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Kiwanis Club of the University City

Board of Directors Meeting – March 3, 2008

Present: ShariqSiraj, Larry Kieszek, Leah Zissimopulos, Ginger Childs, Dana Bobb, Evan Pitts, Harold King, Mark Wellner, Bob Mansell, Jim Yale

Absent: Sheila Crapo, Tom Gager, Sharon Spreen, Sam Butz

Guests: Ned Cannon, Erica Chapman of CDS Family & Behavioral Health Services, Inc.

The meeting was called to order by President Shariq Siraj at 5:20 PM.

Board Minutes: Leah Zissimopulos moved and Ginger Childs seconded that the minutes for the February 4, 2008 meeting be accepted as submitted. The motion passed.

Special Request: Erica Chapman made a presentation requesting the club’s financial support of their fund raising and prevention event. Spotlight on Youth is being held on March 30, 2008 at the PhillipsCenter for the Performing Arts. Erica is our program for the March 4, 2008 club meeting and will provide more depth on this event.

Treasurer’s Report: Larry Kieszek handed out financial statements for both the Foundation and Administrative accounts and copies of both are attached. Larry said that next month he would be writing off those Accounts Receivables that have been determined to be uncollectible. A general discussion was held of our current financial condition.

Old Business:

World’s Greatest Baby Shower: Shariq Siraj reported the solicitation letters are being sent to sponsors and that posters will be coming soon.

Citizen of the Year: Evan Pittsreported that the committee is working on obtaining a keynote speaker for the May 7, 2008 event at the Alachua County Main Library at 11 AM.

Eastside Key Club: Shariq Siraj reported that the Key Clubbers successfully served breakfast last Saturday to the participants in the Florida Student Council convention at Gainesville High. The amount of monies raised is not finalized yet.

Pancake Breakfast: Bob Mansell reported that ticket sale monies are coming in. Bob has been recruiting members to roam the cafeteria as Kiwanis ambassadors. Bob said that everything seems to be going well. A general discussion was held about donation of tickets by member is the have not been

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sold to others. Shariq Siraj will make an announcement at March 4, 2008 club meeting.

Website: Shariq Siraj said that our old website from 1996 remains accessible. He will investigate how to have it deleted.

Special Guest Day: Shariq Siraj reported that the Dean of the UF College of Medicine will be our speaker for the April 29, 2008 meeting. He encouraged us to bring a prospect that day.

New Business:

Kiwanis Education Day: Shariq Siraj reported that this event is being held the same day as our Pancake Breakfast. It is in LakeCity and Sam Butz will be attending.

Letter from Kiwanis Club in Kiev, Ukraine: The board decided to ask the Secretary to respond to their letter and state that they should be in contact with Kiwanis International to obtain ideas and suggestions.

Requests for Foundation Funds: Ginger Childs stated that we get many requests during the year after the budget has been set. It was decided that we needed to develop a Fund Request form for the future. Leah Zissimopulos will draft a form and share it with the remainder of the board. Also, it was decided that when the form is given out that the explanation that requests must be received prior to the budgeting process for the Kiwanis year. After the form is finalized Leah is to ask Evan Pittsto place it on our website.

Donation to CDS Family & Behavioral Health Services, Inc.: Bob Mansell moved and Leah Zissimopulos seconded that a $250 donation be made to this organization for their Spotlight on Youth event. The motion passed.

Children’s Week: A discussion was held about this observance from March 30 through April 4, 2008. Dana Bobb and Leah Zissimopulos will make an announcement on this at the March 4, 2008 meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM

Minutes submitted by Jim Yale