Ms J. Kempe, Principal, ext 404 Ted Byers, Superintendent Steve Kavanagh Trustee

Telephone 905 451 2515 905 451 2862

SEPTEMBER newsletter, 2014



Welcome back to another exciting year at McHugh!! A warm welcome is extended to our current families and the new families who are joining our learning community. Hopefully you were able to take full advantage of the summer and enjoyed some wonderful family time.

Our Custodial Team has worked hard throughout the summer preparing our school for the upcoming year and the school is ready to welcome students and parents . We are excited about the upcoming school year and working closely with our McHugh families.

If you have dropped by the school you will know that a new security system has been added to the building. Once the instructional day begins the front doors of the building will be locked throughout the school day. Students who arrive late will need to be “buzzed” into the building by ringing the bell attached to the security camera. Parents entering the school during instructional time will also be required to ring the bell. We will response as quickly as possible to open the door, however it is possible that we may be busy doing other things at the exact moment you arrive.

Student success is our foremost priority. To help us continually improve, we review and modify our learning goals, annually. Our School Success focus areas for the upcoming school year will be Literacy and Numeracy. The McHugh staff continually strives to deliver curriculum which meets the individual needs of our students. I am proud of their enthusiasm, dedication and the many talents they bring to our learning community.

We invite you to partner with us in the educational journey of your son or daughter. As research shows, student success is enhanced when parents and teachers work together to promote student learning. Support at home, ensures success at school.

Cheers to a successful school year!!


The Peel Character Traits of Caring, Respect, Inclusion, Co-operation and Honesty will continue to be a focus throughout the school year. Each month a different trait will be focussed on and the students will be encouraged to demonstrate their understanding of a specific trait through making appropriate choices which reflect that trait.

We will begin our school year, by sharing the book “How Full is Your Bucket? For kids” Each class will discuss the message within the book and we will focus on “Filling our Buckets”. The message of the book will be referenced at assemblies and you may notice logos promoting the “Bucket Filling” philosophy within classrooms.

Empathy is the basis of good citizenship and effective communication skills. We teach students to consider how their actions impact on others and make others feel. It is important for students to develop understanding of how their decisions may hurt or cause negative emotions in another student.

At home, you can support our Climate for Learning goal by explaining how to demonstrate empathy toward those who have changed schools or empathy for those who battle cancer such as Terry Fox did.


if you need to keep medication here at the school, please pick up an "Administration of Prescribed Medication" form from the office. This form must be completed and signed byyour doctor each year in order that medicationmay be stored and administered to your child at school.If you have not already done so, pleasedrop off the completed form and themedication to the office.


Please note that due to the growing number of students with nut and other life threatening allergies we must ask for your cooperation by not sending cookies, cakes, or any other

homemade goodies in for your child's birthday. We realize that these are very special days, but since it is impossible to guarantee "no nuts" in a homemade item, we have no choice but to make this request. It is a Peel Board policy not to have any food in the school that is not clearly labelled as "nut free".


Friday, September 20is reorganization. This year, unlike in the past, students will attend school on reorganization as a day has not been set aside for this.

Please note that all class placements are tentative pending our final enrolment. Parents and students will be notified of any change of class placement at the time of reorganization.

Our first PLD is Friday, October 11th.


Please join us in welcoming new staff members. In our classrooms, Melissa Brownlow is joining our Grade 2-3 Team, Sylvia Hatzidiakos is joining our Grade 4-5 team, Sheena Prezutti and Nafisa Taiyeb are joining our Teacher’s Assistant Team.

We would also like to welcome Sara Marcocia-Borosui back to McHugh, following her maternity leave.


In the interest of helping you spend your hard earned money carefully, we would like to suggest that parents refrain from purchasing expensive back to school supplies such as binders until your child has met with their teacher on the first day of school. We know that it is exciting to purchase new things to start the year, but we don't want any of them to be wasted.


