Kingfisher: Nursery and Kids Club Policies
Section 3: Health and Safety
Accidents and Incidents Policy
Statement of Intent
Kingfisher follow the guidelines of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) for the reporting of accidents and incidents. Child protection matters or behavioural incidents between children are not regarded as incidents and there are separate procedures for this, see Safeguarding Children and Promoting Positive Behaviour Policies.
Our accident folder:
- is kept in a safe place, in the top blue draw near the children’s register in the Fledgling room;
- is accessible to our staff and volunteers, who all know how to complete it;
Reporting accidents and incidents
- Ofsted is notified as soon as possible, but at least within 14 days, of any instances which involve:
- food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on our premises;
- a serious accident or injury to, or serious illness of, a child in our care and the action Kingfisher take in response
- the death of a child in our care
- Local child protection agencies are informed of any serious accident or injury to a child, or the death of any child, while in our care and Kingfisher act on any advice given by those agencies
- Any food poisoning affecting two or more children or adults on our premises is reported to the local Environmental Health Department.
- Kingfisher meets the legal requirements in respect of the safety of our employees and the public by complying with RIDDOR. Kingfisher report to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE):
- Any work-related accident leading to an injury to a member of the public (child or adult), for which they are taken directly to hospital for treatment
- Any work-related accident leading to a specified injury to one of our employees. Specified injuries include injuries such as fractured bones, the loss of consciousness due to a head injury, serious burns or amputations
- Any work-related accident leading to an injury to one of our employees which results in them being unable to work for seven consecutive days. All work-related injuries that lead to one of our employees being incapacitated for three or more days are recorded in our accident book
- When one of our employees suffers from a reportable occupational disease or illness as specified by the HSE
- Any death, of a child or adult, that occurs in connection with a work-related accident
- Any dangerous occurrences. This may be an event that causes injury or fatalities or an event that does not cause an accident, but could have done; such as a gas leak
- Any dangerous occurrence is recorded in our incident book
Incident book
- Kingfisher have ready access to telephone numbers for emergency services, including the local police. Where Kingfisher are responsible for the premises, Kingfisher have contact numbers for the gas and electricity emergency services, and water
- Kingfisher ensure that our staff and volunteers carry out all health and safety procedures to minimise risk and that they know what to do in an emergency
- On discovery of an incident, Kingfisher report it to the appropriate emergency services – fire, police, and ambulance – if those services are needed
- If an incident occurs before any children arrive, our manager risk assesses this situation and decides if the premises are safe to receive children. Our manager may decide to offer a limited service or to close the setting
- Where an incident occurs whilst the children are in our care and it is necessary to evacuate the premises/area, we follow the procedures in our Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy or, when on an outing, the procedures identified in the risk assessment for the outing
- If a crime may have been committed, we ask all adults witness to the incident make a witness statement including the date and time of the incident, what they saw or heard, what they did about it and their full name and signature
- Kingfisher keeps an incident book for recording major incidents, including some of those that that are reportable to the Health and Safety Executive as above
- These incidents include:
- a break in, burglary, or theft of personal or our setting's property;
- an intruder gaining unauthorised access to our premises;
- a fire, flood, gas leak or electrical failure;
- an attack on an adult or child on our premises or nearby;
- any racist incident involving families or our staff on the setting's premises;
- a notifiable disease or illness, or an outbreak of food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on our premises;
- the death of a child or adult; and
- a terrorist attack or threat of one
- In the incident book Kingfisher record the date and time of the incident, nature of the event, who was affected, what was done about it or if it was reported to the police, and if so a crime number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, is also recorded
- In the event of a terrorist attack, Kingfisher follows the advice of the emergency services with regard to evacuation, medical aid and contacting children's families. Our standard Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy will be followed and our staff will take charge of their key children. The incident is recorded when the threat is averted
- In the unlikely event of a child dying on our premises, through cot death in the case of a baby for example, the emergency services are called and the advice of these services are followed
- The incident book is not for recording issues of concern involving a child. This is recorded in the child's own file
This policy will be reviewed annually, unless there is a change in guidance or significant incident requiring us to review our current policies and procedures.
Manager: Deputy Manager:
Completed: October 2017
Reviewed by: October 2018
Animals in the Setting Policy
Statement of Intent
Children learn about the natural world, animals and other living creatures, as part of the Learning and Development Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. This may include contact with animals, or other living creatures, either in the setting or on visits. We aim to ensure that this is in accordance with sensible hygiene and safety controls.
