Kimberly A. Driscoll, Ph.D.


Kimberly A. Driscoll, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes

The Children’s Hospital Colorado

University of Colorado, Denver

Address:Mail Stop A140, PO Box 6511

1775 Aurora Court

Aurora, CO 80045-6511




8/90-5/94Miami University, Oxford, OH, B.A., Cum Laude with Honors in Psychology.

8/99-8/01Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, Department of Psychology

M.S. in Clinical Psychology, APA Full Accreditation.

9/04-8/05Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Department of Psychological Services, Child Psychology Internship, APA-AccreditedInternship.

8/99-8/05Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, Department of Psychology

Clinical Psychology, APA-AccreditedProgram.

9/05-7/07NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, NIDDK T32 Training Grant in Child Behavior and Nutrition (DK063929), Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology.


8/07-12/09Assistant Scientist/Scholar, Florida State University College of Medicine Department of Behavioral Sciences & Social Medicine (formerly Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences), Tallahassee, FL.

12/09-8/15Assistant Professor, Florida State University College of Medicine, Department of Behavioral Sciences & Social Medicine, Tallahassee, FL.

8/15-presentCourtesy Assistant Professor, Florida State University College of Medicine, Department of Behavioral Sciences & Social Medicine, Tallahassee, FL.

9/15-presentAssistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, Aurora, CO.

3/16-presentSecondary Appointment, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Aurora, CO.


8/11-8/15Associate Director, Florida State University Psychology Clinic, Florida State University, Department of Psychology, Tallahassee, FL.


2006-2008National Institutes of Health Pediatric Loan Repayment Program Recipient

2010-2013National Institutes of Health Pediatric Loan Repayment Program Recipient

20112nd Place; Florida State University First Year Assistant Professor Research Award

2011-2012Outstanding Junior Faculty Research Award, Florida State University College of Medicine

2014-2015Recognized Student Organization (RSO) of the Year Award, FSUCares (Faculty Advisor)


American Association of Diabetes Educators

2013-2014Planning Committee, Annual Meeting

American Diabetes Association


2015-2016Psychosocial and Behavioral Medicine Planning Committee, American Diabetes Association 76th Scientific Sessions

American Psychological Association

2008-presentMember, Division of Pediatric Psychology

2011-2014Division of Health Psychology Research Council

2013-2015Co-Chair, Diabetes Special Interest Group, Division of Pediatric Psychology

2016-presentTargeted Research Grants Committee, Division of Pediatric Psychology

Behavioral Research in Diabetes Group Exchange


International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes



University of Colorado Denver

2016Reviewer, CCTSI Pre-K Award, Mock Study Section

University of Colorado Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes

2015-presentMember, Pediatric Research Collaborative

2015-presentChair, Behavioral Medicine Service Workgroup

2016-presentMember, Faculty Search Committee

2016-presentMember, Committee for Regulatory Compliance

Florida State University College of Medicine

2008Member, Search Committee for Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

2008-2011Faculty Advisor, Year 1 and Year 2 Medical Student Learning Community

2008-2014Year 1 and Year 2 Medical Student Academic Advisor

2009Member, Patient-Centered Competencies Task Force

2009Faculty Advisor, Medical Mission Trip, Uganda, Africa, Sponsoring Agency: Hearts AFire, Sarasota, FL

2009-2011Member, Admissions Committee

2010Faculty Advisor, Medical Mission Trip, Ghana, Africa, Sponsoring Agency: Hearts AFire, Sarasota, FL

2010Member, Search Committee for Chair of Department of Clinical Sciences

2010Member, Planning Committee for “Healing and the Arts; Spaces Between Breaths,” co-hosted with the Colleges of Social Work, Nursing, Visual Arts, Theater, and Dance, and Music

2011Faculty Advisor, Medical Mission Trip, Nicaragua, Students Interested in Global Health

2012Moderator, Religion & Abortion: Respecting & Understanding Your Patients’ Beliefs Presented by Florida State University College of Medicine Christian Medical Association and Maimonides Society

2012-2015Faculty Advisor, Annual Service Learning Trip, Immokalee, FL, FSUCares

2012-2015Faculty Advisor, FSUCares

2013Member, Curriculum Redesign Committee, Clerkships

Florida State University College of Medicine Department of Behavioral Sciences & Social Medicine

