Subject: RE / Term: Autumn 1, 2011 / Theme: Celebrations / No. of Lessons: 6 weeks
Year Group: YR/Year 1 / Class: / Teacher: / Teaching Assistants:
Cross Curricular Links:
En 1 Speaking and Listening; En 2 Reading; En 3 Writing
PSHE 1 Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities
PSHE 2 Preparing to play an active role as citizens
PSHE 4 Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people
A&D 2 Investigating and making art, craft and design
ICT 1 Finding things out / EYFS Curriculum:
PSED: Dispositions and Attitudes; Self-confidence and Self-esteem; Making Relationships; Behaviour and Self-control; Sense of Community
CLLD: Language for Communication and Thinking; Reading; Writing
KUW: Community; ICT
PD: Using Equipment and Materials
CD: Being Creative – responding to experiences, expressing and communicating ideas
Main aims and learning outcomes:
·  Some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: have a simple knowledge of the Christian celebration of Harvest festival; recognise and match pictures related to harvest; be able to sign and/or say ‘thank you’ on request.
·  Most pupils will: know about the main features of the Christian celebration of Harvest festival; understand that this is a festival of thanksgiving to God and a time for sharing with those in need; recognise, identify and match harvest words and pictures; be able to sign and/or say ‘thank you’ with a prompt.
·  Some pupils will have progressed further and will: recognise the similarities and differences between ideas and practices relating to the Christian celebration of Harvest festival; explain why there are festivals of thanksgiving to God and why they are a time for sharing with those in need; spontaneously sign and/or say ‘thank you’.
Key Vocabulary:
Celebrate, celebration, festival, give thanks, thank you, God, Christian, harvest, fruit, vegetable, hymn, song, farm, crops, dig, chop, sharing, giving, helping, happy, joyful.
Barriers to learning:
Lack of experience; lack of understanding; lack of concentration; social impairment; communication difficulties; inflexible thinking; behavioural issues; sensory issues; noise intolerance; difficulties with turn-taking; inability to share joint attention; problems with organising thoughts; processing delays; opting out; demand avoidance strategies.
Strategies to overcome barriers:
Accepting; explaining; desensitising; encouraging and supporting; praising and rewarding; using appropriate differentiation strategies; staff knowledge, understanding, expertise and experience in recognising, identifying and responding to children’s individual needs.


Positive praise and rewards (stickers, stamps, postcards home, certificates, etc) for all children for appropriate behaviour and self-control, positive interactions, engaging with activities, completing activity.
National Curriculum References / Lesson Objectives / Activities and Differentiation
(Including Communication/ IEPs and staff deployment) / Assessment Opportunities
including B2
Week 1 lesson – W/C 12/09/11 - Celebrations – how and why are they important?
RE1b. name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate
RE1c. identify the importance, for some people, of belonging to a religion and recognise the difference this makes to their lives
RE1d. explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed through the arts and communicate their responses / To recognise that Harvest Festival is a Christian celebration.
To understand that some Christians like to say thank you to God for the harvest.
To recognise that there are times in their own lives when they want to say thank you. / Starter: Use TEACCH strip to show sequence of lesson then introduce topic – Celebrations. What is a celebration? We will be learning about a Christian celebration (Harvest festival). Introduce the idea of thankfulness and the different ways that we communicate ‘thank you’. Briefly discuss other Christian celebrations (Easter, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day) and how these are times to celebrate and be happy and say ‘thank you’ to God.
Main: Show the children some pictures of Christian harvest festivals. Discuss how and why Christians like to say thank you to God for the harvest. Tell the children we are going to learn to sing a harvest song (cauliflowers fluffy).
Group Great:
Activity: Play a game of pass the parcel and practise communicating ‘thank you’ (using words, sign and symbol) each time the parcel is received.
Plenary: At table encourage children to self-assess using evaluation sheets then allow time for both children to access continuous provision activities (choose).
Team Terrific:
Activity: Show the children the words of a simple harvest prayer and read the prayer to them. Discuss with the children what they say thank you for and to whom. Practise saying and signing ‘thank you’ and passing ‘thank you’ symbol. Children to cut out and stick harvest prayer into workbooks and attempt to write ‘thank you’. Practise reading harvest prayer together (TyG to sign – encourage vocalisations). Upon completion of all required activities, if time permits then allow children to ‘choose’ from their individual choose boxes (extension activities related to theme/topic or skills development).
