Knowledge Utilization Colloquium 2009 – KU09
Deganwy, North Wales
June 24 - 26
Objectives of KU09
- To engage in purposeful discussion about knowledge translation and measurement/evaluation, impact, context and sustainability.
- Through participatory processes develop research questions and ideas that will inform future KT research and development.
- To provide a forum and networking opportunity that supports capacity and capability building of KT researchers/students and that enhances collaborative endeavors.
Wednesday 24 June 2009
Time / Topic / Facilitator
9.30 – 12.30 / Pre-colloquium PARIHS workshop
‘PARIHS going live’ (Jo)
- Update on PARIHS centre developments (Kate & Brendan)
- Other’s experiences of using PARIHS:
- Cheryl Stetler & Christian Helfrich
- Judi Ritchie
- Bonnie Stevens and colleagues
- Kertsin Nilsson-Kajermo & colleagues
- Developing a work plan for the PARIHS centre
- Setting up a first podcast for the PARIHS centre with collaborators
Day 1
Day facilitator: Jo Rycroft-Malone
13.00 / Welcome to KU09
Evaluating knowledge translation
13.15-14.00 / Sanjeev Sidharan – University of Toronto
Taking Complexity Seriously: An Alternative Approach to Evaluating Complex Health Interventions
Sanjeev will describe how recent developments in evaluation and synthesis methods (e.g. system dynamics and realist evaluation) can help extend the MRC framework for evaluating complex health interventions. The argument is that evaluation design, approaches and methods need to confront the complexity inherent in interventions that respond to real world problems. Sanjeev proposes a frameworkthat matches the dimensions of intervention complexity to a range of evaluation designs and approaches. This framework is constructed through three data sources; a survey of leading methodologists in public health, a case study of a recent evaluation of a complex intervention in Scotland, and a review of the evaluation of complex intervention literature.
Key concepts that help develop the framework include:
•Active ingredients
•Non-linear theories of change
•Program stability
•Theories of spread
•The role of Evidence, muddling through, and
14.00-16.00 / Knowledge translation impacts and implications for evaluation
1. How can we identify KU at different levels in organisations, e.g. individual, unit, organisation or wider system?
- When would be the best time to assess impact at these levels?
- How best to include subjective and objective measures of KU and impact?
- How best to balance quantitative measurement with qualitative descriptive approaches to KU and impact identification?
2. What types of KU are of most interest and to whom?
3. Should we score impacts?
- Would this be an important tool and advance in the science of evaluation or a potential danger to be avoided?
- How do we reconcile the impact of actual and potential use? What counts and for whom?
- How do we/should we identify value and added value of research/evidence use? / Facilitators: Joyce Wilkinson & Huw Davies
16.15 – 17.15 / Poster presentations accompanied by a glass of wine / Facilitator:Judy Birdsell
Day 2
Thursday 25 June
Day facilitator: Gill Harvey
Context and evaluation
8.30 – 12.30
(including coffee break) / Conceptualising and evaluating/measuring context
- Attributes of a context that facilitates KT
- Consequences – how do you evaluate them?
- Specific examples – drawing onothers’ experience of developing evaluative and measurement approaches
Brendan McCormack
12.30 – 13.30 / Lunch
13.30 – 14.30 / Networking/meeting time
14.30-16.30 / Reporting progress from work groups:
Work group: Developing capability and capacity update
Work group: Realist Synthesis of Implementation Strategies (ReSIS)
- Presenting findings from theory area: What is the overall impact of the change agent intervention on KU
16.30 – 17.30 / Poster presentations accompanied by a glass of wine / Facilitator: Tracey Bucknall
17.30 – 18.30 / Student forum
Facilitated by Joyce Wilkinson
19.30 / Dinner
Day 3
Friday 26 June
Day facilitator: Chris Burton
Time / Topic
9.00 – 10.30 / Creating the potential for sustainability:
- Planning for sustainability
- Spread and scaling up from discrete/special projects
- Influences on sustainability
10.30 – 11.00 / Coffee break
11.00 – 12.00 / Networking/meeting time
12.00 – 13.00 / Lunch
13.00– 14.30 / Developing an international knowledge translation research and development agenda / Facilitators:
Jacqueline Tetroe
Huw Davies
Jo Rycroft-Malone
14.30 –15.00 / Summary and looking towardsfuture colloquia
KU09 is being funded by the Editor of Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing’s honorarium