
Kingdoms of Life Book

Turn this rubric in with your Book: Due ______

  • You will be creating a children’s type book about the six kingdoms of life. Your book should be colorful and easy to read. You should design it to be read by students in elementary school.
  • Your book will have sections showing the following kingdoms of life; archaebacteria, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants and animals.
  • Your book will have a cover, illustrations, diagrams and easy to read information on each kingdom. Each section, or kingdom, will describe what the organisms are like in each kingdom and what makes them unique, how those organisms reproduce and other special information. What is required for each section is listed below.
  • This book will be your own design so feel free to arrange the pages any way you like. However, each page must contain specific information to be counted for full credit. Below is a list of requirements for each page or section.

Cover Page ____ 5 pts.

• Title (Six Kingdoms, Kingdoms of Life, SixKingdoms of Life or something similar)

• Author (By: Your Name)

• A picture that shows organisms from the kingdoms of life.

Page 1 – Archaebacteria _____ 15 pts

• A diagram or picture of archaebacteria

• A description of what a archaebacteria is: include what makes it its’ own kingdom (sets it apart)

• A description of how archaebacteria reproduce

• A list of diseases and the archaebacteria that causes them

Page 2 – Bacteria _____ 15pts

• A diagram or picture of bacteria

• A description of what bacteria is:include what makes it its’ own kingdom (sets it apart)

• A description of how bacteria reproduce

• A list of diseases and the bacteria that causes them

Page 3 – Protists _____ 15 pts

• A diagram of a protist. (it can be plant-like or animal-like)

• A description of what a protist is and explain the difference between plant-like and animal-like protists: include what makes it its’ own kingdom (sets it apart)

• A description about how protists move.

• A description of how protists reproduce

Page 4 – Fungi _____ 15 pts

• A drawing or diagram of different fungi

• An explanation of what fungi are and how they grow.

• Descriptions of different types of fungi. (molds, mushrooms, lichens): include what makes it its’ own kingdom (sets it apart)

• A description of how fungi reproduce

Page 5 – Plants (general information) _____ 15 pts

• Diagrams of different plant parts. (leaf, root, stem)

• A basic description of a plant: include what makes it its’ own kingdom (sets it apart)

• A description of how non-seed plants reproduce (spores)

• A description of how conifers reproduce

• A description of how flowering plants reproduce

Page 6 – Animals (general information) _____ 15 pts

• A diagram of an animal cell

• A description of what an animal is: include what makes it its’ own kingdom (sets it apart)(how are animals different from other forms of life)

• An explanation of how animals get their food

• Describe how animals reproduce

Creativity ____ 5 pts


HOLT Biology:

Chapter 20, 21, 22, 23 - 26, 27


Slides of each kingdom that can be useful for your pictures

Website that has powerpoint notes for each kingdom: