Hibiscus Avenue, Gladstone, Q 4680
Telephone 07 4971 5111
Fax 07 4971 5100
President: Dave Orgill Treasurer: Milan Versic Secretary: Dr Sanath Alahakoon
Kin Kora State School Tuckshop
Hi Everyone
Hello, my name is Samantha Smith (Sam for short) and I am Kin Kora State School’s Managing Tuckshop Convenor. Myself and the tuckshop assistants are looking for volunteers (Mum’s, Dad’s, Grandparents, Aunty’s or Uncle’s) to join our wonderful group.
The tuckshop will be open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. All we ask is for a few hours – (from 8:30am to 11:30am or 10:30am to 1:30pm or any time that is suitable to you) – of your time to help. By volunteering your time this allows the profits from the tuckshop to be passed on to the P & C Association to help fund worthwhile projects within our school. All training is provided.
This is a great opportunity to be involved in your child/children’s school, have an input into the tuckshop, meet and make new friends, have fun and help out your school community. It can also give you skills if you are seeking employment, eg. Food preparation, money handling, customer service etc.
You are more than welcome to come along and see me to have a chat about the tuckshop and the times you would like to help out. You are also welcome to contact me on 4975 5128 or 0417 101605 to also have a chat or just fill in the attached form and drop it back into the office or to the tuckshop.
Thank you and look forward to meeting you soon!
Samantha Smith
Kin Kora State School Managing Tuckshop Convenor.
Child’s Name………………………………………………….. Grade………………………
Phone No……………………….
Time/s Available (please circle) 8:30am to 11:30am 10:30am to 1:30pm
Which day/days suit you (please circle) Wednesday Thursday Friday.
No. of days per month (please circle) One Two Three Four
G:\Coredata\Office\E_ORGANISATION & GROUPS\E1.0 P&C\E1.1 Tuckshop\letter for helpers 2009.doc