Knights of columbus john f kennedy council 1257 newsletter / May 3, 2016

Officers and Directors 2015-2016

Father GeorgeThayilkuzhithottu Chaplain

Bill Chrostowski Grand Knight 715.830.9371

Randy DeMars Deputy Grand Knight 715.832.1639

Mark Aebly Financial Secretary 715.874.5574

Bob Kortes Recorder 715.836.9248

Jerry Whalen Treasurer & Council Director 715.834.1981

Dallas Short Chancellor 715.828.3836

John DeLestry Advocate 715.835.1992


Mike Sheehan Inside Guard 715.338.9470

Scott Stagliano Outside Guard 715.214.4334

James Stachura Field Agent 920.609.8615

Fran Koppa Bowling Secretary 715.835.8915

Kevin Friederichs 3 Yr. Trustee 715.215.0815

Bob Sieben 2 Yr. Trustee 715.829.3657

Tim Carroll 1 Yr. Trustee 715.834.5954

Knights of Columbus

John F. Kennedy Council #1257

P.O. Box 923

Eau Claire, WI 54702

Meetings & Socials at K of C Hall 2708 Thomas Drive Eau Claire, WI

Grand Knight’s Comments

State Convention offers great perspective. Andrew Walther from our Supreme Council was the keynote speaker at several events during last weekend's state convention in Wisconsin Dells. I recognized him from some TV commercials that aired in March on Fox News among other networks and he was also interviewed on Fox. The Knights chose him to petition Secretary of State John Kerry and the Obama administration as a whole to categorize the ongoing atrocities in the Mideast as 'Christian Genocide'. This endeavor was successful as Kerry met the March 17th deadline with the 'genocide' designation.

I don't know if by doing so is anything more than window-dressing, but it does call further attention to the terrible plight endured by so many. What isn't window-dressing is the very real aid being rendered by the Knights through their efforts. Walther detailed the great impact this was having on the suffering to show what great effect our order is having.

He shifted his attention to less dramatic pursuits the Knights are involved in but his message still came through loud and clear- We Are Making a Difference. A very positive one. "Now imagine", he asked, "if there were no Knights. And now imagine again, if there were twice as many Knights."

He didn't have to draw any conclusions for me- I got his gist. I don't find it hard to imagine us having twice as many members. Every brother in council #1257 simply finds one other Catholic man looking for some fulfillment in his faith and mission accomplished. There are so many endeavors and opportunities of good purpose available in our order that any man can find something to his liking or interest. We just need to lead the horses to water, they will drink when they want to, or can.

The 1st Degree on Tuesday the 10th at 6:30 is probably our last until the fall. Surprise yourself and somebody else by signing them up for our council.

Vivat Jesus!

Bill Chrostowski

Tootsie Roll Drive: We do not have the numbers yet from the Tootsie Roll Drive at the time the newsletter was written. We will give you an update in next month’s newsletter. We do believe from initial indications that we did have a successful drive again this year and thank you to all that helped out this year. We look forward to giving a full report next month.

Brother Knight Tony Fedie working Tootsie Roll drive 2014.

Financial Secretary report: We still have about 30 members who have not paid their dues. This is up from 18 last year. Please pay soon. We have helped over 5 members with dues. They contacted me or GK Bill and we worked out the best option for each of them. Raffle report: Thank you for those that sold tickets this year. The high sellers are: Bill Chrostowski and Mark Aebly tied at 59, Jerry Olson 52 and Randy DeMars 46. We have sold 784 as of April 28. This is down from 832 last year, but still a good showing! We are starting to look for a new raffle chairman for next year. Please contact GK Bill or FS Mark if you are interested. It doesn't take much work and Mark helps out in many areas.

For those interested in participating in a wine tasting at May's social, please bring a bottle of wine to contribute. It doesn't have to be an expensive bottle and perhaps have a short note on the wine to introduce it, you can normally find descriptions of your favorite wines on the internet. Just bring something you would like to share and sample a few others and join in the fun.

Our April Knight of the Month is our council Treasurer and recent recipient of the Medallion Award Jerry Whalen. Congratulations Jerry and thank you for all you do!

Saturday May 7th we will again be working at Mega Holiday on Texaco Drive in Eau Claire for the annual Filling the Dream for Special Olympics. We will be working from 10am to 2pm washing windows, pumping gas and grilling brats to help fund WI Special Olympics. Please contact Tim Carroll 715.834.5954 if you are able to help. We still could use a couple more people to help.

Filling the dream Volunteers 2015

Tuesday May 10th we will have a First Degree at 6:30pm with regular business meeting to follow at the Kennedy Hall.

Tuesday May 24th - Not your usual Pot Luck. We be serving boneless marinated chicken breast fillets, rice pilaf and a vegetable. You may bring a salad or dessert if you would like. 5:30 rosary, wine tasting (If you would like to participate in our wine sampling please bring a bottle for sampling) and dinner at 6:30. A $5.00 per person donation is suggested for dinner.

Sunday May 29th there will be a fifth Sunday Corporate Communion at Sacred Heart Church at the 10:30 Mass. All Knights and their families are encourage to attend and sit together at the Mass.

Friday June 3rd will be First Friday Mass 7am Immaculate Conception Church.

Tuesday June 14th will be our election of council officers and regular business meeting 7pm at the Kennedy Hall.

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