3.1052 / 0.193 / 0.1602 / 0.0089 / 0.14054 / 0.00384 / 0.90 / 958 / 50 / 1434 / 48 / 2234 / 47 / 231 / 6.3 / 43
Ws2-14-1 / 393 / 5.1156 / 0.318 / 0.2284 / 0.0131 / 0.16246 / 0.00381 / 0.93 / 1326 / 69 / 1839 / 53 / 2482 / 40 / 250 / 5.6 / 53
Ws2-14-2 / 457 / 12.695 / 0.709 / 0.4843 / 0.0247 / 0.19011 / 0.00429 / 0.91 / 2546 / 107 / 2657 / 53 / 2743 / 37 / 598 / 2.3 / 93
Ws2-31-1 / 203 / 13.745 / 1.475 / 0.4753 / 0.0473 / 0.20975 / 0.00842 / 0.93 / 2507 / 207 / 2732 / 102 / 2904 / 65 / 4749 / 0.3 / 86
Ws2-31-2 / 228 / 7.5126 / 0.536 / 0.3157 / 0.0214 / 0.17259 / 0.00387 / 0.95 / 1769 / 105 / 2174 / 64 / 2583 / 37 / 461 / 3.0 / 68
Ws2-28-1 / 995 / 4.3519 / 0.139 / 0.2119 / 0.0053 / 0.14895 / 0.00291 / 0.79 / 1239 / 28 / 1703 / 26 / 2334 / 34 / 303 / 4.8 / 53
Ws2-28-2 / 705 / 5.5448 / 0.163 / 0.2587 / 0.0056 / 0.15542 / 0.00310 / 0.73 / 1483 / 29 / 1908 / 25 / 2406 / 34 / 496 / 2.9 / 62
Ws2-28-3 / 926 / 2.3889 / 0.081 / 0.1358 / 0.0037 / 0.12755 / 0.00249 / 0.82 / 821 / 21 / 1239 / 24 / 2065 / 34 / 291 / 5.2 / 40
Ws2-38 / 1611 / 3.7862 / 0.273 / 0.1932 / 0.0124 / 0.14214 / 0.00464 / 0.89 / 1139 / 67 / 1590 / 58 / 2254 / 56 / 437 / 4.1 / 51
Ws2-37 / 1142 / 3.8236 / 0.260 / 0.1785 / 0.0115 / 0.15532 / 0.00341 / 0.95 / 1059 / 63 / 1598 / 55 / 2405 / 37 / 227 / 7.8 / 44
Ws2-6-1 / 1801 / 2.5881 / 0.188 / 0.1505 / 0.0101 / 0.12473 / 0.00356 / 0.92 / 904 / 56 / 1297 / 53 / 2025 / 51 / 243 / 7.3 / 45
Ws2-19 / 470 / 3.4586 / 0.216 / 0.1839 / 0.0101 / 0.13641 / 0.00405 / 0.88 / 1088 / 55 / 1518 / 49 / 2182 / 52 / 418 / 4.2 / 50
Ws2-17 / 1169 / 3.9236 / 0.167 / 0.1931 / 0.0073 / 0.14737 / 0.00290 / 0.89 / 1138 / 39 / 1619 / 34 / 2316 / 34 / 345 / 5.1 / 49
Ws2-10 / 561 / 4.4778 / 0.510 / 0.2175 / 0.0189 / 0.14930 / 0.01097 / 0.76 / 1269 / 100 / 1727 / 95 / 2338 / 126 / 168 / 10.5 / 54
Ws2-9 / 1113 / 5.8582 / 0.320 / 0.2620 / 0.0090 / 0.16216 / 0.00688 / 0.63 / 1500 / 46 / 1955 / 47 / 2478 / 72 / 468 / 3.8 / 61
Ws2-32-1 / 1032 / 4.9121 / 0.202 / 0.2445 / 0.0090 / 0.14573 / 0.00264 / 0.90 / 1410 / 47 / 1804 / 35 / 2297 / 31 / 333 / 5.3 / 61
Ws2-32-2 / 1445 / 4.7659 / 0.273 / 0.2379 / 0.0116 / 0.14526 / 0.00439 / 0.85 / 1376 / 60 / 1779 / 48 / 2291 / 52 / 337 / 5.3 / 60
Ws2-33-1 / 1282 / 4.3012 / 0.388 / 0.2230 / 0.0182 / 0.13991 / 0.00539 / 0.90 / 1297 / 96 / 1694 / 74 / 2226 / 67 / 314 / 5.7 / 58
Ws2-34-1 / 2214 / 2.3574 / 0.109 / 0.1444 / 0.0061 / 0.11842 / 0.00219 / 0.92 / 869 / 35 / 1230 / 33 / 1933 / 33 / 408 / 4.3 / 45
