Krzysztof Symela, Anna Sacio-Szymańska

Institute for Sustainable Technologies - NRI in Radom

European Bank for the development of modular curricula and educational technologies „EMCET–2” – continuation of Leonardo da VincI pilot project

Key words: Leonardo da Vinci pilot Project, modularisation of vocational education and training, database, modular training providers


The article gives an overview of Leonardo da Vinci pilot project European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies – EMCET-2, which is the continuation of the same-named project completed successfully in 2003. Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom is the leader of the project. The project aims to expand and develop already existing EMCET products. In particular, it aims to promote examples of good practice in modular vocational education and training and implement an innovative support system for modular training services providers in Europe. The system will be based on the functioning of the European Network of Modular Training Providers (ENMTP) and a multilingual internet portal providing access to information and services stored in the EMCET database. The project is a unique collaboration based on partnership between a wide range of organizations from 10 countries – EU Member States, therefore, the project database and webpage (functioning currently in Polish and English) will be available in 8 new language interfaces.

EMCET project – first edition

The overriding aim of Leonardo da Vinci programme is to promote activities focused on upgrading the quality of VET systems and adapting the system of education to the labour market needs. This aim was a benchmark in the realization of Leonardo da Vinci pilot project (PL/00/B/F/PP/140179) European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies – EMCET de Bank (2000 – 2003).

Main aim of the project was to create a knowledge database on the methodology of the development of modular curricula for educational school system and continuing vocational education system with the use of internet portal and a computer database ( fig.1). The database accumulates experience and good practice of the project partners: Institute for Sustainable Technologies in Radom (ITeE Poland) – Promoter, International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO Turin, Italy), Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemideling en Beroepsopleiding (VDAB, Brussels, Belgium), Cambridge Professional Development (CamProf, Cambridge, United Kingdom) and Technical School Complex (ZST Mikołów, Poland), Upper Silesian Educational Centre (GCE, Poland), FESTO Didactic (Poland).

EMCET project – second edition

The EMCET-2 pilot project PL/2005/B/P/PP/174021 is a natural continuation of the EMCET de Bank project completed successfully in 2003. It meets the needs of the European market of the professional educational services (objective c - to promote and reinforce the contribution of vocational training to the process of innovation) and supports teachers and trainers in application and promotion of modular approach in vocational education and training (priority 4 - Continuous training of teachers and trainers). The project is realized in the cooperation of the following European institutions (fig. 2):

− Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute (Poland) – project coordinator.

−Cambridge Professional Development Ltd. (United Kingdom).

−Training 2000 (Italy).

−HellenicRegionalDevelopmentCenter – HRDC (Greece).

−National Institute for Adult Education (Hungary).

−Haridusuuirngute Instituut, Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool (Estonia).

−GET German Education and Training GmbH (Germany).

−Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (Slovenia).

−Fundación General de la Universidad de Valladolid (Spain).

−CIEP: Centre National d’Etudes Pédagogique, CR2i: Centre de ressources et d’Initiatives pour l’International (France).

−Foundation ECAP – silent partner (Switzerland)

Fig.1. Homepage of Leonardo da Vinci – EMCET pilot project

The basic aim of the project is to develop the products of EMCET project, in particular promotion of good practices in modular education and vocational education and implement a multilingual - based on the activities of the European Network of Modular Training Providers – computer system of modular training courses, an EMCET database and an internet portal It will provide the necessary support and assistance for teachers, trainers, instructors, providers of educational services, who develop and realise training programmes and materials enabling the workers, the unemployed as well as individual users to improve their professional competences.

Fig.2. Partner network in the framework of EMCET-2 project

The EMCET-2 project brings together 10 countries – members of the European Union, this will result in creation of 8 new language interfaces of already existing website and database which are currently available in Polish and English. The project predicts realization the following key activities (more information in fig. 3):

−To update and develop EMCETdatabase and website resources in 10 languages of partner countries.

−To expand the information scope of the website and services of the EMCET database for new target groups and system users by new language interfaces (10 new languages)

−To identify and compare training curricula and standards into methodical competencies development of modular training organizers in partnership countries.

−To develop competence requirements for modular training trainer taking into account executed comparative research of vocational qualification standards (if such exists in partner countries).

−To find new members of European Network of Modular Training Providers (ENMTP), legal constitution of the board and network promotion in the European dimension.

−To develop and promote national networks of modular training providers and create cooperation rules with the European network.

−To develop materials and publications in the languages of partner countries and use them in dissemination and promotion of modular approach in vocational education and training, and also organization of series of workshops and seminars.

−To organize international conference aiming to promote good practice and innovative solutions in using modular approach to develop educational offers for the labour market in European, national, regional and local dimension.

Multinationality and experience of the Partnership will enable to share information, service and products of EMCET-2 project among a number of Europeans in their national languages. Project coordinator (ITeE-NRI) will ensure coordination, management and development of information system while project realization and after it ends. CamProf will be responsible for the development of European Network of Modular Training Providers. All partners will contribute to increase the quality of modular training in their countries and will be responsible for promotion of already existing EMCET de Bank project products and development and dissemination of new EMCET-2 results in their countries.

The powerful partnership brings together varied expertise and resources (intellectual, organisational and material) which will yield synergy and innovation, facilitating the fulfilment of the project tasks. EMCET 2 project will promote a communication platform, which will enable to transfer examples of ”good European practice” in the field of modular education and training for the benefit of the whole partnership and target groups (including educational administration offices and institutions of the labour market). [4].


[1]Pujol J. (edit.): Assessment of training needs. Practical methods and tools. Leonardo da Vinci project nr PL/00/B/F/PP/140.179. ITeE,Radom 2003.

[2]Symela K. (edit.): Modular Vocational Education and Training for the Labour Market. Leonardo da Vinci project PL/00/B/F/PP/140.179. ITeE, Radom 2003.

[3]Symela K. (red.): European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies –Integration and Co-operation in the area of Culture and Education. Leonardo da Vinci projectnrPL/00/B/F/PP/140.179. ITeE. Radom 2003.

[4]Application of Leonardo da Vinci pilot project „European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies EMCET-2. ITeE, Radom 2005.


Fig.3. Work Packages and envisaged results of EMCET-2 project