Key Stage 4History Learning Plan

Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term
Half Term / Half Term / Half Term / Half Term / Half Term / Half Term
Year 9 / Crime and Punishment
Learning about crime and punishment in Medieval England. How it went from community policing to punishments being a deterrent / Crime and Punishment
Learning about crime and punishment in Early and Modern England. Focusing on new types of crimes and why they came about / Historical Environment
Learning about life in Whitechapel in the 19th Century and the problems of policing the area at the time / Elizabethan England
Learning about society at the time and the problems Elizabeth faced being a women, the threat from Spain, and religious threats / Elizabethan England
Learning about England’s relationship with Spain and how and why Spain attacked / Elizabethan England
Learning about exploration under Elizabeth and the desire to explore the ‘new world’. Focusing on the explorations of Drake and Rayleigh
Year 10 / Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-1991
Learning about the origins of the Cold War and its initial flash points – Berlin Blockade, Hungarian Uprising, Building the Berlin Wall, and the Cuban Missile Crisis / Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-1991
Learning about how détente came about and the events it included – impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis, SALT, Helsinki Agreements, and Space exploration / Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-1991
Learning about how the Cold War ended with the Afghanistan War, Gorbachev’s ‘new thinking’, and the impact of President Reagan / The USA 1954-75 conflict at home and abroad
Learning about Black Civil Rights in the 1950s focusing on Brown Vs Topeka, Bus Boycott, Little Rock Nine and subsequent Civil Rights Acts / The USA 1954-75 conflict at home and abroad
Learning about the role of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s focusing on the Sit ins, Freedom Rides, Marches, Mississippi Murders and Civil Rights Acts / The USA 1954-75 conflict at home and abroad Learning about the Vietnam War. Focusing on the initial involvement of France and moving onto the reasons the US got involved and how the War developed
Year 11 / Early Elizabethan England
Revising the relationship between England and Spain and the voyages of discovery in early Elizabethan England / Crime and Punishment
Revising crime and punishment in England / Crime and Punishment
Revising crime and punishment in Early and Modern Britain
Historical Environment
Revising life in Whitechapel and Crime and Punishment in Whitechapel / The Cold War
Revising flashpoints during the Cold War / USA 1945-75
Revising the key events of the Civil Rights Movements in the US
Revising the Vietnam War and its impact