/ Excellent / Proficient / Satisfactory / Limited
Define / Thoroughly and accurately defines and gives examples of:
¨  biological diversity
¨  niche
¨  community
¨  population
¨  habitat. / Accurately defines and gives examples of:
¨  biological diversity
¨  niche
¨  community
¨  population
¨  habitat. / Adequately defines and gives examples of:
¨  biological diversity
¨  niche
¨  community
¨  population
¨  habitat. / Partially defines and gives examples of:
¨  biological diversity
¨  niche
¨  community
¨  population
¨  habitat.
Investigate and Communicate / ¨  Thoroughly and accurately investigates and communicates the impact of humans on biodiversity. / ¨  Accurately investigates and communicates the impact of humans on biodiversity. / ¨  Adequately investigates and communicates the impact of humans on biodiversity. / ¨  Partially investigates and communicates the impact of humans on biodiversity.
/ Excellent / Proficient / Satisfactory / Limited
Relate / Thoroughly and accurately relates:
¨  population and habitat
¨  diversity among species
¨  sexual/asexual reproduction
¨  inherited traits
¨  diversity
¨  the influences of heredity and environment to health
¨  natural and artificial selection of genetic characteristics and real life situations. / Accurately relates:
¨  population and habitat
¨  diversity among species
¨  sexual/asexual reproduction
¨  inherited traits
¨  diversity
¨  the influences of heredity and environment to health
¨  natural and artificial selection of genetic characteristics and real life situations. / Adequately relates:
¨  population and habitat
¨  diversity among species
¨  sexual/asexual reproduction
¨  inherited traits
¨  diversity
¨  the influences of heredity and environment to health
¨  natural and artificial selection of genetic characteristics and real life situations. / Partially relates:
¨  population and habitat
¨  diversity among species
¨  sexual/asexual reproduction
¨  inherited traits
¨  diversity
¨  the influences of heredity and environment to health
¨  natural and artificial selection of genetic characteristics and real life situations.
/ Excellent / Proficient / Satisfactory / Limited
Communicate and Develop
Teamwork Skills / Consistently uses appropriate vocabulary to ask questions and share ideas, intentions and plans in:
¨  oral/written communication
¨  lists, notes in point form
¨  data tables, graphs, drawings
¨  computer and other presentations.
¨  works well with group members
¨  helps others and accepts help from others
¨  leads the group and encourages others to participate
¨  makes meaningful contributions to discussions and activities. / Frequently uses appropriate vocabulary to ask questions and share ideas, intentions and plans in:
¨  oral/written communication
¨  lists, notes in point form
¨  data tables, graphs, drawings
¨  computer and other presentations.
¨  works well with group members
¨  helps others and accepts help from others
¨  leads the group and encourages others to participate
¨  makes meaningful contributions to discussions and activities. / Usually uses appropriate vocabulary to ask questions and share ideas, intentions and plans in:
¨  oral/written communication
¨  lists, notes in point form
¨  data tables, graphs, drawings
¨  computer and other presentations.
¨  works well with group members
¨  helps others and accepts help from others
¨  leads the group and encourages others to participate
¨  makes meaningful contributions to discussions and activities. / Rarely uses appropriate vocabulary to ask questions and share ideas, intentions and plans in:
¨  oral/written communication
¨  lists, notes in point form
¨  data tables, graphs, drawings
¨  computer and other presentations.
¨  works well with group members
¨  helps others and accepts help from others
¨  leads the group and encourages others to participate
¨  makes meaningful contributions to discussions and activities.

Knowledge and Employability Studio

Science Grade 9 Unit A: Biological Diversity

ÓAlberta Education, Alberta, Canada, June 2007 (www.LearnAlberta.ca) Assessment Rubric: Biological Diversity 1/3