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KG CommunicationsKG TrackerOverview
KG CommunicationsKG Tracker is a cloud-based Fleet, Asset and Mobile Workforce management platform that offers customers with fleets the tools to improve operations, lower fleet running costs and increase fleet productivity.
KG CommunicationsKG Trackerisaportfolioofstackable,multi-SIMsolutionsthathelp KG Communicationsauthorizedsellersreachtheirmonthlyquotafaster.
Value Proposition
Whether you operate a commercial fleet, government fleet, or an over-the-road truckingfleet,ourFleetManagementsolutionsprovidethevehicle,assettracking,and advanced monitoring tools your organization needs to send the information where it needs to go, so your mobile fleet can be more efficient, profitable, and customer- focused.
All-in-one Cloud-based
Order, Asset, Driver, Route and
Dispatch manager
In-vehicle device
Satellite Failover
Satellite coverage
Enhanced PTT
Drive TimeElectronic HoS logging and DVIR
KG CommunicationsKG TrackerPortal
Mobile Apps and Solutions forworkforce management
Enhanced PTT
Mobile device GPS tracking
Moxy Tracker
Battery-powered device
Enhanced PTT
such as reduction in fuel consumption, overtime costs, maintenance and purchase of new equipment
reductionofoverallmileagetraveled, result of better routing and smarter dispatching decisions
increase in service response times, with better fleet visibility, dispatch management and streamlined order entry system
of the North American telematics market is untapped
of all KG Communications AMA Telematics Sales have been captured by KG CommunicationsKG Tracker
is the projected ratio of telematics sales to auto sales in the United States by 20161
of trucking companies in US operate 6 or fewer trucks
Personal Errands and Side jobs After-hour use of company vehicles for personal errands increases fuel and maintenance expenses for the company.
High Fuel Costs
Every 6 mph over 60mph decreases fuel economy by10%.
Fines and Insurance Costs Speedingticketsandaccidentsare resulting in increased insurancepremiumsforthe company.
High Idling
Averagetruckusesalmosthalfagallon of fuel in Light Duty Vehicle / 1 Gallon for Heavy DutyVehicleperhourofidling.
High FMCSA fines
Lackofinsightintodriverstatus resultsininefficientdispatching decisions,highfinesandlossof business due to OOSpenalties.
Timely Maintenance
Record Keeping
Papertrailassociatedwithworkorders,driverschedules,stops andmaintenanceschedulesis costing in admin and managementfees.
Lack of Visibility
Lost, stolen or poorly driven companyvehiclesarecostingin maintenance, replacement, downtimeandlossofbusiness.
Loss of Billable TimeInaccurate on-site arrival / departuretimesandpersonal errandsduringworkhoursadd uptolossofbillabletime
Inefficient Work Distribution Inabilitytoinstantlyseeavailable drivers is costing in high phone traffic, unfair distribution ofwork andovertimecosts.
Customer Service
Longresponsetimes,inabilityto provideETAs,inaccuraciesin billing due to lack of insight into time of arrival/departure result inpoorcustomerservice.
Remote Lone Drivers Lackofvisibilityintovehicle locationinremoteareasfor
periodsoftimekeepsmanagersand dispatchers in the dark about the status of thefleet.
Prevent Unauthorized Use Monitoringcompanyvehicle location at all times helps minimize side-work using companyequipment.
Save Fuel Eliminate unnecessary miles drivenbyoptimizingservice
Reduce Speeding
Speeding increases fuel consumptionandrisk.Eliminate unsafedrivingandprolongyour fleet’svehiclehealth.
Reduce Idling
Idlingwastesfuel.Monitoridling andreduceexcessiveidlingby yourdrivers.
Simplify HoS compliance AutomateHoSrecordofduty statusupkeepforyourdrivers,improveyourcomplianceand minimizeOOSviolationsand auditfines.
Improve Maintenance Increase your gas mileage.Your vehicles deliver their best mileage when they operate in peakcondition.
