The jersey of Marica

Knitting for children




" 4 PULL for larger: Measures from 2 to 14 years - with translations

SHRUG - ferri2 measures 0-1-3-6 months, 3 5 »


October 6, 2011 by marica



Up to 2 years

October 21, 2011 by Marica | Change

While I am preparing the translation of the gnomes of Tonya (which is more complex than I thought), here are these, which seemed to me a treat.

from "Bergere de France" No. 156, buy it online HERE , wool and catalogs (and books)

of course I bought a little '.. of all, accurate shipping.


measures 1-3-6-12-24-months

Caline yarn from 2 to 4 balls

ferri2, 5

27mx54ferri sample = 10 cm

m garter

technically short rows

Worked in one piece vertically starting from the front left

follow the arrows in the diagram indicate the meaning of work

1 months

Install 54m and work in garter stitch.

A 2.5 cm (14 irons) work "27m, turn the work, make 1 YO, slip next st as taking it to work it in reverse, working 26m, turn, work 38m, turn, working with the cast next st, turn, 1 YO, pass 1m, 37m lav, turn, work 49m, working with the cast the next m, turn, 1 YO, pass 1 m, lav 48m, turn, work 2 rows on 54m, working with the cast m next. " rip all 8 times.

3 months

Install 60m and work in garter stitch.

A 2.5 cm (14 irons) Job: "31m, turn the work, make 1 YO, slip next st as taking it to work it inside out, lav 30m, turn, 43m lav, lav 1l gett m with the next turn , 1 YO, pass 1 m, lav 42m, turn, threw the lav lav 55m with the next m, turn, 1 YO, pass 1m, 54m lav, turn, work 2 rows on 60m working with the cast next m "repeat total of 9 times.

6 months

Install 68m and work in garter stitch.

A 2.5 cm (14 irons) "lav 35m, turn the work, make 1 YO, slip next st as taking it to work it in reverse, working 34m, turn, get the lav lav 49m t m with the next turn, 1 YO, pass 1m, 48m lav, turn, work 63m, turn, work YO into the next m, turn, 1 YO, pass 1m, 62m lav, turn, work 2 rows on the lav 68m g ha m with the next " rip all 9 times.

12 months

Install 67m, and work in garter stitch.

A 2.5 cm (14 irons), working "41m, turn the work, make 1 YO, slip next st taking it inside out, lav 40m, turn, work 56m working with the cast next st, turn, 1 YO, pass 1 m, lav55m, turn, 71m lav, lav YO with the next m, turn, 1 YO, pass 1m, 7m lav, turn, work 2 rows on the gett 76m working with the next m "to repeat everything 10 times.

24 months

86m fit and work in garter stitch.

A 2.5 cm (14 irons) Job: "47m, turn the work, make 1 YO, slip next st taking it inside out, lav 46m, turn, 64m lav, lav the next cast with the meters, turn, 1 YO , pass 1m, 63m lav, turn, threw the lav lav 81m with the next m, turn, 1 YO, pass 1m, 80m lav, turn work 2 rows on the lav 86m thrown with the next m "to repeat everything 11 times.

You will get approximately 14.5 cm (16-16-17,5-19) in length at the bottom of the left front.

After the right front, left sleeve at the start:

Job 27m (31-35-41-47) leave me on hold, continue on 27m (29-33-35-39) on the left:

1 months

"Lav 11m, turn, pass 1m, 10m, gir, 22m along the lav and threw the next m, gir, 1 YO, pass 1m, 21m, turn, work 2 rows on 27m lav together with the gett m succ" rip 14 times.

3 months

"12m, 1 YO, pass 1m, 11m, gir, 24m lav threw the ass to m next, gir, pass 1m, 23m, turn, work 2 rows on the 29m lav ass gett m with the next" rip 16v.

6 months

"Lav 14m, gir, 1 YO, pass 1m, 13m, gir, 18m lav threw the ass to m next, gir, 1 YO, pass 1m, 27m, gir, work 2 rows on the 33m lav ass gett with the next m "rip 18v.

12 months

"Lav 15m, gir, 1 YO, pass 1m, 14m, gir, 30 m lav lav threw the ass with the next m, 1 YO, pass 1m, 29m, gir, work 2 rows on the 35m lav ass gett with m succ "rip 20v.

24 months

"Lav 17m, gir, 1 YO, pass 1m, 16m, turned, threw the ass 34m lav with the next m, gir, 1 YO, pass 1m, 33m, gir, lav lav 39 m 2 rows on the ass with tossed m succ "rip 22v.

You get about 16 cm (18-20-22-24) length of the sleeve.

the left sleeve is finished, start the back:

Resume 27m (31-35-41-47) sts left on hold, put them on the right sleeve and the 54m (60-68-76-86) sts, work 16 times (17-19-20-22) the quotation marks the left front.

You will get approximately 24 cm (26-28-30-33) cm long at the bottom of the back.

The back is finished, start the right sleeve:

Job 27m (31-35-41-47) continue on 27m (29-33-35-39) left working 14 times (16-18-20-22) the quotation marks of the left sleeve.

The right sleeve is finished, start right front:

resume 27m (31-35-41-47) left on hold, and put them on the right sleeve, and 54m (60-68-76-86) sts, work 8 times (9-9-10-11) the quotation marks of the left front.

still work 12 rows on 54 (60-68-76-86) and close them.


make 4 buttonholes on right front, like this:

with a knitting needle to take the horizontal wire of the indicated m, pull, attach 2 rows with hidden points above, then do the same with the horizontal wire that is under the first snag and fix it 2 rows below.


It starts from the base.

Install 12m (12-14) and work in garter stitch.

A 5.5 cm (6-6.5) (30-32-36) irons, leave sts.


Install 5m (5-6) and later resume 14m (15-16) along the right front of the slab, resume 12m (12-14) leave pending the slab, resume 14m (15-16) of the left edge of the slab and below, mount 5m (5-6).

Lav garter stitch on 50m (52-58) obtained for 12 rows (14-16).


Job 29m (30-34) straight, straddle 1 turn work

F lav next to 9m (9-11), 2 m along, turn the work

f lav next to 9m (9-11) 1 acc, turn piece

Repeat these last 2 rows until remain 14m (15-16) until the sides of the central 10m (10-12)

After the last reduction, turn piece, work the 10m (10-12) of the upper foot and 14 (15-16) sts left.

Job 1 iron on 38 (40-44) m

At the close of the next f m working 6dir (7-5), 2 m ass, say 6, Ch 2, 6 dir ... close with 6 (7-5) dir.

Make the seam of the back of the shoe to combine the base with the 5-5-6 m mounted on the sides of the foot.