2008-2015Coordinator, Psychology Continuing Education Credits

2009-2011Member, Faculty Council

2010-2011Member, Search Committee Vice Chair of Research

2014-2015Member, Search Committee Distinguished Endowed Professorship in Mental Health


2012Staff Volunteer, Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Diabetes Center, Diabetes Family Weekend

2013Panel Member, Type 1 Diabetes Transition Workshop, Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Diabetes Center


2013-2016Member, National Diabetes Education Program Diabetes HealthSense Task Group


Licensed Psychologist, Florida, since August 2007

Licensed Psychologist, Colorado, since July 2015


2001Reviewer, Poster Sessions, American Psychological Association Annual Conference

2006Reviewer, Poster Sessions, North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference

2006-2011Consulting Editor, Clinician’s Research Digest

2007Reviewer, Poster Sessions, Division of Pediatric Psychology Regional Conference

2007-2009Reviewer, Poster Sessions, Division of Pediatric Psychology, American Psychological Association Convention

2008-2010Review Panel Member, Journal of Pediatric Psychology

2010-presentEditorial Board, Journal of Pediatric Psychology

2011-2012Reviewer, Poster Sessions, Division of Pediatric Psychology, American Psychological Association Convention

2011-2014Reviewer, American Psychological Association Division of Health Psychology Student Research Awards

2011-presentSenior Consulting Editor, Clinician’s Research Digest

2012Reviewer, Poster Sessions, Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association Convention

2012Ad hoc reviewer, NIH/National Cancer Institute (NCI) Special Emphasis Panel ZCA1 SRLB (J1); Small Grants for Behavioral Research in Cancer Control

2012-2013Grant Reviewer, Diabetes UK

2013Sir George Alberti Fellowship Reviewer, Diabetes UK

2013Ad hoc reviewer, NIH/National Cancer Institute (NCI) Special Emphasis Panel ZCA1 SRLB-Y (M1); Small Grants for Behavioral Research in Cancer Control

2014Reviewer, Poster Sessions, Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association Convention

2014Ad hoc reviewer, National Science Foundation: SCH/EXP #1: Sensors in the Information & Intelligent Systems Division (IIS)

2015Reviewer, Poster Sessions, Division of Pediatric Psychology, American Psychological Association Convention

2015-2016Reviewer, Psychosocial Poster Sessions, American Diabetes Association 75th Scientific Sessions

2015-2016Guest Editor, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Special Issue on Psychological Aspects of Diabetes Technology

2013-presentEditorial Board, People Living with and Inspired by Diabetes(PLAID)

2017External Grant Reviewer, Seattle Children’s Hospital Institute of Translational Health Sciences

Ad Hoc Reviewer

American Journal of Managed Care, Behavior Therapy, BMC Pediatrics, Children’s Health Care, Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, Contemporary Clinical Trials, Diabetes and Metabolism, Diabetes Care, Diabetic Medicine, Diabetes Spectrum, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, Families, Systems, and Health, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, JAMA Pediatrics, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Journal of Health Psychology, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Pediatrics, Pediatrics, Pediatric Diabetes, Psychiatry Research, Psychological Assessment



  1. Iturralde, E., Berget, C., Buckingham, B.A., DiMeglio, L.A., Driscoll, K.A., Hanes, S.J., Lagges, A., Ly, T.T., Maahs, D.M., Mantravadi, M., Hood, K.K. (2016). Behavioral supports for parents of very young children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). Pediatric Diabetes, 17(S24), 12.
  2. Berget, C., Driscoll, K.A., Campbell, K., Ketchum, K., Cain, C., Raymond, J. (2016). Home telemedicine increases the number of type 1 diabetes care visits attended by young adults. Pediatric Diabetes, 17(S24), 26.
  3. Driscoll, K.A., Wang, Y., Gill, E., Johnson, S.B., Wright, N.C., & Deeb, L.C. (2016, November). White Coat Adherence Occurs in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Receiving Intervention to Improve Insulin Pump Adherence Behaviorsin Interventions: Novel approaches to improve medication adherence. European Society for Patient Adherence, COMpliance, and Persistence. Lisbon, Portugal.


