Kennebunk Sewer District Board of Trustees

Meeting Minutes for March 21, 2017



The Board of Trustees of the Kennebunk Sewer District reconvened a Public Hearing and held the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 in the conference room at the District Offices located at 71 Water Street in Kennebunk.

Trustees present were: John E. Price III, Chairman

Wayne A. Brockway, Treasurer

Edward Sharood, Member

Trustees absent were: Mark K. Allenwood, Vice Chairman

James A. Oppert, Clerk

KSD Staff present was: Michael Bolduc, KSD District Manager

Patrick Wiley, PhD, KSD Assistant Manager


1.  Continuation of Public Hearing from March 14, 2017 on Setting Rates and Fees for 2017

2.  Reading of the Minutes for the February 14, 2017 Monthly Meeting

3.  Review of building plans for the Administrative and Maintenance Building

4.  Other business…

5.  Adjournment

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Price at 5:00 p.m.

Agenda Item #1: Continuation of Public Hearing from March 14, 2017 on Setting Rates and Fees for 2017

Price asked for a motion to reconvene the Pubic Meeting on setting rates and fees for 2017.

A motion was made to reconvene the public hearing from Tuesday March 14, 2017.

MOVED: Brockway



MODS: None

VOTE: 3 for, 0 opposed; the motion carried.

The public meeting was opened for 5 minutes to provide an opportunity for public comment. Two written comments received by KSD were discussed and no other public comments were forthcoming.

A motion was made to close the public meeting and approve the rates and fees as published in the Rate Notice dated February 14, 2017 from James Oppert, Clerk of Kennebunk Sewer District.

MOVED: Brockway



MODS: None

VOTE: 3 for, 0 opposed; the motion carried.

Price opened the meeting for regular business and moved to the next agenda item.

Agenda Item #2: Reading of the Minutes for the February 14, 2017 Monthly Meeting

Price dispensed with the reading of the minutes and asked the Board for comments regarding the minutes of February 14, 2017.

Brockway submitted the following correction:

·  Page 4, Item #5, 6th paragraph, line 6: “SAFE” should read “SHAPE”

There being no further corrections, revisions, or additions to come before the Board regarding this issue, Price asked for a motion.

A motion was made to accept the minutes of February 14, 2017 as corrected.

MOVED: Sharood

SECONDED: Brockway


MODS: As noted

VOTE: 3 for, 0 opposed; the motion carried.

A motion was made to approve the rates and fees as published in the Rate Notice dated February 14, 2017 from James Oppert, Clerk of Kennebunk Sewer District.

MOVED: Sharood

SECONDED: Brockway


MODS: None

VOTE: 3 for, 0 opposed; the motion carried.

Price moved to the next agenda item.

Agenda Item #3: Review of building plans for the Administrative and Maintenance Building

Referring to Agenda Item Commentary of the March, 2017 Trustee's Meeting hand out, Attachment # 6 (Administrative and Maintenance Building Schedule), and the building plan drawings; Bolduc opened a discussion summarizing the Administrative and Maintenance Building progress and schedule. Highlights included:

·  Impervious area, VRAP, and the Berm;

·  Utility service, sewer, and sand trap;

·  Electrical service layout;

·  Location of trail parking;

·  Lighting plan;

·  Primary heat source;

·  Siding material;

·  Drainage and rainwater runoff;

·  Maintenance garage stacks;

·  Office furniture layout;

·  Snow storage; and

·  Employee parking lot pedestrian access.

There being no further comments regarding this issue, Price moved to the next agenda item.

Agenda Item #4: Other Business…

Manager’s Report for March 2017

Bolduc provided a summary of selected items from the Manager’s Report as detailed in Attachment #3 (Manager’s Report), of the March, 2017 Trustee's Packet. His comments included the following topics and highlights:



·  The resident of 4 and 6 Elm Street has not made the required payment on the parcel and has now defaulted on the payment plan.


·  Backup and data protection plan summarized.

Account Billing Software

·  Work is in progress

Personnel Issues

·  Teamster Contract

o  Completed


Equipment Issues

·  Powder Mills generator:

o  Hard starting;

o  Possible injector pump malfunction;

o  KOHLER Generator Co. will be sending a service representative next week.

Plant operations

RBC Routine Maintenance

·  Repairs were made and the tank was put back online on February 26th;

·  Damaged media were removed resulting in extremely minor system degradation.


Equipment Issues

Storer Street

·  A (T&M) contract (in collaboration with the Town) cost estimate, not to exceed, $172,000 was received from BREX for replacement of the 440 foot sewer section on Storer Street; and

·  Formal presentation to the Board will be provided at the next meeting.

Brown Street Rag Issue

·  The source of the problem continues to be an ongoing investigation.

Grease and Fog

·  Sebago Brewing Company continues to be the last remaining business not reporting their grease trap cleaning frequency.


·  The first quarter safety training has been scheduled for March 22nd.


WWTF Design

·  An Underwood Engineers status report providing the various design options and pricing is anticipated.

Doanes, Beach, and Grove

·  A plan to raise the manholes, prior to paving, is being coordinated with the Town.

K&E Building

·  Presentation of final pricing is expected by the next meeting.

Brockway asked for an update of the K&E building tenants’ status.

Bolduc provided the following information:

·  John Costin, Veneer Services Unlimited, is moving to a building in Sanford;

·  Benjamin Vernon, Crossfit KGB, is moving to a building next to Garrett Pillsbury Plumbing & Heating in Kennebunk; and

·  Carol Dickinson and Brenda Plante, Gymnation, are going to the Orthopedic Associates of Saco building.

Bolduc opened a discussion regarding the transition from the old to the new administration building and renovations to the old administration building once the move has been accomplished. Highlights included:

·  Modifications to the old building should be completed prior to beginning any outside construction work;

·  Old building anticipated floor plan arrangement and necessary structural repairs;

·  Remaining life expectancy of existing plant structures and equipment due for demolition/removal; and

·  Possible schedule milestones for avoiding existing structure or equipment failure/replacement prior to new WWTF design completion and implementation.

Bolduc reported the following additional new business:

·  Joseph P. Cuetara, Moors & Cabot, Inc. Banking & Advisory Group is working on the bond issue and has nothing new to report for the next meeting;

·  Cuetara’s schedule for bonding has been included in the correspondence file; and

·  The annual report has been updated with Brockway’s comments.

Price moved to the next agenda item.

Agenda Item #5: Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Board at this time Price asked for a motion to adjourn.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:24 p.m.

MOVED: Brockway



VOTE: 3 for, 0 opposed; the motion carried.

Date Signed ______

James A. Oppert, Clerk______

KSD Board of Trustee Monthly Meeting Action Items History List

Request Date / Action Item
Jan 3, 2017 / Agenda Item #4: Other Business; Manager’s Report for December 2016; Financial and Administrative; Foreclosures;
Bolduc agreed to create a written policy document outlining the District’s foreclosure procedures when a subscriber defaults on payments.

Frederic Trexler, Recording Secretary Page 5 of 5