Get Alerted
Know what’s happening as it happens. MaxTracksupports a variety of pre-set activity alerts, and archives driver activity for 1 year.
Watch Your Entire Fleet Seeing is believing. Monitor driverbehaviorandcontrolhow theyuseyourfleet.
Decrease Your Labor Costs Timeismoney.Getaccurate records of driver hours and eliminatemanualtime-sheets.
Improve Your Productivity Optimize routing. Dispatchers canrecommendthebestroutes to avoid traffic on the way tothe nextjob.
Enhance Customer Service Fleetvisibilitymakesservicing customerseasier.Knowwhoto send,wheretheyare,andwhenthey willarrive.
Added Level of Safety Provide your lone remote employeeswithanaddedlevel ofsafetybybeingabletosend helpinemergencysituations.
KG CommunicationsKG Trackerisahighlyscalableandversatilesolutionthatcanbeadapted toavarietyofindustryverticals.
•Electrical / Plumbing /Technical
Oil and Gas
•Food &Beverage
Remote Services
•Environmental Clean-upServices
•Lumber &Logging
Administration and operations cost savings An oil drilling services company in West Texas was looking for a telematics partner that would beabletoaddressthefollowingchallengesofa growingbusiness:
•Optionsforaccessoriesthatcouldbeeasily installed
•Auser-friendlyinvoicingplatformwitha customizableinterface
•148KG CommunicationsMaxTracksMGS100OBD-II
•60KG CommunicationsMoxy Trackers
Greater visibility into the fleet activity
A national disaster response and environmental clean-up company was experiencing the following business challenges:
•Highlevelofpreventablegovernment complianceviolations
•190 KG CommunicationsMaxTracksSelf-Install
•72KG CommunicationsMoxy Trackers
•Driver IDKits
Compliance with local ordinance
An independent school district in Texas was looking to better manage a fleet of police cruisers and school buses with a fleet management solution that would:
•Monitortheactualspeedoffleetsvsspeed limit
•Tracktheusageofthe“stoparm”onschool busesasperpossibleordinancebythecity
•48KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS200
•12KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS100
Simplifying HoS log-booking compliance
Aflowerdeliverycompanyoperatinglong-haul transportation trucks along with local delivery trucks, was looking for a solution to monitor locationoftrucks,aswellas:
•21KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS150with9Pinfor long-haul trailertractors
•7KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS200Hardwiredfor local deliverytrucks
•25KG CommunicationsKG TrackerHoSforlong-haul drivers
•KG CommunicationsSmarTrackfor local deliverydrivers
KG Communications MaxTrack
KG CommunicationsMaxTracksare the in-vehicle hardware componentof the solution that capturethevehicledatafromthefieldinnearreal-timeasithappens.Thesoftware component - KG CommunicationsKG Trackerrules and reports are specifically designed to interpret the raw data and provide you an accurate picture of your fleet’s performance.
ECM Integration and DTC Code alerts
The KG CommunicationsMaxTrack devices are covertly installed in customer vehicles by connecting to the vehicle’s power source through OBD-II/ CANBUS, 9 Pin J1939, 6 Pin J1708 or hardwired to the vehicle’s ignition and power wires.
When connected to the vehicle’s power source, KG CommunicationsMaxTrackare configured to integrate with the vehicle’s Engine Control Module (ECM). which logs all the important vehicle and engine data, such as odometer reading, VIN number, engine condition and MIL sensor, fuel tank capacity and Diagnostic Trouble Codes.
