Koo Wee Rup and Longwarry Flood Protection District Newsletter Issue No. 14 20 June 2017 | 2
Koo Wee Rup and Longwarry FloodProtection District Newsletter
Issue No. 14 20 June 2017
Koo Wee Rup and Longwarry Flood Protection District Newsletter Issue No. 14 20 June 2017 | 2
Cost sharing works
There is $900,000 in funding to be spent on large scale projects within the district over two years for the purposes of flood protection as outlined in the Customer Charter - http://bit.ly/2rXZ414
The funds are due to be spent by July 2018. So far, $250K has been spent on the floodgate renewal project and another $250K will be spent on the major floodgate headwall relocation on Dalmore Drain. This leaves $400K available for other projects which are currently under investigation including the following:
Little Yannathans Drain - Possible desilt downstream of new culvert and duplication of culverts under road to allow for extra flow.
West Boundary Catch Drain - investigate whether drain can be diverted into McDonald's drain upstream of KWR Rd. Also potential refurbishment of some crossings over drain.
No. 7 Yallock Drain Capacity, No. 6 Yallock Drain Capacity and Toomuc Creek - Investigating upgrading sections of the drain to the agreed Level of Service (LoS).
Koo Wee Rup and Longwarry Flood Protection District Newsletter Issue No. 14 20 June 2017 | 2
Flood Integrated Decision Support System (FIDSS)
Melbourne Water has implemented a Flood Integrated Decision Support System (FIDSS).
FIDSS integrates real time rainfall and river level data with our existing models to make flood management and forecasting easier and faster for the Port Phillip and Westernport region. This allows for better customer service to our key stakeholders such as local councils, government agencies, and the State Emergency Services. Check out the YouTube video for more information.
Tarago River Environmental Entitlement
The Tarago River has an environmental water entitlement similar to other primary bulk entitlements held by irrigators in the district. Environmental Water entitlements are managed to meet the environmental health needs of the river.
The first environmental entitlement was received in 2006 and was managed similarly to how an irrigation entitlement would be. Typically 280 ML/day of environmental water is released to mimic “summer freshes” that the river would have experienced without the dam regulating flows. Flows are released to meet minimum passing flows at specific locations downstream in order to support Australian Grayling populations and their migratory and spawning cues. Grayling are diadromous (spend part of their lives in fresh water and salt water) and often migrate approximately 50km along a waterway from the estuary to the headwaters. The Grayling require a flow event in the spring for the adults to move downstream and spawn around Koo Wee Rup. The larvae then move out to sea and after 3 to 4 months they swim back up stream.
Environmental Water entitlements for the whole state are managed by the Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH). Melbourne Water must submit a seasonal watering proposal for the Tarago River that describes how it plans to use the Tarago’s entitlement and what environmental monitoring will be completed to demonstrate that the environmental water is meeting the needs of the fish. The VEWH will trade any unallocated water across the state.
Melbourne Water is mindful of flood risk in downstream areas. Environmental flow releases are conducted in communication with the Melbourne Water Hydrology and Flood Warning so that releases can be altered or stopped if heavy rainfall and high river flows are predicted.
To find out when flow releases are planned to occur please check the VEWH website (http://www.vewh.vic.gov.au/) and email Melbourne Water if you would like to be added to Melbourne Water’s environmental flow mailing list.
Koo Wee Rup and Longwarry Flood Protection District Newsletter Issue No. 14 20 June 2017 | 2
Bunyip Main Drain vegetation removal
We have completed works to trees and other vegetation from the banks of Bunyip Main Drain to improve flood protection in the area and improve riparian habitat for the EPBC listed Southern Brown Bandicoot.
This project adds to the previous works that have been undertaken along the Bunyip Main Drain in the last 15 years to improve the condition of the drain and its ability to effectively convey water to Westernport from the upper catchment areas by helping to stabilise the steep banks and control any minor erosion currently occurring.
The works were carried out in two zones to help protect the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) listed Southern Brown Bandicoots that have been recorded in the area.
Melbourne Water must comply with all federal legislation protecting listed species while delivering works for the purposes of flood protection.
Koo Wee Rup and Longwarry Flood Protection District Newsletter Issue No. 14 20 June 2017 | 2
Cora Lynn automated boom gates
Works have commenced on the project to automate the gates at the Cora Lynn ford crossing to improve safety for road users.
Works involve the removal of the existing manual gates and traffic lights on either side of Main Drain Road South. We will also install a control cubicle and road signs on either side of the ford crossing.
Boom gates with new LED warning lights will be installed on either side of the ford.
A CCTV camera will be installed at the Toner Road end of the project site to facilitate remote control of the site. The camera will not be continuously recording. The existing farm gates will remain in place to provide back up to the system. The farm gates can be closed manually if needed.
The permanent signage at the crossing will state that there will be permanent CCTV cameras monitoring the crossing.
The works are expected to be undertaken intermittently over a month to minimise disruption for road users and local residents.
Annual maintenance
Asset / Location / Description / Month /Bunyip Main Drain / Nine Mile Road to Fourteen Mile Road / Tree Removal / June
Giles Drain / Entire Length from Deep Creek Catch Drain upstream / Desilt / June
South East Main Catch Drain / Station Street to Ballarto Rd, Bayles / Desilt / July
McGregor’s Drain / Railway Rd to the Sth Gippsland Hwy / Clear vegetation / July
Five Mile Rd Drain / Nar Nar Goon / Desilt / August
Koo Wee Rup and Longwarry Flood Protection District Newsletter Issue No. 14 20 June 2017 | 2
New Committee member nominations
Due to resignations, we require two new Committee members to join the Koo Wee Rup Longwarry Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee is a representative forum made up of local residents and interest groups, Melbourne Water, Cardinia and Baw Baw Shire Councils.
The Advisory Committee plays an important role in making recommendations to Melbourne Water on proposed annual maintenance and renewals plans, prioritisation of works, requests for unscheduled works and any other works undertaken by Melbourne Water in the District.
Members of the Advisory Committee are appointed for a set term and are required to attend four regular meetings per year and may need to attend other meetings or forums during the year should the need arise.
Members must be precept ratepayers within the District. No formal qualifications or previous committee experience is required; however, preference may be given to persons who have waterways management, drainage or local conservation and environmental knowledge or interests. The nomination form can be found on our website:
Nominations close on Friday 14 July 2017
Keep up to date with what’s happeningFor more information about Koo Wee Rup–Longwarry flood protection district or our other activities please call 131 722 or visit www.melbournewater.com.au
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