Student agendas are available for a purchase price of $6.00. We recommend that all students in Grade 1 thru 5 purchase an Agenda. Agendas provide an excellent way to communicate between home and school as well as help develop organizational and time management skills, both of which are excellent life skills.


Arranging busses for students throughout the Region of Peel is a very complicated task. At this time of the year, there are always changes and modifications being made by the Transportation Department. We thank you for your patience over the next few weeks while these modifications are made. We are doing everything we can to make sure students have bussing as soon as possible.

We do ask that all parents have their children at the bus stop five to six minutes earlier then their pick up time and to be patient when it is raining or snowing.


We look forward to meeting many of you at our annual Open House / Fall Fair on Thursday, September 26th,from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an opportunity for parents to meet their children's classroom teachers and to view classrooms. More information will follow as we get closer to this date.

School Day

The entry bell will rings at 8:42 am. Nutrition Break 1 is from 10:45 – 11:25 with students eating during the first 20 minutes, and Nutrition Break 2 is from 1:05 – 1:45 with students eating during the first 20 minutes.

If you are picking up your child early for any reason, please send a note to their teacher explaining the reason and time of pick up so we can have them ready to go when you arrive.


Pizza Days will occur each Friday starting Oct. 4th, 2013. If you are interested in pre-ordering pizza until the Winter Break, watch for Pre-Paid Pizza forms coming home soon. If you wish to pay weekly, the forms will be available in your child’s classroom to take home weekly. We are not able to substitue weeks if a child is absent for the Pizza Day.




A number of students and staff have life-threatening peanut allergies. We would liketo thank all of our families fornot sending peanut and nutproducts to school for lunches andsnacks.

We appreciate your thoughtfulnessand kindness.



Peel schools provide a safe environment for staff and students to work and learn. The board has many procedures to ensure safety. To keep students safe, schools use many strategies including:

  • requiring all parents and visitors to check in at the main office and obtain visitor passes
  • the use of a "buddy system" – students can only leave the classroom if accompanied by another student (for example, going to the washroom)
  • assigning teachers to supervise inside and outside the school during recesses, before and after school
  • locking all exteriors doors, except the main entrance, during school hours
  • encouraging staff to regularly review streetproofing skills with students
  • expecting staff and students to report unidentified individuals to the office immediately
  • holding fire drills and "lockdown" rehearsals
  • having evacuation plans in place
  • ensuring that all staff and volunteers have

up-to-date criminal record checks

  • working with the police to provide

education on street-proofing

We feel that it is important that you also take this opportunity to review safe procedures with your child. Peel Regional Police have provided the following safety guidelines:

  • Tell your children to never go anywhere with a stranger, not to talk to strangers and never take anything from them. You also have to teach them what a "safe stranger" is in case they need help. A safe stranger includes a police officer, a cashier, a fire fighter.
  • Develop a "what if" game for children to get them thinking about how they would respond if they felt threatened or afraid.
  • Know who your children play with and where they go. This includes keeping a list of their friend's addresses and phone numbers.
  • Do not leave your child in unsupervised locations, such as cars, parks, public washrooms, arenas, malls and plazas, etc.
  • Teach your children where and how to get help. Go with them on their regularly travelled routes. Find

out where the pay telephones are and show your child how to use 9-1-1 (no coins required).

  • Your child's body is private. Tell your children that no one may touch the area their bathing suit covers. If someone tries to touch them, they should tell you immediately.
  • Teach your children to talk to you immediately when someone does anything that makes them feel strange or uncomfortable. Listen when your children are trying to tell you about something that bothers them and provide them with support and understanding.

For more information about the safety at your school, review your school handbook or speak to your principal or teacher.


Parents play an important role in the development and education of their children and in the success of the school community. Studies indicate that parents are the most important influence in a child's life outside of school.

At MCHUGH, we welcome and encourage participation of parents and community members. Of course, we also recognize the time and energy these volunteers give.

There is a common misconception that volunteering in a school requires a huge commitment and a lot of your free time. There are many volunteer opportunities available at our school that are flexible and range from a few hours per month to five hours a day, depending on your schedule.