Key Benefits:
•Collects information such as vehicle’s battery voltage, ignition status, ECM status, DTC Codes,etc
•Reports on driver behavior like speeding, long idling,hard braking,rapidaccelerationandaccidentdetection
•Sends notification to a specified email upon asset’s arrival/ departure at a location ofinterest
•Provides greater insight into the vehicle diagnostichealth, activity in the field and fuel economy on trip by tripbasis
•Scalable for businesses with small, medium and largefleets
KG Communications MaxTrack-Hardware
Feature / KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS100 / KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS50 / KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS150 / KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS7003G HSPA / / / /
Antenna / Internal / Internal / External / Internal
Satellite Failover / /
Wi-Fi capable / /
Bluetooth / Classic, Low Energy / Classic, Low Energy / Classic, Low Energy
Operating temperature / -4° - +140° F / -13° - +140° F / -13° - 158° F / -4° - +149° F
Crash detection / / /
ECM integration / / /
Diagnostic Trouble Codes / / /
VIN Validation / / /
Rechargeable back-up battery / / / /
Back-up battery life / up to 2 hours / up to 2 hours / up to 2 hours / up to 2 hours
Powersources / OBD-II Plug-n-Play Hardwire / OBD-II Plug-n-Play / OBD-II
Deutsch J1939 9Pin Deutsch J1708 6Pin Hardwire / OBD-II
Deutsch J1939 9Pin Deutsch J1708 6Pin Hardwire
Warranty / 3 yrs / 3 yrs / 3 yrs / 3 yrs
ELD-compliant /
Compatible add-on solutions / KG Communications EPTT / KG Communications EPTT
Fleetio Fuel Management / KG CommunicationsKG TrackerHoS KG CommunicationsEPTT
Fleetio Fuel Management
Optional sensors / Temperature sensor Door sensor
Driver ID Emergency button PTO sensor / Temperature sensor Door sensor
Driver ID Emergency button PTO sensor / Temperature sensor Door sensor
Driver ID Emergency button PTO sensor
KG CommunicationsMaxTrack Accessories
Product Photo / Description / Application/ Driver ID integration
DriverIDisacompletesolutionfordriveridentificationand safety. Assigning multiple Key Fobs to multiple vehicle operatorsenablesorganizationstoincreasedriverefficiency andproductivity.
•Know who is who, which vehicle they’re using, and see reports that detail their unique driving behaviors
•As an extra layer of security, when a driver enters your vehicle or tries to access your assets, they are prompted to identify themselves by a loud buzzer. This also works well to deter potential theft, as the buzzer provides some unwanted attention for would-becar-thieves. / •Fleets withMultiple Drivers perTruck
•Oil &Gas
•Crew Transportation vehicles
•Transit vehicles
/ Emergency Button
Enableyourdriverstosendouthigh-priorityalertsignals direct to designated team members in a form of a text message, an email or a live pop-up window in KG Trackerincasesofaccidents,dangeroussituationsor healthemergencies.
•Increase safety and security of employees working alone on a remote job-site, such as construction, pipeline or a drill site
•Select a list of individuals to receive emergency alerts direct to their emails orsmartphones / •Remotecrew
•Oil &Gas
•Emergency ResponseFleets
Radio Frequency Switch
OurRFSwitchallowsthedrivertoturnofftheGPStracking deviceintheirvehicleassoonastheyarriveatthewell-site toavoidcellulardisruptions.Oncetheswitchisactivated,the vehicle’s tracking device will stop transmitting location updates. Instead, it will store all the data until the switch is turnedoff. / •Oil & Gas or any other industry where Radio Frequency on a job-site is a hindrance
/ Satellite Failover (Additional Service)
RelyontheKG CommunicationsMaxTrackSatelliteFailoversolution using Iridium satellite network that provides global communicationcoverageforyourfleet.
•Coverage in remote areas where cellular network is out of range
•Vehicles are on the map at alltimes / •Remoteworkers
•Oil &Gas
•Environmental Services
Product Photo / Description / Application
/ TPass Man Down Kit
KG Tracker integrates with the TPass Man Down Kit to deliver increased safety and journey management for workers who may be away from their vehicle while on a job. When motion is not detected, the TPass will transmit a signal to the receiver located within the vehicle. Using the in-vehicle KG CommunicationsMaxTrack, an emergency alarm will be transmitted to the dispatcher via KG Tracker, enabling assistance to be sent quickly. / •Remotecrews
•Emergency ResponseFleets
/ Temperature Sensor
Monitor and regulate climate control for transportation of temperature-sensitive products.
