Plymouth Parks and Recreation Community Garden
(print name)
(print fullstreet address, town,state,zip code)
(print phonenumber)
Herebyleasea plot(s)in the Plymouth Community Garden
in the amount of$______,for# (25’ x25’@ $25.00per plot)and/or$____for #______(25’ x50’ @ $40.00per plot)fromtheTownof Plymouth forthepurpose of growing agardenatthe Plymouth CommunityGardenPlots. The Town will make every effort for multiple plots leased by the same individual to be adjacent or near their other plot.
Iwillabide bythe Town ofPlymouth’s CommunityGardenPlotRules and Regulations and Parks and Recreation Rules by Ordinance. I will maintain my plot in a conditionthat willnotendangerabuttingplots, that the plotwill beready toplant as soon as possible oras soon as weather permitsandthat I shallvacatethisplot, includingremoval ofanythingthatdid notgrow therenolater thanOctober15;otherwiseI willnotbeinvitedbackto participateinthisprogram.
I alsounderstand that it will beat thediscretion ofthe Parks and Recreation Commission to assign a plot tothe gardenerbased onavailability, and that if I plant intheincorrect plotI runthe risk of havingmyseeds and plantsturned under by theofficial plot owner.
Beingof fullage andinconsiderationofmyparticipationinthisprogram, Ido herebyreleaseandforeverdischargethe Town ofPlymouth andtheiragents, garden liaisons, andemployees connectedwiththisprogram fromallclaims, arisingout ofanypersonal orpropertydamage,injuries, expensesandlossofdamagewhatsoever resultingfrommyparticipation in thePlymouth CommunityGardenPlotProgram. Inaddition,I fullyagreetoabide byallgardeningresponsibilitiesstatedherein.
This is your receipt. NO REFUNDS.