  1. Driscoll K.A. (2006, October) Significant Biopsychosocial Stressors on a 14-Year-Old’s Adherence to her CF Regimen. Presentation at the 20th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Denver, CO.
  2. Driscoll K.A. (2006, October). Dealing with Difficult Teens. Invited presentation at the 20th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Denver, CO.
  3. Modi, A.C., Driscoll, K.A., Montag-Leifling, K., & Acton, J. (2006, October). International Depression Study: Preliminary Data from a Pilot Site. Presented at the Caregiver's Discussion Groups by Discipline Update on the International Depression/Anxiety Prevalence Study. Joint Session for Social Workers and Psychologists at the 20th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Denver, CO.
  4. Driscoll, K.A. (2006, October). End Stage CF: Expectations for Airway Clearance and Activity. Invited presentation at the 20th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Denver, CO.
  5. Driscoll, K.A. (2006, November). Diathesis-Stress Test of Response Styles Theory in Children. In J.A. Kistner (Chair), Children’s Responses to Negative Affect: Sex Differences and Vulnerability to Psychopathology. Symposium presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Chicago, IL.
  6. Modi, A.C, Lemming, C., Driscoll, K.A., & Montag-Leifling, K. (2007, October). Preliminary Results of the National Depression and Anxiety Screening Study in Two CF Centers in Ohio. Paper presented at the 21stAnnual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Anaheim, CA.
  7. Driscoll K.A. (2007, October). Risky Behavior in Adolescents and Early Adults. Invited presentation at the 21st Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Anaheim, CA.
  8. Driscoll, K.A, Barker, D., Quittner, A.L., & Modi, A.C. (2007, October). Thank You for Caring, but Don’t Tell Me What To Do: Adolescent Perspectives on Social Support from Peers, Family, and Health Care Teams. Invited presentation at the 21st Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Anaheim, CA.
  9. Driscoll, K.A. (2012, August). Adherence Behaviors Associated with Insulin Pump Use in Young Patients with Type 1 Diabetes. In S.L. Grace (Chair), Measurement and Management of Cardiometabolic Diseases. Symposium presented at the 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.
  10. Driscoll, K.A. (2013, June).Parent Perceptions: Who can Deliver Diabetes Care in the School?In A Brave New World-Self Management Support in the Community. Symposium presented at the American Diabetes Association 73rd Scientific Sessions. Chicago, IL.
  11. Harmon, S.L, Driscoll, K.A., Repper, K., Kistner, J.A. (2014, November). Children’s rumination to sadness and anger: Implications for depression and aggression. In B. White (Chair), Anger rumination and self-perception in externalizing behaviors. Symposium conducted at the 48th Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  12. Driscoll, K.A. (2014, December). Type 1 Diabetes Technology: A Gold Mine of Adherence Data. University of Florida. Gainesville, FL.
  13. Driscoll, K.A. (2015, March). Type 1 Diabetes Technology: A Gold Mine of Adherence Data. University of Colorado Barbara Davis Center Pediatric Grand Rounds. Aurora, CO.
  14. Driscoll, K.A. (2015, March). Type 1 Diabetes Technology: A Gold Mine of Adherence Data. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Adherence Center Grand Rounds. Cincinnati, OH.
  15. Harmon, S., Driscoll, K.A., Repper, K.K., & Kistner, J.A. (2015, March). Anger and Sadness Rumination as Predictors of Children's Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms and their Comorbidity. In A. Mezulis (Chair), Symposium presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
  16. Driscoll, K.A. (2015, April). Type 1 Diabetes Technology: A Gold Mine of Adherence Data. Diabetes Technology Society Clinical Diabetes Technology Meeting. Orlando, FL.
  17. Driscoll, K.A. (2016, February). Caring for Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Schools: Whose Responsibility is It? Keynote at the Type 1 Diabetes in Schools: A Discussion of Best Practices Conference. Seattle, WA.
  18. Driscoll, K.A., Johnson, S.B., Roy, C., Raymond, J., Wright, N., & Deeb, L.C. (2016, April). Intervention to Improve Insulin Pump Adherence: Does Providing Patient-Friendly Data Make A Difference? In A.C. Modi (Chair),Translation of Evidenced-Based Practices into Real-World Settings: From Medicine to Media. Symposium presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
  19. Hilliard, M., Dutton, G., Fischer, L. (2016, June). In K.A. Driscoll (Chair), Beyond A1C-Why Quality of Life Matters. American Diabetes Association 76th Annual Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, LA.
  20. Driscoll, K.A (2016, July). Behavioral Challenges with Diabetes. Barbara Davis Center Keystone Conference: Practical Ways to Achieve Targets in Diabetes Care. Keystone, CO.
  21. Driscoll, K.A. (2016, October). Patient Engagement and Challenges. Johnson and Johnson Diabetes Institute, LLC, Denver, CO.


