Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9 April, 2014 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 7.00 pm


Chairman of the Committee: Councillor J Morris

Councillors: B Austen, L Foxwell, K Jones, R Peart, D Rollason,

Ex Officio: Councillor: C Meathrel (Deputy Mayor)

Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons

33/14 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs J Foxwell (Mayor) and B Thorne.

34/14 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

35/14 Minutes

Cllr Morris signed the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 12 March, 2014 which had been approved at the Full Council meeting.

36/14 Community Hall Charges

Cllr Austen advised that the halls are a community facility and as long as we are financially stable, do not increase charges.

Cllr Morris proposed that charges are not increased this financial year and for Cllrs Meathrel and Rollason to carry out a survey on income/expenditure per sq. metre, for review of charges 2015. Seconded by, Cllr R Peart. All, agreed.

37/14 Kitchen Hatch – Fire Doors

For the supply and fitting of 2 x sets of bespoke FD30 Sapele Fire Doors, routed to include 10mm intumescent smoke strips, with fireproof hinges and pads.

Cllr Morris presented the following quotes for approval:

·  G M Lee @ £450.00 + VAT

·  J A Sharland Ltd @ £495.00 + VAT

·  Discount Doors & Joinery @ £858.00 + VAT

Cllr Meathrel rejected the quotes as 2 x of them were only verbal.

Cllr Morris proposed to get quotes confirmed in writing and be presented at the next meeting in May. Seconded by, Cllr L Foxwell. All, agreed.

38/14 Fire Evaluation Report

Cllr Rollason presented his example evaluation of how new systems can be put in place to assist staff.

Cllr Morris suggested that a meeting is held between the Clerk and Staff to discuss how this system can be implemented.

39/14 Car Park Update

Cllr Morris advised that we have recently received more complaints from hall users about the Rydon School parents using the car park when not permitted.

Europarks, car park monitoring company have been consulted to look into the probability of monitoring at times of school drop offs and collection. An approximate costing has been provided.

Discussions were held on how the system would work, such as correspondence, passes and fines. Also, could a private person be employed.

Cllr Morris proposed for more quotes to be obtained for other companies and to be taken to Full Council. Also, for Cllr Morris to speak to Mrs Sally Maunder of Rydon School, to ask for co-operation from parents of Rydon School children. Seconded by, Cllr Jones. All, agreed.

40/14 Signage

Draft copies of new designs were sent out with agendas and further designs were presented by Cllr Morris which had been submitted by Cllrs Harris and L Foxwell. Discussion took place for Mrs Simmons to re-design the signage to include the following:

Sign 1 – Front of Community Hall walkway from the pavement, fixed by posts in shrubbery, near pavement.

·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quotes for two different sizes:-

·  2 m width x 1 m height

1m width x 30” height

·  Wording as follows:-

·  Welcome to KTC,

Community Hall and Council Offices

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm


Tel: 01626 364089

Mrs Simmons is to investigate any legal requirements

Sign 2 – Community Hall Car Park Entrance

·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quote for size:- 1 m width x 60 cm

·  Wording as follows:-

Community Hall and Council Offices

This land is Private Property

Parking is provided for Visitors and Hall Users only

By parking here you agree to abide by our terms & conditions

No Unauthorised Parking & No Dogs

Sign 3 – Intercom

·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quote for size:- 30 cm width x 40 cm

·  Wording as follows:-

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

If you are unable to use the stairs, please ring the bell.

A member of staff will be with you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Internal Signs

Office Door

·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quote for size:- 30 cm width x 20 cm approx..

·  Wording as follows:-


Open / Closed (by a sliding device)

Committee Room

·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quote for size:- 30 cm width x 15 cm approx.

·  Wording as follows:-

Committee Room


·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quote for size:- 30 cm width x 20 cm approx.

·  Wording as follows:-


Open / Closed (by a sliding device)

9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Foyer signs on wall

·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quote for size:- 30 cm width x 30 cm approx.

·  Wording as follows:-

·  Council Office Upstairs

·  Mary Hall Suite

(with directional arrow below)

·  Toilets

(with directional arrow below)

Foyer sign on door

·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quote for size:- 30 cm width x 20 cm approx.

·  Wording as follows:-

·  Council Chamber

·  Mary Hall Suite

Signs – Car Park

·  White background

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font and in KTC dark red, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  Obtain quote for size:- 40 cm width x 20 cm

·  Wording as follows:-

·  Parking for Staff Only

41/14 Newsletter Update & Distribution

Cllr Morris read out the e-mail received from Royal Mail Door 2 Door Services, with their options being as follows:-

·  Refund print & distribution costs of the areas not having received the Spring issue 1, to our account.

·  Reprint & distribute for the same areas (as above)

Cllr Morris proposed to ask for the costs to be off-set against the delivery of our next issue and for the delivery of the newsletters in the future to be reviewed in the Summer. Seconded by, Cllr Jones. All, agreed.

Mrs Simmons explained that there were alternatives available for distribution and produced quotes, which all Councillors received a copy of, in order to review for future deliveries.

42/14 Bills for Payment

·  Makro - Security Cameras for Community Hall Building @ £263.99 inc VAT

·  ScrewFix – Security Cameras for Community Hall @ £83.98 inc VAT

43/14 Correspondence for Information

There was no correspondence.

The meeting closed at: 8:55 pm

Signed:…………………………………………… Dated:………………………