L. D. Bell Band Booster Minutes from June 3, 2015

7:03 Mr. Green opened the meeting as Mr. Martin was on vacation

Holt said to take out your cell phones and text 81010 @ldbell to set yourself up on remind 101. It will only be used in emergency situations such as rain delays etc. If that didn’t work you can also text 434 620-8899 @ldbell, that is another way to get remind 101 notifications.

A vote was taken to accept the new chairpersons for next year. Verbally OK-ed by Rod Green asking for verbal responses to accept, majority agreed. Anyone against, silent… seconded by Mrs. Bommarito

President – Dee Zuniga

Vice President – Stephanie Meyer

Secretary – Kim Killough

Treasurer – Gail Nichols

Assistant Treasurer – Becky Compton

Assistant Treasurer – Judy Busocker

Communication is important. Contact Dee Zuniga if you need anything as she will be the president for the next year. Her email is .

Need 3 volunteers for the audit committee to audit last year’s books. You will report your findings at the August 3rd committee meeting. See Gail Nichols if interested in the very important function.

We have spirit wear on sale now, and new members may want a t shirt etc.

Tamara Rabe asked for volunteers to help measure kids for new band uniforms, and for any volunteers that might be interested in helping out the band in a first aide capacity.

Still chairperson positions available-

  1. Restaurant nights
  2. Pizza Pheast
  3. Band Banquet chair heads needed

Need volunteers for spirit wear sales at home football games, also need volunteers for help with donating items for hospitality, as well as volunteers for chaperoning buses to away games.

Matt Rabe is in charge of prop making. He is ALWAYS looking for people that can work power tools, but also anyone that can handle a screw driver, paint brush, or even a pair of scissors. All are needed and welcome to help. Usually the workshop is set up at his home in the evenings. Contact Matt Rabe if interested, will announce when starting etc.

Directors Reports:

Mr. Maughmer – Thanks to Mr. Green for his volunteering, he will be missed in the program. Mr. Maughmer does percussion during marching season and them wind and percussion in the next trimesters. We will add extra days to get the kids ready as they will be needing to wear their instruments for the first time for some. We will be also adding days to August camp, July 23, 24 and 25. TCU offers a percussion camp too contact him if interested. Encourage kids to stay physical and fit

Mrs. Dell –Second year here. Want to encourage you to keep kids active in the summer, as well as encourage them to attend the student lead sectionals that will be held throughout the summer. It’s a great way to get to know and bond with other band members. Since this is a very physical activity kids need conditioning. Should be working 15 to 30 minutes each day to gert their heart rate up. Remember to eat something that was once alive. Stay hydrated, encourage the kids to stay conditioned, but don’t allow them to run at say 2 in the afternoon in the heat of the day. This program is also a living testament to it takes a village. We have all kinds of opportunities to help volunteer. From chaperoning to heling with props to taking pictures etc. Please seek out something you are interested in helping with, and even if it’s just that one time, we can always sue the help.

Mr. Holt–loving his fit bit, and competing with his wife! Look at the calendar it’s busy, but doable. This is up to date as of now, but is subject to change if needed. Make sure we have your correct Email address. You should have received band news about this meeting. If you did not please see me so we can fix your email. If you need it changed, just email the changes and I will complete it. To keep track of your account, you need to log into CHARMS. Use your student ID and password. In ’96 the band fees were $998, ten years later; they are only $10 more. They are very reasonable for an activity like this. If unable to meet this payment schedule we have set up, we will work with you if you communicate what you can do to the treasurer. Communication and follow through are important. We have bills to pay from the first of the season on, so paying on time is very necessary too. We try not to nickel and dime you to death, so this amount should be all you will need to buy. We supply each child a rookie t shirt the year they start, they can wear to practice. The fees cover all the travel and all the great techs we bring in to help this program be successful. Last page is statement of intent. You and your student need to sign and return by tomorrow.

Mr. Mathews–Thumb nail over view, begin with the end in mind. A little honest effort one day at a time will make a huge difference and help us be successful. Don’t want kids to be overwhelmed, just want them to work on being a little better tomorrow than they were yesterday. You will develop skills you don’t know about. Every one of the kids is in the LD Bell Band. They have things to practice this summer, and we will be practicing in sections a little over the summer. Each student has things to practice. You will want your kids around these kids. 6 of the top ten in the graduating class were band kids. Enjoy the process. It’s an exciting time of the year. Thank you for having your kids involved in this program and thanks for being here this evening.

Meeting adjourned 8:04.