Animals in the setting as pets
- We take account of the views of parents and children when selecting an animal or creature to keep as a pet in the setting, as well as any allergies or issues that individual children may have any animals or creatures
- We carry out a risk assessment with a knowledgeable person accounting for any hygiene or safety risks posed by the animal or creature
- We provide suitable housing for the animal or creature and ensure this is cleaned out regularly and is kept safely
- Our staff are knowledgeable of the pet’s welfare and dietary needs and ensure that the correct food is offered, at the right times
- We make arrangements for weekend and holiday care for the animal or creature
- We register with the local vet and take out appropriate pet care health insurance
- We make sure all vaccinations and other regular health measures, such as de-worming, are up-to-date and recorded
- We teach children the correct handling and care of the animal or creature and supervise them at all times
- We ensure that children wash their hands after handling the animal or creature and do not have contact with animal soil or soiled bedding
- We wear disposable gloves when cleaning housing or handling soiled bedding
- If animals or creatures are brought in by visitors to show the children, they are the responsibility of their owner
- The owner carries out a risk assessment, detailing how the animal or creature is to be handled and how any safety or hygiene issues will be addressed
Visits to farms
- Before a visit to a farm, we carry out a risk assessment - this may take account of safety factors listed in the farm’s own risk assessment, which should be viewed
- We contact the venue in advance of the visit to ensure that there has been no recent outbreak of E.coli or other infections, postponing visit if required
- We follow our outings procedure
- Children wash and dry their hands thoroughly after contact with animals
- Outdoor footwear worn to visit farms is cleaned of mud and debris as soon as possible on departure and should not be worn indoors
We advise staff and volunteers who are, or may be, pregnant to avoid contact with ewes and to consult their GP before the visit
This policy will be reviewed annually, unless there is a change in guidance or significant incident requiring us to review our current policies and procedures.
Manager: Deputy Manager:
Completed: October 2017
Reviewed by: October 2018
Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy
Statement of Intent
Kingfisher ensure our premises present no risk of fire by ensuring the highest possible standard of fire precautions. The person in charge and our staff are familiar with the current legal requirements. Where necessary we seek the advice of a competent person, such as our Fire Officer. A Fire Safety Log is used to record the findings of risk assessment, any actions taken or incidents that have occurred and our fire drills.
Fire safety risk assessment
- The basis of fire safety is risk assessment, carried out by a ‘competent person’
- The manager has received training in fire safety sufficient to be competent to carry out the risk assessment; follow the Government Guidance Fire Safety Risk Assessment - Educational Premises (HMG 2006)
- Our fire safety risk assessment focuses on the following for each area of the setting:
- Electrical plugs, wires and sockets
- Electrical items
- Gas boilers
- Cookers
- Matches
- Flammable materials – including furniture, furnishings, paper etc
- Flammable chemicals
- Means of escape
- Anything else identified
Fire safety precautions taken
- We ensure that fire doors are clearly marked, never obstructed and easily opened from the inside
- We ensure that smoke detectors/alarms and fire fighting appliances conform to BS EN standards, are fitted in appropriate high risk areas of the building and are checked as specified by the manufacturer
- We have all electrical equipment checked annually by a qualified electrician. Any faulty electrical equipment is taken out of use and either repaired or replaced
- Our emergency evacuation procedures are:
- clearly displayed in the premises
- explained to new members of staff, volunteers and parents; and
- practised regularly, at least once every six weeks
- Records are kept of fire drills and of the servicing of fire safety equipment
Emergency evacuation procedure
Our evacuation procedure covers the procedures for practice drills including:
- How children are familiar with the sound of the fire alarm. This is 3 blows on a whistle
- How the children, staff and parents know where the fire exits are. It is indicated to the children where the fire is and which fire exit to use
- How children are led from the building to the assembly point. Children are led by a staff member to the front gate which is the official assembly point for the setting
- How children will be accounted for and who by. The children, visitors and staff are all signed into registers, these are taken outside by the senior member of staff with the children, whilst other members of staff check the premises for other children, staff or visitors, then meets outside, ant additional staff help to escort the children to the safety of the assembly point. The senior staff member starts to call the register the register as soon as they reach the assembly point, starting with the children first, visitors and then staff members
- How long it takes to get the children out safely. It is recorded how long the procedure takes on the fire log
- Who calls the emergency services, and when, in the event of a real fire. In the event of a real fire whilst the senior staff member takes the register the other members of staff can be calling the emergency services
- How parents are contacted. All parents contact details are recorded in the register and can be contacted via telephone or mobile if need be
Fire drills
We hold fire drills termly and record the following information about each fire drill in the Fire Safety Log:
- The date and time of the drill
- How long it took to evacuate
- Whether there were any problems that delayed evacuation
- Any further action taken to improve the drill procedure
This policy will be reviewed annually, unless there is a change in guidance or significant incident requiring us to review our current policies and procedures.
Manager: Deputy Manager:
Completed: October 2017
Reviewed by: October 2018
First Aid Policy
Statement of Intent
Kingfisher are able to take action to apply first aid treatment in the event of an accident involving a child or adult. All staff should be paediatric first aid trained, with new staff booked on training as soon as possible after their start date. Kingfisher uses courses organised by Norfolk County Council Training Directory.
