Kurzweil Resources – Tutorials, Videos, Podcasts and More
- Audio Optical Systems of Austin, Inc. has a variety of How to Videos for Kurweil v. 10 and 11
Check out HIAT - Montgomery County Public Schools - There are a wide range of quick guide tutorials and videos.
Check out Landmark College. They have a variety of online tutorials, handouts, tip sheets, and screencasts.
Kurzweil Educational Systems - Cambium Learning Technologies website has videos that pertain to only the new Writing Features in Kurzweil v. 11
Check out the Kurzweil webinars available from Cambium - you can listen to a previously recorded webinar or sign up to view one that is being recorded.
- SET BC Website- Kurzweil v. 8 – 11 resources
- Spectronics – Inclusive Learning Technologies - Kurzweil 3000 for Windows - Version 11 – variety of resources including ‘How to videos’ for the new writing features in Version 11
Websites to Use with the Kesi Virtual Printer
- Literature websites is a fabulous online literature resource. There are numerous links to a variety of literature websites on the page. Click on the Reading Units link and select one of the many books. Most of the book titles have printable questions. These questions can be printed to Kurzweil using the Kesi Virtual Printer.
- Wikipedia Simple English looking for reference material written at a lower reading level or that has less content check out Wikipedia Simple English.
Wikisource is an online library that has free content. There are now over 134,261 texts in the English language library.
- Wikisummaries provides free book summaries. Anyone can contribute to the collection. Currently there are 339 summaries.
E-Text on line books, study notesto use with Kurzweil or talking word processors
- ARC-BC – Accessible Resource Center – BC – need to be a registered user.
- This online version of Aesop's Fables includes the full public domain texts - 655+ Fables
- index of online texts ranging from Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women" to Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray". Contains fiction, non-fiction, and poetry sections, with a limited reference section.
- Cliff Notes is the online Cole’s notes versions of novels and texts used in schools
- Indexes over 80,000 titles from commercial and non-commercial publishers, universities, and various private sites.
- Internet Public Library – has an extensive list of sources to obtain accessible text
- Internet Public Library - visit Kidspace in the Internet Public Library – there are numerous links to books, activities and games for children
- Internet Public Library - TeenSpace in the Internet Public Library. There is information to help teens with life, school, friends, and work. There are articles written to help solve problems, links to web sites to help with homework, and a place to ask questions.
Kurzweil Classic Literature CD - The Kurzweil Classic Literature CD ships with Kurzweil. The CD contains over 3,000 titles of books which are now in the public domain because their copyright has expired. This link contains the index to the CD. These titles are also available online at site such as Gutenberg, but using the CD saves having to download them. If you want to use the Kurzweil Study Tools with these files, make sure you convert them to KESI format by running them through the KESI Virtual Printer. If you simply open them in Kurzweil using the Open Button, some of the Study Tools will be grayed out.
Science is a high speed scanning service
- Online Books from University of Pennsylvania - The websites states, ‘Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all’. There are over 25, 000 books for you to choose from
- PRCVI - Provincial Resource Center for the Visually Impaired - Information about print disability e-text
- PRCVI - Provincial Resource Center for the Visually Impaired - E-text list of books
- PRCVI - Provincial Resource Center for the Visually Impaired - Main website re: print disability, forms, ordering information, list
- Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE electronic books (eBooks or eTexts)
- the University of Adelaide Library’s collection of classic works of Literature, Philosophy, Science, and History.
SET BC BC UDL Lessons using Kurzweil - Several lessons using Kurzweil have been posted here. Enter “Kurzweil” in the Search the Repository field and press Go. You do not need to be a registered user to browse and download lessons and files. However, you do need the Kurzweil program to open the .kes files.
SET BC CurriculumSET - From the main page, go to CurriculumSET and search for “Kurzweil”. Here you will find a set of 30 graphic organizers, the B.C. Road Sense manual, and the Fisheries and Oceans Primary and Intermediate Salmonids in the Classroom Unit Handouts already converted to KESI format in addition to several other activities.
- Sparksnotes is the online Cole’s notes versions of novels and texts used in schools
- They tout themselves as the best place on the Internet to learn just about anything. They say all you have to do is read, click and learn.
Updated November 22, 2009