  1. Driscoll, K.A., Montag-Leifling, K., Acton, J.D., & Modi, A.C. (2007, April). Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and their Caregivers: Relations between Quality of Life and Anxious and Depressive Symptoms. Great Lakes Regional Conference on Child Health. Cincinnati, OH.


Barbara Davis Center

3/8/16Grand Rounds: Assessment of Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Ideations

5/24/16Research in Progress: Intervention to Improve Insulin Pump Adherence: Does Providing Patient-Friendly Data Make A Difference?

Children’s Hospital Colorado

12/201/16Psychology Internship Didactics: Psychological Comorbidities of Type 1 Diabetes

Medical Courses and Lectures; Florida State University College of Medicine

Doctoring 101 (BMS 6015): Summer 2008, 2010

Doctoring 102 (BMS 6016): Fall 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

-Assessing Adherence to Complex Medical Regimens: Spring 2013

-Family Violence: Fall 2012, 2013

-Mood Disorders in Primary Care Settings: Fall 2013, 2014

Doctoring 103 (BMS 6017): Spring 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

-Assessing Adherence to Complex Medical Regimens: Spring 2013.

-Mood Disorders in Primary Care Settings: Spring 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; Fall 2012, 2014

Medicine and Behavior 201 (BMS 6821)

-Adjustment to Chronic Illness: Spring 2009

-Alternative Methods of Giving Birth: Spring 2011

-Case Conceptualization: Fall 2009

-Child Psychopathology: Fall 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014

-Culture in the Context of Psychological Disorders: Fall 2011

-Eating Disorders: Fall 2012, 2013

-Pediatric Obesity: Fall 2010, Spring 2014

-Psychoanalytic Theory: Learning Theory, and Child Psychopathology; Fall 2007, 2009, 2010

-Spirituality in Medicine: Fall 2011

Medicine and Behavior 202 (BMS 6822)

-Assessing Adherence to Complex Medical Regimens: Spring 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; Fall 2012, 2013

Pharmacology (BMS 6402-01);Integrated Case: Diabetes: Spring 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015

Medicine 1 (BMS 6037):Virtues and Values:Wellness For Students, Physicians and Patients - Challenges of Behavior Change, Summer 2014

Supervision of Clinical Practice: Florida State University Department of Psychology

Clinical Supervision (PSY 5941): Spring 2008, Fall 2011-Fall 2014 (12 consecutive semesters)

Graduate Lectures: Florida State University

Florida State University Multidisciplinary Center

-Clinical Training: Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch) : Fall 2007, 2008, 2009

-Type 1 Diabetes: A Gold Mine of Adherence Data: Spring 2013, 2014

Florida State University Department of Psychology

-Approaches to Child and Adult Assessments: Spring 2013, Summer 2013

-Documentation of Psychology Patient Progress Notes: Fall 2010, 2011, 2012

-Fundamentals of Psychological Evaluation Report Writing: Spring 2013, Fall 2013

-Treatment of Feeding Disorders in Young Children with Cystic Fibrosis: Spring 2009

-Type 1 Diabetes: A Gold Mine of Adherence Data Fall 2011

Undergraduate Courses

Tallahassee Community College

-General Psychology (PSY 2012): Spring 2004

-Psychology of Personal and Social Adjustment (CLP 1002): Summer 2004

Florida State University

-Sensation and Perception Laboratory (EXP 3202L): Fall 2002-Spring 2004 (5 semesters)

-Abnormal Child Psychology (CLP 4134): Summer 2004, Fall 2008

-Directed Individual Study(PSY 4920/BMS 4901): Fall 2007-Summer 2015 (22 semesters)

Undergraduate Guest Lectures: Florida State University

Careers in Psychology (PSY 2023). Introduction to Pediatric Psychology: Fall 2007, 2008, 2009

Medical Aspects of Disability and Chronic Illness (RCS 4081).Endocrine Disorders: Summer 2008, 2010.

Honors Medical Seminar (ICS 2937). Adherence to Medical Treatment Regimens: Spring 2011, 2013, 2014; Fall 2014.