The first aid kit
Our first aid kit is accessible at all times and contains the following items
- Triangular bandages
- Sterile dressings:
- Small x 3
- Medium x 3
- Large x 3
- Composite pack containing 20 assorted (individually-wrapped) plasters x 1
- Sterile eye pads (with bandage or attachment) e.g. No 16 dressing x 2
- Container of 6 safety pins x 1
- Guidance card as recommended by HSE x 1
In addition, the following equipment is kept near to the first aid box:
- 1 pair of tough cut scissors for removal of clothing
- 2 pairs of disposable plastic (PVC or vinyl) gloves
- 1 plastic disposable apron
- A children’s thermometer
- A supply of ice is kept in the freezer
- Information about who has completed first aid training and the location of the first aid box is provided to all our staff and volunteers
- The first aid box is easily accessible to adults in the kitchen cupboard and is kept out of the reach of children
- The manager is responsible for checking and replenishing the first aid box contents
- Medication is only administered in line with our Administering Medicines Policy
- In the case of minor injury or accidents, first aid treatment is given by a qualified first aider
- In the event of minor injuries or accidents, we normally inform parents when they collect their child, unless the child is unduly upset or we have concerns about the injury. In which case we will contact the child’s parents for clarification of what they would like to do, i.e. whether they wish to collect the child and/or take them to their own GP
- An ambulance is called for children requiring emergency treatment. We contact parents immediately and inform them of what has happened and where their child has been taken
- Parents sign a consent form at registration allowing a member of staff to take their child to the nearest Accident and Emergency unit to be examined, treated or admitted as necessary on the understanding that they have been informed and are on their way to the hospital
- Accidents and injuries are recorded in our accident record book and, where applicable, notified to the Health and Safety Executive, Ofsted and/or local child protection agencies in line with our Accident and Incidents Policy.
This policy will be reviewed annually, unless there is a change in guidance or significant incident requiring us to review our current policies and procedures.
Manager: Deputy Manager:
Completed: October 2017
Reviewed by: October 2018
Food and Drink Policy
Statement of Intent
Kingfisher regard snack and meal times as an important part of our day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults, and helps children to learn about healthy eating. We promote healthy eating using resources and materials age appropriate. At snack and meal times, we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children's individual dietary needs. Kingfisher has the opportunity to help develop their social skills as well as developing their understanding of the importance of healthy eating.
We follow these procedures to promote healthy eating in our setting
- Before a child starts to attend the setting, we ask their parents about their dietary needs and preferences, including any allergies. (See the Allergies and Allergic Reaction Policy)
- We record information about each child's dietary needs in the Registration Form and parents sign the form to signify that it is correct
- We ask parents to update us on any changes to dietary requirements or allergies. These changes are recorded on the relevant paperwork
- We display current information about individual children's dietary needs so that all our staff and volunteers are aware
- We implement systems to ensure that children receive only food and drink that is consistent with their dietary needs and preferences, as well as their parents' wishes.
- A sample menu of meals/snacks for parents to view.
- We provide nutritious food for all snacks, avoiding large quantities of saturated fat, sugar and salt and artificial additives, preservatives and colourings.
- We include a variety of foods from the four main food groups:
- dairy foods
- grains/cereals
- starch vegetables
- fruit and vegetables
- We include foods from the diet of each of the children's cultural backgrounds, providing children with opportunities for new experiences
- We take care not to provide food containing nuts or nut products and we are especially vigilant where we have a child who has a known allergy to nuts
- Kingfisher respect and adhere to dietary requirements, whether that is due to cultural or religious reasons, or due to allergies or being a vegan or vegetarian
- We show sensitivity in providing for children's diets and allergies. We do not use a child's diet or allergy as a label for the child, or make a child feel singled out because of her/his diet or allergy
- We organise meal and snack times so that they are social occasions in which children and adults participate
- We use meal and snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves, as appropriate to their age
- We provide children with utensils that are appropriate for their ages and stages of development and that take account of the eating practices in their cultures
- Children are served drinks at meal and snack times only. We have fresh drinking water constantly available for the children. We inform the children about how to obtain the water and that they can ask for water at any time during the day
- In accordance with parents' wishes, we offer breakfast to children arriving early in the morning, and if staying late, parents can supply an appropriate meal or snack
- We inform parents who provide food for their children about the storage facilities available in our setting.
- We give parents who provide food for their children information about suitable containers for food
- In order to protect children with food allergies, we discourage children from sharing and swapping their food
- For each child under two, we provide parents with daily written information about feeding routines, intake and preferences
- We serve full fat milk to children under 2 and semi-skimmed milk for older children who request it
- After school club offer a snack rather than a meal
- Food is nutritious and stored safely at the correct temperature
Packed lunches