Application for Faculty Specialized-Training

Checklist:Please ensure that your application for specialized training includes all applicable items listed below.

Letter of Intent

Overview of PD activity

Evaluation of PD activity

Rationale for PD activity

Benefits of PD activity

Supervisor Approval Signatures

Projected Costs of Specialized Training

Travel Request Form (with signatures – if applicable)

Absence Form (if applicable)

Applicantmeets guidelines presented on pages 2 & 3(as per Board Policy 3.5.1)

Attached: Documentation from Training Provider/ Academic Institution



The guidelines are not comprehensive. For the actual policies and procedures, see Board Policy 3.5.1.

Definition of Specialized Training:

Specialized training is confined to a period of eight weeks, or less. Such an activity may or may not involve leave from work. This category of funding is designed to assist faculty members in acquiring advanced knowledge and skills training in specialized areas of their discipline and assigned teaching responsibilities. Only those courses that have a formalized curriculum and/or an evaluation of learning outcomes will be recognized in this category. (Conferences are specifically excluded in the definition of Specialized Training.)

Eligibility Conditions:

The KCFA PD Committee is responsible for the allocation of funds for faculty PD activities. The PD Committee reviews applications and grants funding for Specialized Training, including moneys to defray all or a part of the expenses associated with the professional development activities involved, such as tuition fees, travel, books, etc.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING funding is available to any faculty member after one year’s service as a permanent employee, subsequent to the successful completion of probation. In addition, recipients of specialized training are subject to these conditions:

  • Only one (1) application for either Long-Term Professional Development or Specialized Training per year will be considered.
  • Each recipient of specialized training funding will be required to enter into a contract with the College committing the recipient to a return of service equal to that for which the specialized training was granted, to be calculated from the day following the end of the PD activity.
  • A final report outlining the specialized training activity and an official transcript of trainingcompletedmust be submitted to the KCFA PD Committee upon completion of the Specialized Training.
  • A faculty member who receives funds for long-term professional development without leave or specialized training, and who voluntarily leaves the employ of the college or is discharged for cause in the year following that in which he or she received professional development funds, shall be liable to repay these funds to the Faculty Professional Development Reserve account.

Please Reference Board Policy 3.5.1 for details on Return of Service Provisions.

Approval Procedure:

Evaluation Criteria for Specialized Training

Selection and Ranking of applications are based on an interview with the applicant, using the following criteria:
Max. points / Points Received
Relevance of PD activity to applicant’s expertise, experience, personal and professional goals / 30
Relevance of PD activity to Keyano College current/future program offerings and alignment with CIP / 30
Rationale for PD activity (quality, cost effectiveness, etc.) / 15
Personal commitment to proposed PD activity, including work done already, plans for post-leave completion of work, etc. / 15
Service to College and KCFA / 5
Previous funding for Long-Term and/or Specialized- Training / 5
Total / 100

KCFA Professional Development CommitteePage 1 of 8

Specialized Training Application Form


Letter of Intent for Faculty Specialized-Training

Applicant’s Name:
School/ Department: / Arts, Science, Business and Education
Career and Education Access
Health, Wellness and Human Services
Trades and Heavy Industrial
Learning Innovations and Library Services
Student Services
Subdivision( Department)
Type of Specialized Training
Academic Institution/ Training

Enclosed please find an application requesting Specialized-Training with/without leave(circle one)from to (Specify date/year on the line provided). Please confirm with Human Resources your eligibility for this training

The enclosed “Application” discusses the relevance of the specialized -training activities to future career potential.

In advance, thank you for your consideration of my request.

Signature: / Date:
Approved / Denied – Reason:
Signature: / Date:
Approved / Denied – Reason:
Signature: / Date:

Application for Specialized-Training

Please complete each of the following sections

Overview of Specialized-Training: Please provide an overview of your intended professional development activity, including:
Description of the PD activity, including duration, location or method of delivery, completion requirements, etc.
How the PD activity isrelevant to your expertise, experience, personal and professional goals
How the PD activity is relevant to the College’s current/future program offerings and aligned with CIP
Describe your personal commitment to the PD activity
PD activities that are eligible for specialized-training must have a formalized curriculum and/or an evaluation of learning outcomes. Please explain how your learning will be evaluated. Will you be receiving formal certification or a credential?
Please describe rationale for this specific training activity (i.e. research that supports program quality in comparison to similar training by other providers, cost effectiveness, scheduling of training, etc.).
Will there be any specific deliverables orbenefits such as course materials, teaching resources, resource lists, networks, etc. as a result of this training?
PROJECTED COSTS: PLEASE BE SPECIFIC (adhere to the current College Travel Policy)
Tuition/Registration/Fees / $
Books, Materials, Resources, etc. / $
Transportation (if applicable): / $
Living Expenses (if applicable):
  • Accommodations
  • Meals
  • Incidentals
/ $
Other: (Specify) / $
Total Projected Cost / $

KCFA Professional Development CommitteePage 1 of 8

Specialized Training Application Form