Plenary: Return to group area and play the harvest song (cauliflowers fluffy), encouraging children to join in with singing. Children to share work with the group and complete self-assessment sheets. Use TEACCH strip to finish lesson and send the children to ‘go check’.
Resources: Class computer, IWB, Harvest powerpoint, Harvest song, workbooks, wrapped up
parcel, harvest prayer sheets, scissors, glue, glue sticks, TEACCH strip, choose board and sentence
strip with ‘thank you’ and activity symbols. / Assessment for learning:
I can take turns with others.
I can say ‘thank you’.
I can recite a harvest prayer.
EYFS Profile Points:
Assessment of learning:
· Informal observation of child’s attitude, behaviour and understanding throughout lesson activities
· Child’s understanding of and response to differentiated questioning
· Staff to annotate children’s work detailing type and amount of support required throughout
· Children to self-assess and/or peer assess using traffic lights/thumbs up at the end of the lesson
· National Curriculum learning objectives and B Squared levels in the front of each child’s book to be completed by staff at end of lesson
National Curriculum References / Lesson Objectives / Activities and Differentiation
(Including Communication/ IEPs and staff deployment) / Assessment Opportunities
including B2
Week 2 lesson – W/C 19/09/11 - Celebrations – Harvest festival
RE1b. name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate
RE1c. identify the importance, for some people, of belonging to a religion and recognise the difference this makes to their lives
RE1d. explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed through the arts and communicate their responses / To listen and respond to a harvest song.
To communicate their ideas about harvest using pictures. / Starter: Use TEACCH strip to show sequence of lesson then remind children of the topic – Celebrations. We are learning about Harvest festival. Using the IWB show the children pictures of harvest activities (farms, fields being ploughed, fruit and vegetables being picked, produce at a market and in shops, etc) accompanied by a traditional children's harvest song.
Main: Ask the children to identify the fruit and vegetables that are pulled out of a shopping bag and show them the words and symbols for each item. Demonstrate matching picture to picture and word to picture. Allow each child time to look at, touch, smell and explore each item and find the corresponding word and/or symbol.
Group Great:
Activity: Taking turns allow children to choose their favourite fruit/vegetable picture. Encourage children to name and sign each item. Assist the children to cut out picture and stick onto the basket picture in workbook. Repeat with other fruit/vegetable pictures.
Plenary: At table encourage children to self-assess using evaluation sheets then allow time for both children to access continuous provision activities (choose).
Team Terrific:
Activity: Assist the children to create a picture of their favourite fruit(s) and/or vegetable(s) – allow children to choose from collage materials to glue and stick onto paper in the shape of their chosen item. Using individual words children to make a sentence saying ‘thank you’ for their chosen item (stick into workbooks). Encourage them to try writing ‘thank you’ on the page. Upon completion of all required activities, if time permits then allow children to ‘choose’ from their individual choose boxes (extension activities related to theme/topic or skills development).
Plenary: Return to group area and replay the harvest song (cauliflowers fluffy), encouraging children to join in with singing. Children to share work with the group and complete self-assessment sheets. Use TEACCH strip to finish lesson and send the children to ‘go check’.
Resources: Class computer, IWB, Harvest powerpoint, Harvest song, shopping bag with selection of fruit and vegetables, workbooks, paper, collage materials, scissors, glue, glue sticks, TEACCH strip, choose board and sentence strip with fruit, vegetable pictures and activity symbols. / Assessment for learning:
I can listen to a harvest song.
I can communicate about harvest using words, signs and symbols.
I can create a harvest picture.
EYFS Profile Points:
Assessment of learning:
· Informal observation of child’s attitude, behaviour and understanding throughout lesson activities.
· Child’s understanding of and response to differentiated questioning.
· Staff to annotate children’s work detailing type and amount of support required throughout.
· Children to self-assess and/or peer assess using traffic lights/thumbs up at the end of the lesson.
· Lesson evaluation sheet and B2 sheet in front of children’s books to be completed.
