Greek Myths Unit Test Study Guide
Test Date ______
Know which myth the following characters were a part of:
The following will be asked in multiple choice format, complete answer format, or fill in the blank format.
“Apollo & Daphne” (Realms of Gold)
Know what caused Apollo to fall in love with Daphne:
Know what kind of character Daphne was:
Know how metamorphosis took place in this myth:
“Echo & Narcissus” (Realms of Gold)
Know how Narcissus treated the nymphs:
Know what Narcissus did that showed he was a true narcissist:
Know the theme for this myth:
“Orpheus & Eurydice” (Realms of Gold)
Know how Eurydice died:
Know how Orpheus made it into the underworld:
Know what Hades made Orpheus promise before he let Eurydice leave with him:
Know how Orpheus and Eurydice ended up back together, again:
“Cupid & Psyche” (Realms of Gold)
Know why Aphrodite was angry with Psyche:
Know why Cupid left Psyche:
Know what was in the box that Aphrodite told Psyche to retrieve from Persephone:
Know what happened to Psyche after she opened the box:
Know how Cupid rescued Psyche, again, at the end of the novel:
“Pygmalion & Galatea” (Realms of Gold)
Be able to create a Story Map about this unrequited love myth
“Persephone & Demeter”
Know what Demeter was the goddess of:
Know what Persephone was doing when Hades seized her:
Know what would happen to Demeter each time Persephone returned to the underworld:
Know what this myth explains in relation to nature:
“Helios & Phaethon”
Know why Helios was the only being who could drive the sun chariot:
Know how the steeds reacted when they realized Helios did not have the reigns:
Know who came to the earth’s rescue striking the chariot with a thunderbolt:
Know what happened to Phaethon’s sisters after they mourned his death for a long time:
Know what this myth explains in relation to nature:
Know what Sisyphus did to anger Zeus:
Know what happened to Hades when he came to, personally, escort Sisyphus to the underworld:
Know what a gold coin under a king’s tongue would pay for:
Know how Sisyphus died:
Know what Sisyphus’ eternal punishment was:
“Theseus & the Minotaur” (youtube video – Storytellers by Jim Henson)
Know what promise, to his father, Theseus broke:
Know what the Minotaur would do to the individuals brought to him from Athens:
Know how Theseus found his way out of the Labryinth after killing the Minotaur:
“Pegasus & Bellerophon”
Know what Bellerophon was holding in his hand after he awoke in Athena’s temple:
Know where Bellerophon set off to find the fire-breathing beast:
Know how the beast, eventually, died:
Know what Bellerphon’s instant reward was, from the king, for killing the beast:
Know why Pegasus threw Bellerophon:
Know what Bellerophon was doing after he was thrown from Pegasus until he died:
Perseus & the Gorgon” (youtube video – Storytellers by Jim Henson)
Know what the oracle told King Acrisios:
Know how King Acrisios attempted to kill his daughter & grandson:
Know why Perseus set out to kill the Gorgon:
Know where Atlas told Perseus the Gorgon could be found:
Know how Perseus killed the Gorgon without turning into stone:
Know what the King of Thebes was told by the oracle of Delphi:
Know who adopted Oedipus:
Know the answer to the Sphinx’s riddle:
Know what Oedipus swore to do to the man that killed the old king:
Know how Oedipus found out he had killed his birth-father & married his birth-mother:
Know how the queen stayed looking so young & beautiful:
Know to whom Oedipus told his story:
“The Apples of Love & the Apple of Discord”
Know how Aphrodite helped Melanion outsmart Atalanta:
Know why Melanion & Atalanta were turned into lions:
Know why Eris threw the apple of discord at the wedding:
Know what the oracle predicted about why no men marry Thetis:
Know why Paris was elected to be the best judge of beauty:
Know who Paris gave the apple to & why he chose her: