Summer 2017
An opportunity for artists and theatre companies to take advantage of the Dukes’ spaces, meet the creative team, ask advice, and network with other artists.
Summer Open Space runs during the following dates:
- Monday 7th August – Friday 18th August
We're making the following spaces available for some or all of this period:
- The Round
- Dressing Rooms
- The Gallery
- The Centre for Creative Learning performance space
- The Centre for Creative Learning recording studio
- Somewhere else – tell us if there's another space you'd love to use
You can apply for just a day, the full two weeks, or anything in between.
Please tell us more about you, your work, what specific project you want to work on, what kind of space you'd prefer to work in, and what kind of support you'd be after from our team. We'll consider all the applications and do our best to juggle everyone's desires.
Please return your form by email to , by 23 June. We'll get back to you by 30 June to let you know our decisions.
NameContact Number
Contact Email
How long have you been working professionally as an artist?
How would you describe your work as an artist? (100 words)
What project would you like to explore during your Kickstart Residency? (Max 100 words)
How long would you like your residency to be? (1 to 10 days)
What would your ideal dates be within the period?
What kind of space are you looking for? Please be as descriptive as possible.
What kind of support would you ideally like (eg dramaturgical, technical, fundraising)? Please be as descriptive as possible.
Dukes Equal Opportunities Monitoring
The Dukes is actively seeking to diversify the artists we support. We would be very grateful if you could complete the questions below. If this scheme is over-subscribed, the information provided may inform our decision-making.
What is your ethnic or cultural origin?Black British / Indian / White European/Other
Black African / Pakistani / Chinese/Other Asian
Black Caribbean / Bangladeshi / Mixed Racial Origin
Black other / White British / Other (Please Specify)
Asian British / Irish
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
If yes, please give details below and outline any particular needs/access requirements you may have.
I Identify my Gender as?
Thank you for completing this Dukes application form