Research Assistants and Students Mentored and Current Positions

  • Kylie Benson, Professional Research Assistant, Barbara Davis Center, University of Colorado
  • Cari Berget, Professional Research Assistant, Barbara Davis Center, University of Colorado
  • Staci Biegner, B.S., FSUCares, Year 4 Medical Student, Florida State University
  • Mark Cogburn, M.D., PGY5, Department of Urology, Maimonides Medical Center
  • Brian Cogburn, M.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Hospital Medicine and Global Health, University of Florida College of Medicine
  • Tavenner Dibert, M.D., Summer Research, PGY1, Pediatrics, University of Florida College of Medicine – Shands Hospital
  • Clarissa Dunn, M.D., FSUCares, PGY1, Pediatrics, Naval Medical Center
  • Adam Field, M.D., FSUCares, PGY1, Emergency Medicine; University of Arizona College of Medicine
  • Andrew Freeth, M.D., Summer Research, PGY1, Emergency Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine
  • Elizabeth Gill, Doctoral student in Counseling Psychology, University of Houston
  • Whitney Guthrie, Ph.D., Clinical, Postdoctoral Fellow, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Sarah Hardy, B.S., FSUCares, Year 4 Medical Student, Florida State University
  • Rachel Johnson, B.S., FSUCares, Year 4 Medical Student, Florida State University
  • Ellen Kolomeyer, Doctoral student in Clinical Psychology, University of Central Florida
  • Rebecca Lynch, Resident in Psychology, University of Mississippi Medical Center
  • Megan McClain, Summer Research, Year 2 Medical Student, Florida State University
  • Kaitlin Nicholson, B.S., FSUCares, Year 4 Medical Student, Florida State University
  • Aaron Norr, M.S., Clinical, Doctoral Candidate, Clinical Psychology, Florida State University; Intern, Seattle Veteran’s Administration Hospital
  • Alana Resmini, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Florida Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
  • Shakirat Salvador, M.D., Summer Research, PGY1, Internal Medicine, Duke University Medical Center
  • Jacqueline Shea, B.S., Professional Research Assistant, Barbara Davis Center, University of Colorado
  • Taliea Spence, M.D., PGY1, Obstetrics-Gynecology, University of South Alabama Hospitals
  • Haley Stephens, Resident in Psychology, Oregon Health and Science University
  • Heather Tramel, M.D., FSUCares, PGY1, Anesthesiology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • Alyssa Woodward, Resident Physician, All Children’s Johns Hopkins, St. Petersburg, FL
  • Jennalee Wooldridge, M.S., Clinical, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Clinical Health Psychology, University of Colorado Denver

Undergraduate Honors Theses

1.Co-Chair, Honors Thesis: Amaly Johnson. Negative affect: The role of rumination. Florida State University Department of Psychology.

2.Chair, Honors Thesis: Alana Resmini. Blood glucose monitoring adherence and responsibility in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Florida State University Department of Psychology.

3.Member, Honors Thesis Committee: Samantha Jacobsons. The role of not just right experiences in compulsive checking: An experimental analysis. Florida State University Department of Psychology.

4.Member, Honors Thesis Committee: Bianca Salvaggio. Medication adherence in patients with epilepsy. Florida State University Department of Psychology.

5.Member, Honors Thesis Committee: Alyssa Jones. The association between depression and family, romantic, and peer support in adults. Florida State University Department of Psychology.

Master’s Theses

  1. Member, Master’s Thesis Committee: Amber Kinsey. The effect of evening macronutrient consumption and combined resistance and high intensity interval training on body composition, cardio-metabolic health, appetite, and mood state in overweight and obese individuals. Florida State University Department of Nutrition, Food, & Exercise Sciences.

2.Member, Master’s Thesis Committee: Katelyn Willbur. Muscle loss and functional impairment in overweight patients with diabetes foot ulcers. Florida State University Department of Nutrition, Food, & Exercise Sciences.

3.Member, Master’s Thesis Committee: Sherelle Harmon. The relationship between rumination, depression, and aggression in children. Florida State University Department of Psychology.

Preliminary Doctoral Exams

1.Member, Preliminary Doctoral Exam Committee: Amber Kinsey. The health impact of nighttime eating: A review of the literature. Florida State University Department of Nutrition, Food, & Exercise Sciences.

Doctoral Dissertations

1.Member, Doctoral Committee: Lora Rose Hunter. The influence of ethnic identity on anxiety symptoms. Florida State University Department of Psychology.

2.Member, Doctoral Committee: Whitney Guthrie. Developmental trajectories of treatment response and prediction of school-age outcome: Follow-up of the early social interaction project. Florida State University Department of Psychology.