Kyle Haney: Deforestation

1. Is controlled logging bad for the environment because the USFS use controlled logging on the forest?

2. Jared Diamond states that deforestation on the Philippines should cause the society to collapse in about 5 year but it is now 2012 and it still has not collapsed, why is this?

3. If deforestation is the only environmental devastation done by a society will it truly cause it to collapse?

4. If deforestation has been occurring in a society for a while will they truly be able to change and correct themselves?

5. Mr. Diamond also states that the Solomon islands will collapse because of deforestation within a year how it has not. What have the inhabitants done there to change their fate?

Kadi Hinely--Greenhouse Effects

2nd Pd.

1. In what way are scientists determining the immediate impact of rising greenhouse gases on temperature and other climate changes?

2. How is the drill used effective in removing long-buried ice containing trace chemicals related to past climates?

3. What can be detected by examining layers of undisturbed snow/ice built up over numbers of years?

4. What are some precautions scientists must take in order to ensure the purity as well as temperature of the extracted ice, especially during transport?

5. Since approximately what time period has the ice ofAntarcticareflected varying climate change?

6. How often each day is the drill used in order to extract gases?

Jon Manson: Biomagnification

5 Questions:

1. What is biomagnification?

2. Who on the food chain is most harmed?

3. Does the toxin increase or decrease as you move up the food chain?

4. Why are dolphins focused on?

5. What is the chemical most harmful in the oceanic food chain?

Harley George: Coral Bleaching


1. How large are coral lavrae?

2. What do coral lavrae grow into?

3. What causes the coral to have color and feed them?

4. What happens to coral when the water temperature increases just by a little?

5. What happens to the Zooxanthellae when the coral becomes stress?

6. What is coral bleaching?

7. What happens when the water stays too warm and does not cool down?

8. What three causes does the video show causes coral bleaching?

9. What are some reef friendly habits?

Sydni Hampton

1. What is desertification?

2. Is desertification a natural process?

3. How much land is threatened by desertification?

4. How is soil stripped of its vegetation cover?

5. How many countries are effected by soil degradation?

6. How can desertification be prevented?

Kristen Shook Air Pollution


1.) How does cooking impact the amount of air pollution?

2.) What is the best way to remove pollen and other particles from carpets inside of homes?

3.) What are other alternatives to the cleaning chemicals we use?

4.) Is tobacco itself more harmful to the environment than the fire used to burn it?

5.) What are ways to reduce the amount of smoke and toxins released from factories?

~ Humans impact air pollution multiple times daily. A few of the ways we do so are by driving cars, smoking, cleaning, cooking, and burning fires. When we clean we use chemicals, such as ammonia, that release toxic chemicals into the air as we rub it onto our kitchen floors.

Jessica Cheek

  1. What is an effect of Habitat Fragmentation?
  2. What is the definition of Habitat Fragmentation?
  3. What is the main source of Habitat Fragmentation?
  4. List at least three ways humans cause Habitat Fragmentation.
  5. Explain how at least two of these causes directly affect the wildlife population.
  6. List a cause of Habitat Fragmentation that you did not previously know affected wildlife at all.

Jenna Johnson: Greenhouse Effect

How do natural factors play a role in the greenhouse effect?

What leading causes of the greenhouse effect?

Humans contribute to the greenhouse effect how?

What are some ways to balance out the effects of human activity on the atmosphere?

What are action are taking place to help the greenhouse effect?

Breanna Roberts; Acid Rain

1. What, exactly, is acid rain? How is it formed? What contributes to its creation?

2. What effects does acid rain have on the environment, in both short and long term?

3. Where is acid rain a particularly large problem?

4. What health effects can acid rain have on humans? Who is at a greater risk for acid rain-related problems?

5. When was the issue of acid rain recognized?

6. What are the actions being taken to reduce acid rain? What are the projected effects of the reduced acid levels?