Ws2-34-2 / 576 / 3.7678 / 0.142 / 0.1839 / 0.0060 / 0.14863 / 0.00271 / 0.87 / 1088 / 33 / 1586 / 30 / 2330 / 31 / 498 / 3.6 / 47
Ws2-35 / 1435 / 2.4965 / 0.071 / 0.1508 / 0.0037 / 0.12010 / 0.00172 / 0.86 / 905 / 21 / 1271 / 20 / 1958 / 25 / 214 / 8.3 / 46
Ws2-36 / 654 / 7.0970 / 0.377 / 0.2780 / 0.0140 / 0.18513 / 0.00321 / 0.95 / 1581 / 70 / 2124 / 47 / 2699 / 29 / 1034 / 1.7 / 59
Ws2-26-2 / 1631 / 4.4853 / 0.166 / 0.2299 / 0.0063 / 0.14152 / 0.00349 / 0.74 / 1334 / 33 / 1728 / 31 / 2246 / 43 / 225 / 7.9 / 59
Ws2-18-1 / 540 / 13.383 / 0.811 / 0.5054 / 0.0291 / 0.19204 / 0.00362 / 0.95 / 2637 / 125 / 2707 / 57 / 2760 / 31 / 390 / 3.5 / 96
Ws2-18-2 / 468 / 14.544 / 0.944 / 0.5323 / 0.0332 / 0.19815 / 0.00361 / 0.96 / 2751 / 140 / 2786 / 62 / 2811 / 30 / 596 / 2.2 / 98
Ws2-29-3 / 60 / 13.355 / 1.388 / 0.5203 / 0.0504 / 0.18617 / 0.00706 / 0.93 / 2700 / 214 / 2705 / 99 / 2709 / 63 / 16053 / 0.1 / 100
Ws2-40 / 47 / 13.156 / 1.873 / 0.4981 / 0.0561 / 0.19157 / 0.01668 / 0.79 / 2606 / 242 / 2691 / 135 / 2756 / 143 / 1668 / 1.1 / 95
Ws2-2-1 / 165 / 14.036 / 2.438 / 0.5382 / 0.0574 / 0.18914 / 0.02593 / 0.61 / 2776 / 241 / 2752 / 166 / 2735 / 227 / 368 / 4.8 / 102
Ws2-3 / 1029 / 13.155 / 0.869 / 0.5204 / 0.0303 / 0.18332 / 0.00570 / 0.88 / 2701 / 129 / 2691 / 62 / 2683 / 51 / 230 / 7.7 / 101
Ws2-6-2 / 1193 / 9.5983 / 0.643 / 0.4410 / 0.0245 / 0.15786 / 0.00587 / 0.83 / 2355 / 110 / 2397 / 62 / 2433 / 63 / 407 / 4.4 / 97
Ws2-2-1 / 742 / 9.0383 / 0.314 / 0.4283 / 0.0108 / 0.15307 / 0.00364 / 0.73 / 2298 / 49 / 2342 / 32 / 2381 / 41 / 264 / 6.7 / 97
Ws2-2-2 / 1539 / 3.6755 / 0.138 / 0.2733 / 0.0063 / 0.09752 / 0.00289 / 0.61 / 1558 / 32 / 1566 / 30 / 1577 / 55 / 340 / 5.2 / 99
Ws2-17 / 390 / 2.5668 / 0.363 / 0.2053 / 0.0083 / 0.09069 / 0.01230 / 0.29 / 1204 / 44 / 1291 / 104 / 1440 / 261 / 201 / 8.8 / 84
Ws2-33-2 / 846 / 8.0437 / 0.359 / 0.4143 / 0.0134 / 0.14081 / 0.00432 / 0.73 / 2234 / 61 / 2236 / 40 / 2237 / 53 / 324 / 5.5 / 100
Ws5-8-2 / 1244 / 9.1614 / 0.535 / 0.3667 / 0.0210 / 0.18119 / 0.00215 / 0.98 / 2014 / 99 / 2354 / 53 / 2664 / 20 / 476 / 2.9 / 76
Ws5-28-1 / 263 / 10.320 / 0.703 / 0.4117 / 0.0257 / 0.18178 / 0.00495 / 0.92 / 2223 / 117 / 2464 / 63 / 2669 / 45 / 187 / 7.4 / 83
Ws5-27 / 430 / 12.267 / 0.465 / 0.4712 / 0.0160 / 0.18882 / 0.00320 / 0.89 / 2489 / 70 / 2625 / 36 / 2732 / 28 / 373 / 4.8 / 91
