A Simple Formula for a Thank-You Letter

When you send tax substantiation letters to your parishioners, besides the legal and financial information, be sure to include a thank-you letter with these six elements.

1.  Clearly identify why you are writing them. For example:
On behalf of our parish community and all those who have benefited from your generosity, I want to thank you for the faithful and generous financial contributions you have made to NAME OF PARISH this year.

2.  Let them know how their gift has made a difference. For example:
Your support allows our parish to be the hands and face of Jesus in so many ways. Our school, our beautiful liturgies, our youth program, our outreach to the elderly, and our assistance to the poor all exist because of your generosity.

3.  Praise their generosity or spirit of stewardship. For example:
Your commitment to our parish is truly an inspiration to me.

4.  Assure them of the parish’s own good stewardship. For example:
I assure you that, for my part, I am committed to making wise and prudent use of the many financial gifts parishioners like you have entrusted to my care. Our Parish Council, Finance Council and parish staff strive constantly to properly manage and care for the resources and facilities of this wonderful parish.

5.  Ask for their continued support. For example:
I hope that I can count on your continued support in the year ahead. Together, we can make our parish a dynamic place of prayer, faith formation and ministry.

6.  Ask for God’s blessings upon them. For example:
May our generous and abundant God, who is the source of every good gift, continue to bless you and your family.

Archdiocese of St. Louis - Stewardship Education Department

Sue Erschen: 314-792-7215,