KY-BQA Certification Questions Pre-Test
1.The purpose of the KYBQA Program is to ensure a safe, wholesome product and protect consumer confidence.
True False
2.The Beef Quality Assurance Program is a driven by:
d.(a, b, and c).
3.The preferred location for giving vaccines is:
a.Bottom of the rump.
b.Top of the rump or top butt.
c.In front of the shoulder.
4.If a vaccine label gives a choice between intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SQ) injection, which method should be selected?
5.When using a thick SQ injectable on a 600-pound steer, the following needle size is recommended:
a.½-inch 14 gauge.
b.1-inch 18 gauge.
c.¾-inch 16 gauge.
6.“Off Label” or “Extra Label” drug use requires a veterinarian’s prescription and a valid veterinarian/client/patient relationship.
True False
7.The maximum amount of a vaccine or antibiotic that should be injected in one site is:
a.5 cc/ml.
b.10 cc/ml.
c.15 cc/ml.
8.All records must be kept for a minimum of ______years from the date of transfer from the farm.
9.Judicious use of antibiotics dictates that efforts be made to select the best antibiotic for a particular disease treatment and it be used according to label instructions.
True False
10.Which one of the needle gauges listed below is the least desirable for use in giving vaccines and drugs to beef animals?
11.It is desirable to use a disinfectant to clean needles and syringes before administering drugs and vaccines.
True False
12. Disabled and downer cattle are not allowed in the food chain and should be:
a.Transported to a livestock marketing facility
b.Marketed directly to a harvest facility
c.Humanely euthanized on the farm under the direction of a veterinarian
13.Which of the following is not given on a product label?
b.Route of administration.
c.Extralabel uses for the product.
d.Withdrawal times.
14.Which of the following is NOT an acceptable feed additive for cattle because of concerns about the possible presence of the agents that cause Bovine Spongiform Encephalopthy.
a.Meat and Bone Meal.
b.Blood Meal
15.If a needle is broken off into a calf while administering a drug, what must be done?
a.Sell the animal at the local auction.
b.Remove the broken portion of the needle.
c.Have the animal made into ground beef to be cooked at the county cattlemen’s picnic.
16.The same syringe can be used for killed vaccines
modified live vaccines without thoroughly cleaning
between uses.
True False
17.Which is NOT a characteristic of good feed room management:
a.Feed should be stored such that it stays dry to prevent mold growth.
b.Fertilizer and pesticides should not be stored in the feed room.
c.The floor in the feed room should be swept frequently so that the sweepings can be fed to cattle, thereby reducing feed wastage.
18.A veterinarian can prescribe an extralabel drug for production purposes such as weight gain, feed efficiency, etc.
True False
19.Proper training of these who handle cattle should include which of the following topics:
a.Understanding of the animal’s point ofbalance and flight zone
b.Basic feeding/nutritional management ofbeef cattle
c.Proper use of handling and restraining
devices .
d. How to properly diagnose common
illnesses and provide proper care
e. All the Above
20.If 5 cattle in a group of 50 are treated cannot be identified individually, the entiregroup is NOT subject to the withdrawal restrictions for the 5 head treated.
True False
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