Kingston Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

January 16, 2014

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Heather Ohlson, President

Ursula Inghem, Vice President

Annie Internicola, Secretary

Ellen DiFalco

Clark Richters

Not Present: Susan Simek


Margie Menard, Library Director

Marylou Decker, Technical Services

Member of the Public

Edwin Pell

Lynn Dennison

Mark Zion, Friends of the Library (FOKL)

Madeline Hoetger, Friends of the Library


Agenda for the Kingston Library Board of Trustees Meeting, January 16, 2014

Minutes and Resolutions from the Kingston Library Board of Trustees Meeting, December 19, 2013

President’s Report, January 16, 2014

Director’s Report, January 16, 2014

Highlights of Financial Report, January 12, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting Report, January 14, 2014

Personnel Actions

Operational Committee Meeting, January 7, 2014

Balance Sheet, as of December 31, 2013

Budget vs. Actual, as of December 31, 2013

Voucher Report, for January 2014 meeting

Voucher Report, Paid Pre-Audit, for January 2014 meeting

Donation Activity, Current Month Only, December 2013

Budget Modification Form, #2103-8

Advocacy Boot Camp flyer

NYLA Library Advocacy Day flyer

2014 NYLA Legislative Agenda

Approval of the Agenda for the BOT Meeting of January 16, 2014

Motion: Ursula Inghem motioned to approve the agenda which was seconded by Ellen DiFalco and unanimously approved.

Approval of the Minutes from the BOT Meeting of December 19th Motion: Ursula Inghem motioned to approve the minutes from the December XX BOT Meeting with typo modifications which was seconded by David Rolfe and unanimously approved.

Public Comment


Operations Committee

David Rolfe provided the BOT with an update on the interior renovation project. Specifically he said that the committee is making progress towards providing a recommendation to the BOT. They have a scheme in mind, but additional questions still need to be answered before a recommendation can be made. David Rolfe also updated the BOT on his research regarding surveillance cameras. He indicated that the Standards and Development Committee will also need to provide input on the development of a privacy/safety policy. Lastly, he reported that he met with Chris Smailer (sp) about the gutters.

Friends of the Kingston Library (FOKL)

Mark Zion reported that the FOKL completed their mailing which included stuffing 320 envelopes. He reviewed the calendar of events including the February 15th book sale and March 1st bus trip to a Connecticut casino.

<Ed Pell requested that he be given the opportunity to make a public statement. Heather Ohlson said that the public statement portion of the meeting had already happened. He provided a copy of his written statement to the BOT.>

Executive Committee Meeting

Heather Ohlson reported that the committee reviewed financials, the BOT agenda, the recent library theft, collaboration with Ulster County Literacy, staff changes, Advocacy Day and the Trustee Institute.

Motion: Ursula Inghem motioned the BOT to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel actions which was seconded by Clark Richters and unanimously approved.

BOT goes Executive Session.

After Executive Session, Heather Ohlson reported to the public that they voted unanimously regarding motions entailing the increasing of one staff persons hours and increasing two staff persons salaries.

Standards and Development

Ursula Inghem reported that the committee discussed looking into safety and security policies. In addition, she said that the trustee checklist sheet and the loan policies for DVD’s are completed. She also said that the committee continues to review the trustee absentee policy and distributed to the BOT materials relating to this matter in Education Law.

Financial Reports

Ursula Inghem reported on the balance sheet, budget vs. actual reports, vouchers, donations and budget modifications.

Motion: Ursula Inghem motioned to approve $12,778.47 in vouchers which was seconded by Annie Internicola and unanimously approved.

Motion: Ursula Inghem motioned to approve $5,283.27 in pre-audit vouchers which was seconded by Ellen DiFalco and unanimously approved.

Motion: Ursula Inghem motioned to approve $1,179.87 in donations which was seconded by Clark Richters and unanimously approved.

Motion: Ursula Inghem motioned to approve Budget Modification 2013-8 to transfer monies from available adult and juvenile library materials and program lines to adult and juvenile book lines, as well as transfer from other staff workers compensation insurance to other staff disability insurance expenses. This was seconded by Ellen DiFlaco and unanimously approved.

President’s Report

Heather Ohlson read from her President’s Report (See Distribution). Specifically she addressed the theft in the library, trustee training, Advocacy Day and the 2014 Trustee Institute. She also made a clarification on the difference between library promotion and personal opinion citing the library by-laws.

Director’s Report

Margie Menard reported on her recent staff trainings and meetings. She clarified to the BOT the nature of the library budget year which runs on a calendar year. She indicated that the new conversational Spanish group has started and has been a tremendous success.

Ulster County Library Association

Margie Menard reported that the 1% county sales tax is expected to pass in the Senate and Assemmbly by the end of next week. This will meet the February 1st deadline that assures full funding for the Ulster County Libraries from the County Legislature.

Old Business


New Business


Public Comment by Trustees

Ursula Inghem reported that she has a conflict next month, and will not be able to attend the next BOT meeting, and understands that this is her second absence. She also informed the BOT about a training being offered by RUPCO and Legal Services regarding loans for people who are undocumented.

Dave Rolfe informed the BOT that he will be attending his first Mid-Hudson Library System board meeting.

Clark Richters communicated concern over library security. BOT discussed.


Ursula Inghem motioned to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Ellen DiFalco and unanimously approved.


1-2014-1: Resolution to approve $12,778.47 in vouchers.

1-2014-2 Resolution to approve $5,283.27 in pre-audit vouchers.

1-2014-3: Resolution to approve $1,179.87 in donations.

1-2014-4: Resolution to approve Budget Modification 2013-8 to transfer monies from available adult and juvenile library materials and program lines to adult and juvenile book lines, as well as transfer from other staff workers compensation insurance to other staff disability insurance expenses.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Diano, Recording Secretary