KleinForestHigh School
Algebra II Syllabus
2015-2016 School Year
E-mail: Phone: 832-484-4562
Website: Conference: 5th 11:50-12:45
Tutorials:Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-3:30
HouseMotto:House 1,Heart of the Forest, “Here Everyone Achieves Results Together
Welcome to Algebra II (prerequisites Algebra I and Geometry),a continuation of the topics studied in Algebra I. This course will extend the development of the real number system and will include a study of the complex numbers as a mathematical system. Algebra II is designed to strengthen the understanding of the concepts taught in Algebra I and fundamental Math classes with studies of ideas of relations and functions, expansion of the concept of functions to include; quadratic, square root, exponential and logarithmic functions. Applications of all functions are introduced through math models of real-world situations which require the use of analytical thought processes and other problem solving techniques to include a strong emphasis on technology. The curriculum is aligned, so the mastery of these topics will prepare the student for Pre-Calculus and college entrance exams.
Two expectations for you to effectively partner with me in grooming your student’s success are daily preparation and consistent attendance. I expect all of my students to work hard, be organized, listen attentively and gain a greater understanding of various mathematical concepts. To have a successful year in Algebra II, adhere to the following information to guide you to proceed on the road to success in my class. I reserve the right to update this information as deemed necessary and any changes will be communicated to my students.
Tablet Computer (Essential tool DAILY)
Something to take notes in: Binder/Spiral / Composition Book / Folder w/ Brads(Ensure you have loose leaf notebook paper inside)
Pen(s) / Pencil(s) / Eraser(s)
TI N-spire Graphing Calculator (Provided for In-class use…Strongly suggested for use at home.)
The Pearson Algebra 2 textbook is available online. The teacher will give the students the web address, and their username and password to access the textbook.
Attendance is very important. I encourage you to schedule any student appointments before or after school, to allow your student to attend class daily.
Make-up ProceduresIt is the student’s responsibility to retrieve make-up work. After they have reviewed the assignments, if there are any questions, consult with classmates or myself. Make-up work due to absences will be accepted in accordance with the rules outlined in the student handbook. This work must be completed and submitted as per requirements in the student handbook, unless PRIOR arrangements have been made with the teacher. Work will be accepted after those dates in accordance with the Late Work policy. Anytime there is an unexcused absence, the make-up work policy will not be honored.
Grading Guidelines
6-Weeks averages will be calculated using the following:
Major Grades Average – 60%(min. of 3 tests per 6-weeks)
Daily Grades Average – 30% (Participation/Classwork/Quiz)
Homework Grades Average – 10%
To receive credit for any assignment all supporting work must be shown in a neat and orderly manner.
No work = No credit!Late work will be accepted with a penalty. Minor-25 points per day…Major-10 points per day.
Students will be given the opportunity to redo assignments at their request contingent upon their submission of all prior assignments for the current 6-weeks and to improve a test grade (i.e. Retake, Test correction, etc.) within 48 hours of them being returned to them. To remedy the issue of students not preparing initially with the known expectation they will have a retest opportunity; the teacher has the option to either average the two grades or replace the original with the new grade. Students will not be given the opportunity to redo once the solutions have not been released but, may be given a comparable assignment. Students must attend tutorial to request new assignments or prior to a test retake.
Students will be allowed to redo up to three (3) assignments from the minor and/or homework category per 6-weeks upon request. Students will be allowed to retake or complete test corrections for up to two (2) tests per 6-weeks upon request.
Assignments & Assessments
Homework is an integral part of any math class and Algebra II is no exception. Wise use of class time ultimately benefits the student by minimizing the amount of time necessary outside of class to complete assignments.
Our scheduled test days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Unit tests will be announced at least one week in advance. At least 3 tests will be given each six weeks, including a cumulative campus common assessment over all topics discussed during the six weeks. Projects will be given at least once during the semester and will be worth a major grade. It is the student’s responsibility to manage your time in order to complete all test questions. In order to make-up a test you must have an excused absence. The number of days allowed to take the test is in accordance with the student handbook.
Student honesty and integrity is extremely important in all classes. Please advise your studentto avoid giving any suspicion of any form of cheating on the work assigned in this course. While working with another person on homework is allowed, I consider copying all or part of an assignment to be cheating. Giving or receiving information about or during a test or quiz is considered cheating. A student who allows another student to copy homework or a test is as guilty of cheating as the person receiving the information. Consequences for cheating or allowing someone to cheat include a zero on the assignment, a P in conduct, a referral and a possibility of being assigned ISS.
I encourage students to consult with me or another Algebra II teacher at any time they do not fully understand any concept from class. It will benefit students to come to tutoring sessions upon the onset of any misunderstanding to prevent falling behind and creating a more difficult situation. The tutoring schedule of all Algebra II teachers is posted on the door. They are subject to change and that information will be communicated during class. Keep in mind that test days are Wednesdays and Fridays and planning ahead is imperative.
Non-Negotiable Classroom Expectations
- Students are required to observe all school rules and the individual classroom rules.
- Please make sure you are dressed and groomed according to the school dress code.
- Never use your phone, MP3, IPOD, or any other electronic device, excluding Tablets during the school hours. All electronic devices should remain out of sight and hearing. After one verbal warning, they will be confiscated and turned in to the school administrators.
- No cheating.
- Never imply or threaten violence.
Grade Repair
Students will have the opportunity to receive instruction to recover six weeks grades. When a student enrolls in the Grade Recovery Class, the students will receive quality instruction. The curriculum will recapture any skills they are lacking so that they are prepared to receive credit. This intervention plan may include students attending after school Grade Recovery or Grade Recovery during the school day. The highest grade a student can earn is 75. This grade will replace the lower grade. Students enrolled in Pre-AP courses may enroll in grade repair and receive Pre-AP credit for up to 1 six weeks per semester.
Open House
I extend an invitation to you to attend our school Open House on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 7:00 pm. I would enjoy the opportunity to meet you and help you become more familiar with how I will partner with you and your student to be successful in Algebra II. Hope to see you there!
Syllabus Acknowledgment Receipt
I have read and understood the syllabus for my 1st 3rd 4th 6th 7th (circle one) period Algebra II class. I am aware of the policies and procedures for and commit to adhere to or submit to the consequences for non-compliance.
Student’s Name (printed)______
Student’s Signature______
Parent’s Name (printed)______
Parent’s Signature______
Parent’s E-mail Address______
Parent’s Phone Number______
Return this acknowledgement receipt ONLY by Friday, 9/11/2015 for one homework grade. Thank you!
“From Good to Great!”