1. The meeting was called to order by Ray Dill at 7:00 p.m. Members in attendance:

Ray Dill, Mary Gress, Sylvia Hack, Linda Chapin, Paula Pietch, Cindy Klinect, Celeste Brlas, Marilyn Offenberg, Lyn Crouse, Mary Karleskint, and Eileen French.

  1. The minutes from the October 16thmeeting were read by Sylvia Hack and approved.
  2. Book Storage Update – Mary Gress and Eileen French attended the Township Trustees meeting on January 12th in order to let the Trustees know that we have looked into storing books in a storage unit and discovered that the units are not conducive to our needs and the cost is beyond our means. We asked for permission to use one of the bays in the old fire station. The Trustees will consider our request.
  3. Little Library Update – Linda Chapin contacted Melanie to discuss the approval we received from the Township Trustees to place a “Little Library” outside of the old fire station. The next step is designing the proof for the construction of the library and deciding who will build it. Linda and Steve Chapin sent pictures of the old fire station to Melanie so that she can begin to create the design proof.

Vouchers used to purchase books at the fall book sale brought in $152.00 in revenue.

  1. Mary Karleskint will work on the membership letter that needs to be sent to each member. She will send the letters out this month.
  2. Author’s Brunch Update – The Author’s Brunch will be held on April 25th at the LaGrange Lions’ Club. Mary Gress will submit an article about the brunch to Lyn Crouse by February 2nd so that it can be published in the library newsletter. Cindy Klinect is willing to work on contacting authors for the event. We will ask Gloria Worden if she would be willing to be the kitchen manager for the event. Eileen French and Linda Chapin will be in charge of decorations and gathering other supplies needed for the brunch. The question was asked if members would be willing to donate food items again this year.
  3. Director’s Report – Lyn Crouse stated that she attended the Ohio Library Council’s Friends’ Workshop on December 2nd. Presentations on “Best Practices” were made and ideas were shared. Lyn supplied us with copies of our current Bylaws, packets of the materials presented at the workshop, a donation request form that her employees must fill out and submit to her when requesting funds from the Friends of the Library, and a Memorandum of Understanding.
  4. Linda Chapin stated that she will soon start advertising for book donations for the fall book sale.
  5. Mystery Dinner Theatre Update – Lyn does not want to hold a performance at the high school again. We will investigate the possibility of holding a performance at the LaGrange Methodist Church. She is planning to hold a performance on the train that runs between Oberlin and Wellington. There may be the possibility of holding the performance for three Saturdays in a row, commencing with September 12th.
  6. The Book Sale will take place from November 19 through November 22nd this fall.
  7. The slate of new officer nominations was approved.

President- Mary Gress

Vice Co-Presidents- Paula Pietch, Cindy Klinect

Secretary- Eileen French

Treasurer- Linda Chapin

  1. Goals for 2015

Time did not permit a discussion of possible goals for 2015; however, the goals to discuss at a future meeting are:

  1. What do we want to accomplish?
  2. New Projects.
  3. Invite someone from Council to update the Friends on the plans to expand the Keystone-LaGrange Library site.
  4. Creation of New Member’s Packet.
  1. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
  2. The next meeting is scheduled for February 19th at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Sylvia Hack and Eileen French