•Measure temperature in F andC
•Transmits temperature status every 4seconds
•Historic report of temperature throughout the transportation periodforqualityassurance / •Pharmaceutical and Medical Transportation
•Food Beverage
•Livestock transportation
/ PTO Sensor
MaxTrackcan easily integrate with a Power Take-Off connectionandmonitoraccurateusageofthepowerrequired forauxiliaryequipment.
•Time of ON and OFF status of the auxiliaryequipment
•Accurate report on PTO usage to avoid under the table work
•Receive alerts when the equipment is used, ex. when snow plow lowers the plow, the customer gets informed that their street is beingcleaned / •TowTrucks
/ Door Sensor
Monitorthetimesanddurationoftheopendoorstatusonyour vehicles.
•Accurate usage time on door and hood activity for increased preventativemaintenance
•Durationofopendoorstatusforaccuratemonitoringof passenger pick-up transportation stops / •Cross-border Transportation
KG CommunicationsKG TrackerDrive Time
KG CommunicationsKG TrackerDrive Time is an easy-to-use mobile application for logging driver’s record of duty status, helps perform vehicle inspections and is designed to be ELD compliant by December 18, 2017. In combination with the KG CommunicationsMaxTracksMGS700,theKG CommunicationsKG TrackerHoSsolutionisdesignedto meetallFMCSAELDmandaterequirementsbyendof2017.
Eliminate paperwork and save time
KG CommunicationsKG TrackerHoSappprovidestheabilityfordriverstokeep electronicrecordsofthePreandPostTripDVIRinspections.Ifamajor defectisdetected,thedrivercansendanautomaticnotificationtothe FleetManagerstoarrangeforserviceofthevehicle.Thismeansmuch lesspaperworkforDVIRreports!
Key Benefits:
•MinimizedpaperworkwithanAndroidoriPhonetabletor smartphoneapplication
•Automatedloggingremoveserrorsduetomanualentry,and enablesautomaticcalculationofdrivinghoursavailability
•Real-time mobile log including the required log history of the driver, and required vehicle inspection reports Integrated RoadsideInspectionandDVIR
KG CommunicationsKG TrackerHoS Features
Detailed dashboard view
Vehicle Inspection ready for sign-off
Mobile App Features
•Secure Roadside inspectionmode
•Warnings of approaching violation threshold and ability to override with a reasoncode
•Calculation and display of the available drive, shift drive, cycle, shift and deferral times using the selected Drive Time rule
•Automatic email notifications of HoS violations, DVIR defects and log edit requests to designated managers
•Ability to handle Personal Use/Conveyance and Canadian off- duty deferraltimes
•Storage of the daily log data for 6 months
•Ability to handle Canada NSC13 Schedules 1, 2 and 3 forms, and US Part396.11
Technical requirements:
•KG CommunicationsMaxTrackMGS700 installed with ECMconnectivity through OBD-II, J1939 or J1708 protocols
•1024 x 768 minimum resolution on mobile device
•Android 4.0.3 or higher | iOS 4S orhigher
•KG CommunicationsKG Tracker portal installed on all desktop computers that will be using KG Tracker for HoS management, fleet tracking and/or dispatchingpurposes
KG Communications Moxy Tracker
Unlike KG CommunicationsMaxTrackthat transmit at a frequent rate, KG CommunicationsMoxy Trackers captureandtransmittheasset’slocationinthefieldatawiderintervalsonregular basis,unlessanunexpectedeventoccurs.Withinternalbatterypoweredtolastup to~850locationpingsononecharge,KG Communications Moxy Trackersaredesignedtomonitor andreportonlyonexceptionsoftherule,suchasregularlystationaryequipment ismovedoff-siteoutsideofworkhours.