Examples of various volunteer opportunities

include (but are not limited to):

  • accompanying students and teachers on field trips
  • preparing classroom materials from home, e.g. cutting, tracing, collating, etc.
  • field trips, preparation for events, e.g. baking, cooking, making telephone calls, etc.
  • reading with students individually or in small groups

Come visit us in the office if you're interested in volunteering at our school. We will conduct a short interview and provide you with the forms necessary to obtain your criminal record check.


In order for students to be successful in school,

regular attendance is essential. However,if it is necessary for your child to beabsent, it is

important for us to know. Pleasecall the

"Attendance Line" to report an absence, leaving your child's name, their teacher's name and the reason for the absence. Thisnot only assists with attendance records but also assures staff of the safety of our students.

To reach the attendance line, call our regular telephone number (905) 451-2515, wait for the

recording to begin, and press the number "1".


The strength of a School Council depends greatly on the support it receives from its parent community. Our School Council is a vital group of parents involved in the life of McHugh PS. They provide outstanding support throughout the school year. Please think about becoming a member of our School Council this year. It is an excellent way to get more involved in your child's education through committee work.

School Council Elections will be held at our first School Council meeting Monday, September 23rdat 7:00 pm. Council positions include co-chair, treasurer, secretary and four parent members. No experience is necessary. Please think about running for a council position!!!


Picture Day is on Friday, October 18th this year.

Packages will be sent home as soon as they are received.


Offence Declaration required for returning volunteers

Parents play an important role in the development and education of their children and in the success of the school community. At McHugh, we welcome and encourage the participation of parents and community members, and are grateful for the countless hours our volunteers contribute throughout the school year.

To volunteer at our school, you must complete a short interview and a criminal record check. A police background check is required for all school volunteers in Ontario. Even if you want to accompany your child on a field trip, you need this background check.

Once you have completed the process, you are on file with the Peel District School Board as being a school volunteer. Beginning this year, all returning volunteers will be mailed an Offence Declaration Form that must be filled out and returned to the board office each year. You will not be able to volunteer with the Peel board until you have returned this form.

If you have any questions about criminal record checks or the offence declaration form, please call the board office at 905-890-1010 ext. 2488.


Take advantage of our electronic subscription service to automatically receive a list of activities by email on a monthly basis. Subscriptions are sent the last week of the month, plus bonuses throughout the year. Subscribing is easy  just visit our website at and click on the subscription link under "Quick Links."

You can also subscribe to receive:

News releases

Keep up with the news at the Peel board. Subscribe to receive Peel board news releases to learn more about board news and school events.

Board agendas

Learn more about Peel board meetings by subscribing to receive agendas. Meetings of the board are open to the public and are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.

Board highlights

Briefing is a newsletter with highlights of decisions made by trustees at board meetings. It is sent out on the second and fourth Thursday of every month and immediately following any special board meetings.
Job Postings for Non-Teaching Staff
Learn about each new non-teaching job that is posted on the Peel board's Job Board.


Proof of immunization– proof that your child has been immunized/vaccinated

Missing documents?

If you are missing some documents, you can still visit the We Welcome the World Centres, and our staff will help you with all registration requirements.

Your child’s first day of school

Once the orientation interview is complete, you will get an appointment card with the date your child can start school. Please bring this card with you on your child’s first day, so that he or she can receive a new school schedule to complete the registration process.

International students

International students attend the Peel Academy for International Students at Clarkson Secondary School. The academy provides a unique, world-class program that integrates students from around the world into the dynamic and welcoming learning environment at Clarkson.

International students interested in our program should visit or call 1-800-668-1179 ext. 1252.


Each year, many of our families spend thousands of dollars when their children are injured at school, on field trips or at home. For pennies a day, this can all be avoided.

The Peel District School Board does notprovide accident insurance coverage for student injuries that occur on school property or during school activities—this includes extracurricular sports. If a student is injured, parents are responsible for any costs not covered by provincial health care or their employer's health care plan. Please check with your provider regarding your coverage.