King Springs Elementary
Support Organizations
All of our wonderful support organizations share the same ultimate goal . . .
to work with school administrators and teachers to help ensure King Springs remains the best, no less!
Group / Purpose / Mission / MembersSchool Council / To assist with identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing school improvement options. The Council provides advice and recommendations to the school principal and, when appropriate, the Cobb County Board of Education and local school superintendent. The Council does not have an operating budget and therefore coordinates resource needs with the county, school, PTA, and Foundation. / To bring the community and school closer together in a spirit of cooperation to strategically solve difficult education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the school-based decision-making process. / The Council is consists of a minimum of 7 members. Aside from the principal and Teacher of the Year, 4 parents (2 of which must be businesspersons) and one teacher are elected to 2-year terms. Members may serve more than one term.
PTA / The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. By developing a closer relationship with parents, student achievement improves, and the school develops a positive reputation in the community. / PTA addresses issues that are important to parents and public school administrators. PTA leverages volunteer power, improves communication, raises funds to support improvements, implements proven programs, boosts children’s well-being, and benefits from seeking input from our diverse community in order to develop meaningful priorities for our school. / The PTA invites parents, faculty, staff, and community partners to join in as members. PTA board members act as committee leaders for various PTA events and functions. The PTA executive board (minimum 5 members) manages the PTA calendar, budget, activities, volunteer opportunities, and establish the direction of the organization.
Foundation / To supplement elements of enhanced education and school improvements beyond the funding abilities of Cobb County school system as well as funding restrictions placed on all local PTAs. / The Foundation has set an immediate goal to provide funding for teacher support (i.e. teacher training, collaboration days, stipends/ incentives/ rewards for going above and beyond to support KSE goals). Additional areas of focus will include enriched curriculum, technology, STEM support, and capital improvements. / The KSEF is operated and managed by a Board of Directors comprised of Executive Officers, committee chairs, and additional support roles as needed. Executive officers are elected to a minimum one-year term, and may serve more than one term.
The principal is a standing member of each organization. Elections for each organization are held each spring.