Reporting Exceptions toThe Rule
KG CommunicationsMoxy Tracker AT1000 is generally installed on non-powered assets that are not known to be moved on regular basis, like containers, flatbed trailers, cranes, diesel generators, mobiles offices, etc. Some assets sit at job sites or parking lots for prolonged periods of time. KG CommunicationsMoxy Tracker is programmed to report the location of such assets every 24 hours by default, and trigger an alert in the KG Tracker application if the asset is moved off-site outside working hours or outside a certain area. If the business requires report on location more frequently, the transmission settings can be adjusted.
Key Benefits:
•Reports asset’s location on the map in the customer-facing fleet management portal – Fleet Complete
•Sends alerts to a specified email of unauthorized movement or detected movement outside of a specified geographical area
•Scalable for businesses with small, medium and large asset inventories
•Versatile installation options are available
KG CommunicationsMoxy Tracker - Hardware
Feature / KG CommunicationsMoxy TrackerAT1000 / KG CommunicationsMoxy Tracker AT1000 B / KG CommunicationsMoxy Tracker AT1000 XT / KG CommunicationsMoxy Tracker AT1000 BXT3G HSPA / / / /
Antenna / Internal / Internal / Internal / Internal
Operating temperature / -4° - +140° F / -4° - +140° F / -4° - +140° F / -4° - +140° F
Rechargeable back-up battery / / / /
Back-up battery life / < 3 Yrs* / < 3 Yrs* / < 13 Months* / < 13 Months*
Battery recharge temperature / 32° - +140° F / 32° - +140° F / 14° - +140° F / 14° - +140° F
Powersources / Battery Hardwire / Battery / Battery Hardwire / Battery
Warranty / 1 yr / 1 yr / 1 yr / 1 yr
Optional sensors / Fuel Level Sensor Temp Sensor / Fuel Level Sensor Temp Sensor
Default transmission frequency / •Stationarywithoutpower:transmitslocationonceaday
•Movingwithorwithoutpower:startstransmittingonmotionafter5 minutes,andcontinuestotransmiteveryhouruntilmotionstops*
•Deviceistamperedwithorasignificantchangeinsensor**data values:immediatelytransmitsanalert,alongwithlocationandstatus information
** Up to 2 sensor connections, digital or analog. Sensors can be purchased separately.
KG CommunicationsMoxy Tracker Accessories
Product Photo / Description / Application/ FuelLevelSensorSeeSellSheetonline
FuelLevelSensorinstallsonanyvehicleorequipmentthat hasananalogfuellevelgauge.
•Reduce time spent on checking fuel level in power generators and increase efficiency by reading fuel levels right from your smartphone, tablet, desktop or laptop
•Notify your third-party refueling partners at the exact moment your vehicles or equipment needs refueling and save money on unnecessary refuelingtrips / •Construction EquipmentRentals
•OilGasEquipment Rentals
•Mobile Water Towers
/ Digital Sensor
MonitoranytypeofactivitywithON/OFF,OPEN/CLOSEor UP/DOWNstatuses.
•Receive instant alerts when the status has been changed
•Keep historic log of the activity on the equipment for accurate work-sheets, preventative maintenance and safety / •Construction
/ Temperature SensorSee Sell SheetonlineAT1000 with up to 2 Temp Sensors are installed inside containers,largeshipmentboxesorotherstoragecontainers.
•Receive alerts when temperatures drop or spike
•Proofofcargointegritythroughouttransportationandstorage / •Logistics/ Warehousing
•Livestock Transportation
•Medical and Pharmaceutical
/ AT1000 Charger
ApplicableinsituationswheretheMoxy Trackerisnot hardwiredtoatrailerandrequirestoberechargedon regularbasis.
•Wall plug or cigarette lighterconnector
/ Container Lock
The AT1000 Container Lock is based on rugged, massive container lock and AT1000, which secures AT1000 from harshblows,informsonlockopeningandprovidesalltrack andtraceinformationgeneratedbyAT1000.