National Curriculum References / Lesson Objectives / Activities and Differentiation
(Including Communication/ IEPs and staff deployment) / Assessment Opportunities
including B2
Week 3 lesson – W/C 26/09/11 - Celebrations – Harvest festival
RE1b. name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate
RE1c. identify the importance, for some people, of belonging to a religion and recognise the difference this makes to their lives
RE1d. explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed through the arts and communicate their responses / To learn to sing a harvest song.
To recognise and identify harvest pictures and/or words. / Starter: Use TEACCH strip to show sequence of lesson then remind children of the topic – Celebrations. We are learning about Harvest festival. Using the IWB show the children pictures of harvest activities (farms, fields being ploughed, fruit and vegetables being picked, produce at a market and in shops, etc) accompanied by a traditional children's harvest song.
Main: Ask the children to identify the fruit and vegetables that are pulled out of a shopping bag matching picture to picture and word to picture. Discuss how and where the produce was grown. How do we get these fruits and vegetables? Show the children a variety of harvest pictures and introduce harvesting words, eg cutting, picking, gathering, collecting.
Group Great:
Activity: Show children a selection of fruit and vegetables whilst showing the corresponding symbol and saying the name of each item. Offer them a choice of chopped fruit and vegetables (limit/extend choices as necessary) and encourage children to exchange PECS symbols to request their preferred item. Encourage them to touch, smell, taste and eat their chosen item and say/sign ‘thank you’. (Photographs to be taken throughout activity and stuck into each child’s workbook).
Plenary: At table encourage children to self-assess using evaluation sheets then allow time for both children to access continuous provision activities (choose).
Team Terrific:
Activity: Show children the harvest pictures (plough, field, crops, potatoes, carrots, cutting, collecting, etc) and ask them to identify and match to the correct word label. Children to cut out and stick harvest pictures and words into books. Upon completion of all required activities, if time permits then allow children to ‘choose’ from their individual choose boxes (extension activities related to theme/topic or skills development).
Plenary: Return to group area and play the harvest song (cauliflowers fluffy), encouraging children to join in with singing. Children to share work with the group and complete self-assessment sheets. Use TEACCH strip to finish lesson and send the children to ‘go check’.
Resources: Class computer, IWB, Harvest powerpoint, Harvest song, shopping bag with selection of fruit and vegetables, workbooks, harvest pictures, harvest words, scissors, glue, glue sticks, TEACCH strip, choose board and sentence strip with activity symbols. / Assessment for learning:
I can join in with singing a familiar song.
I can recognise harvest items.
I can match harvest words and pictures.
EYFS Profile Points:
Assessment of learning:
· Informal observation of child’s attitude, behaviour and understanding throughout lesson activities.
· Child’s understanding of and response to differentiated questioning.
· Staff to annotate children’s work detailing type and amount of support required throughout.
· Children to self-assess and/or peer assess using traffic lights/thumbs up at the end of the lesson.
· Lesson evaluation sheet and B2 sheet in front of children’s books to be completed.
National Curriculum References / Lesson Objectives / Activities and Differentiation
(Including Communication/ IEPs and staff deployment) / Assessment Opportunities
including B2
Week 4 lesson – W/C 03/10/11 - Celebrations – Harvest festival
RE1b. name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate
RE1c. identify the importance, for some people, of belonging to a religion and recognise the difference this makes to their lives
RE1d. explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed through the arts and communicate their responses / To recognise that Harvest Festival is a Christian celebration.
To understand that we all have things for which we should be thankful. / Starter: Use TEACCH strip to show sequence of lesson then remind children of the topic – Celebrations. Recall how we are getting ready for Harvest festival. Tell children that this is a Christian festival to say thank you to God for things that we have. Practise saying and signing ‘thank you’ as a group.
Main: Look at images of Harvest festival around the world on the IWB. Tell the children that there are lots of Christians around the world who all want to thank God for what they have. Practise singing the Harvest song that we have been listening to each week.
Group Great:
Activity: Explain that we are going to ‘share’ and ‘give’ some food to our friends in other classes. Help children to choose some food items (encourage use of PECS for requesting) and place into a lunch bag. Each child to deliver a food parcel to classes.