Ws5-14-2 / 1522 / 2.7508 / 0.171 / 0.1613 / 0.0078 / 0.12371 / 0.00487 / 0.77 / 964 / 43 / 1342 / 46 / 2011 / 70 / 252 / 6.1 / 48
Ws5-2-1 / 213 / 7.1359 / 0.350 / 0.2985 / 0.0120 / 0.17336 / 0.00485 / 0.82 / 1684 / 60 / 2129 / 44 / 2590 / 47 / 257 / 5.5 / 65
Ws5-2-2 / 1124 / 6.2790 / 0.265 / 0.2639 / 0.0084 / 0.17256 / 0.00477 / 0.76 / 1510 / 43 / 2016 / 37 / 2583 / 46 / 156 / 8.9 / 58
Ws5-3 / 760 / 1.7199 / 0.068 / 0.1167 / 0.0029 / 0.10689 / 0.00323 / 0.64 / 712 / 17 / 1016 / 25 / 1747 / 55 / 152 / 10.3 / 41
Ws5-5 / 435 / 12.621 / 0.518 / 0.4777 / 0.0166 / 0.19160 / 0.00416 / 0.85 / 2517 / 73 / 2652 / 39 / 2756 / 36 / 278 / 4.9 / 91
Ws5-19 / 213 / 1.3143 / 0.102 / 0.1031 / 0.0054 / 0.09243 / 0.00529 / 0.67 / 633 / 32 / 852 / 45 / 1476 / 109 / 157 / 10.4 / 43
Ws5-1-1 / 217 / 12.683 / 0.489 / 0.4703 / 0.0167 / 0.19558 / 0.00295 / 0.92 / 2485 / 73 / 2656 / 36 / 2790 / 25 / 427 / 3.1 / 89
Ws5-1-2 / 67 / 5.6941 / 0.539 / 0.2368 / 0.0209 / 0.17442 / 0.00591 / 0.93 / 1370 / 109 / 1930 / 82 / 2601 / 56 / 222 / 6.0 / 53
Ws5-24 / 813 / 6.0684 / 0.269 / 0.2701 / 0.0114 / 0.16293 / 0.00218 / 0.95 / 1541 / 58 / 1986 / 39 / 2486 / 23 / 218 / 8.1 / 62
Ws5-25 / 1016 / 2.3062 / 0.111 / 0.1338 / 0.0057 / 0.12497 / 0.00283 / 0.88 / 810 / 32 / 1214 / 34 / 2028 / 40 / 177 / 10.0 / 40
Ws5-14-1 / 1028 / 4.4890 / 0.345 / 0.2126 / 0.0147 / 0.15314 / 0.00517 / 0.90 / 1243 / 78 / 1729 / 64 / 2381 / 58 / 282 / 6.3 / 52
Ws5-15 / 874 / 4.0222 / 0.308 / 0.1776 / 0.0129 / 0.16424 / 0.00383 / 0.95 / 1054 / 71 / 1639 / 62 / 2500 / 39 / 268 / 5.2 / 42
Ws5-4 / 174 / 5.1993 / 0.365 / 0.2185 / 0.0138 / 0.17257 / 0.00523 / 0.90 / 1274 / 73 / 1853 / 60 / 2583 / 51 / 228 / 7.8 / 49
Ws5-28-2 / 114 / 14.778 / 0.786 / 0.5350 / 0.0277 / 0.20032 / 0.00250 / 0.97 / 2763 / 116 / 2801 / 51 / 2829 / 20 / 425 / 3.1 / 98
Ws5-29 / 468 / 12.514 / 0.732 / 0.5326 / 0.0274 / 0.17043 / 0.00471 / 0.88 / 2752 / 115 / 2644 / 55 / 2562 / 46 / 318 / 4.4 / 107
Ws5-8-1 / 1746 / 10.603 / 0.615 / 0.4764 / 0.0265 / 0.16141 / 0.00270 / 0.96 / 2512 / 116 / 2489 / 54 / 2471 / 28 / 350 / 5.1 / 102
Ws5-22 / 1018 / 11.415 / 0.358 / 0.4761 / 0.0118 / 0.17390 / 0.00335 / 0.79 / 2510 / 51 / 2558 / 29 / 2596 / 32 / 2610 / 0.7 / 97
Ws5-26 / 269 / 14.963 / 0.556 / 0.5496 / 0.0183 / 0.19745 / 0.00326 / 0.90 / 2823 / 76 / 2813 / 35 / 2805 / 27 / 764 / 1.8 / 101
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