•MassiveandruggeddesignprotectingAT1000fromharsh blows
•Opening lockdetection
•Battery charging via external connector, no need to open thelock / •Logistics Distribution
•Cargo Transportation
KG CommunicationsKG Tracker Dispatch
KG CommunicationsKG Tracker Dispatch is a cloud-based solution that automates a lot of
front-endandback-endoperationalactivitiesandhelpscompaniesdomorebusiness with less resources. The solution has been designed to suit industries where dispatching of services or goods delivery is the key business structure. Fleet Managerscanmanagetheirorders,routes,serviceofferings,dispatching,driversand vehiclesallfromoneplatform.
Order & Route Management
TheOrdersandRoutesmoduleshelpdispatcherssavetimeincreating complex multi-leg routes and assign work orders to drivers most suitable for the job by building route templates, defining dispatch zoningconditionsanddrivercertifications.
Withabilitytocreatetemplatesforsimilarorders,orderentryis minimizedtounder10secondsperorder.
Key Benefits:
•Ability to locate the closest available driver/technician inthe area to dispatch the job to theirsmartphone
•Sophisticated algorithms based on your business rules can automate work assignment to closest available and qualified technicians ordrivers
•Management of individual drivers, crews and teams with various certifications and ownedequipment
•Zoned rate systems and commission charts to streamline complex invoicing and billingprocesses
KG CommunicationsSmarTrack
KG CommunicationsSmarTrackisacost-effectivemobileworkforcetrackinganddispatching solution. Using the KG CommunicationsKG Trackercloud-based application, dispatchers can sendactivitiestomobileworkers,basedongeographicalpositionandworkload.With theSmarTrackapp,themobileworkercaninturn,acceptactivitiesandupdate thedispatcheronthestatusoftheiractivitiesinreal-time.
Real-Time Results
Keeptrackofyourworkforcenomatterwhatthetaskathand.Onceyou assignanactivitytosomeoneinyourcrew,therequestisacceptedbya team-member out on the road. They’ll see the address and specific instructionsthatyoucanleave,ensuringthejobisdoneright.
Comprehensive Tracking Map
Controlling your crew is now easier than ever with our helpful tracking screen.Jobsthatareclosetocompletiontime,orthathavebeenrejected (simplytransfertoanotherresource),areflaggedwithanalertsoyoucan takeimmediateactionandstayontopofyourresources.
Easy To Use Interface
Havecompletevisibilityoveryourteamwiththeintuitivecontrolsonthe BookingScreen.Viewthecalendartooverviewspecifictimesanddates, andcustomizehowyoutrackyourresources–youcanviewactivitiesby status,thatmeansyoucanfilterrequestsbystatus–Open,Dispatched, Accepted, orRejected.
KG Communications KG TrackerProductsFeatures
Industry / KG TrackerTracking / KG TrackerDispatch / MaxTrack / AT1000 / SmarTrack / Drive Time / DriverID / TempSensor / DoorSensor / PTOSensor / FuelLevelSensor / EmergencyButton / Ready-Mix / RFSwitch / ContainerLockCourier / Last-Mile / / / / /
Delivery Service / / / /
Logistics / Distribution / / / /
Food & Beverage / / / /
Pharmaceutical Delivery / / / / /
Short-haul Transportation / / /
Long-haul Transportation / / / / / /
Passenger Transportation / / / / /
Environmental Services / / / /
Emergency Response / / / /
Oil & Gas / Pipeline / / / / / / /
School Districts / / / / /
Public Transit / / / / /
City Services / Property Management / / / /
Snow Plowing / / / /
Towing / / / / /
Recycling / Waste Management / / /
HVAC / Plumbing / Electrical Service / / / / /
Landscaping / /
Construction / / / / / / / /
Field Equipment Rental / / /
Leisure Vehicle Rental (ATV, Golf Carts) / /
Agricultural / / / / /
KG CommunicationsKG Tracker portal features
Rules &Alerts
•Super Rule: Trigger of combinationof2Rules together
•Activity ofvehicles
•Congregation ofassets
•Work scheduleadherence