Created by Kerry Moody

Week Beginning: 5.3.2012 / PLC: What amazing animals can we find in our World? / Week: PLC1

Key Question: Which animal am I? Where do I live?

CLLD FOCUS: Overview 11 – stories with predictable and patterned language: Key Outcome: Using the model from reading, create own patterned narratives

PSRN FOCUS: NLC & Data Handling/Sorting/ Measures

Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the weekend Introduce children to key question of the week. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then WholeSchool Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Meeting with LA EYIO
HLTA: G. Reading/IndReading / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: G Reading:
HLTA: Outside Activities EY Playground / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT:Outside Activities EY
HLTA: G Reading / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: G Reading:
HLTA: Outside Activities EY Playground
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers
Children: / Children: MA Raindrop
Yellow – The Baby Shark / Children: MA Rainbow
Red - / Children: LA Snowflake
D. Pink/Red- We Love the Farm / Children: HA Sunshine
Blue -
9.45 / Carpet session 2:PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj:Order two or three objects by length or height.
Warm Up:Practise reading
o’ clock times. What time do we get up in the morning? What time do we have lunch at school? etc.
Main Teaching Session:
Show the children the ‘Can of Worms’. Ask the children what they notice about the different colours/ sizes.How could we sort them? Can we put them in order of length? Ask how we make it a fair measurement; remind them that items must be measured from the same point. Show the children how the worms can be used to measure things around the room, eg a table.(Offer worms as an activity to enhance water play.) / Carpet session 2:PSRNCT/HLTA
Obj: Order two or three objects by length or height.
Warm Up:1,2, Buckle My Shoe. Practise counting in 2’s. Practise counting in 5’s using song first. Counting in 10’s song first.
Main Teaching Session:
Read “Titch”, talking about the different comparative sizes of the things the children have in the story.
With a learning partner and whiteboard: Children draw, eg. a bigger circle and a smaller circle, a shorter line and a longer line, a tall tree and a house that is shorter, etc. / Carpet session 2:PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj:Order two items by weight .Warm Up:Ask questions, eg. Which is heavier, an elephant or a mouse? Which is lighter, an ostrich or a chicken?
Ask why they think so.
Main Teaching Session:
Show a set of balances. Ask children if they know what they are for, what they’re called etc.
Show them two animals from small world area eg two elephants of different sizes/materials. Ask them what they think will happen and why.
Use ‘Titch’ as a context for sorting heavier and lighter toys / Carpet session 2:PSRNCT/HLTA
Obj:Sort familiar objects to identify their similarities and differences, making choices and justifying decisions.
Count how many objects share a particular property, present results using pics, drawings or numerals.Warm Up:Play “In Common”, saying three things that have something in common. Can children say what is the same about them? Can they think of another item to go with them?
Main Teaching Session:
Display a number of animal pictures on the Big Board. Choose an animal. Ask children to say what they know about this animal. Ask them to pick out other animals that go with the first one according to one criterion. eg. animals that fly, animals with two legs, animals with scales, etc. / Carpet session 2:PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj: Sort familiar objects to identify their similarities and differences, making choices and justifying decisions. Describe solutions to practical problems, drawing on experience, talking about own ideas , methods and choices.
Warm Up: Practise counting in 5’s using song first. Counting in 10’s song first.
Main Teaching Session:
Display a variety of numbers on the board. eg 1,4,7 in one set and 3,6,8 in another set. Ask the children what is the same about the numbers in one set and is different from the numbers in the other set (straight lines/curved lines). Where would 2,5,9 go? Would they need their own set? Try different sets of numbers
  • 1 2 3 4 5/11 12 13 14 15
  • 10 20 30 40
  • 2 12 20 22
  • 5, 10,15, 20, 25, 30
  • 10 100 270 380
Can children spot what is the same with the numbers in each set?
10:00 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Describe solutions to practical problems, drawing on experience, talking about own ideas , methods and choices.Use language such as ‘greater’, ‘smaller’, heavier’ or ‘lighter’ to compare quantities. Weigh the animals on the scales and compare size and weight. Guided work will introduce comparative language such as 'greater', 'smaller', 'heavier' and 'lighter'. Chn to work with a learning partner using pictures/ small world animals and mathematical language to make sentences to describe animals based on their height/ weight and length.
Assessment observation focus for N9 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: See Friday obj
Links with Number World Act. All children will have opportunity to make a set of animals in their learning journals, sorted by their own criteria. Encourage children to explain their reasoning. Write the sorting criteria and the number of animals in the set.
Use link to model identifying criteria for sorting animals into 2 sets. Model sorting them by colour, age, number of legs etc. Provide pairs of chn with a set of animals? How can we sort them? Do any of the animals belong in more than 1 group?
Children: HA Giraffes / Children: MA Crocodiles / Children: MA Penguins / Children: LA Pandas / Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
10:20 / PLAYTIME
10:35 / Carpet session 2: L&S
Recall all previously learned GPCs
Read through high frequency words learned so far.
Teach reading was, will, with
Teach ‘ai’ using phonics scheme / Carpet session 3: L&S
Segmenting for spelling:
Phoneme frame p88: wait, pain, tail, bait.
Blending for reading: Countdown p86 aim, main, rain, sail.
Reading captions activity Drawing p95: I am in the rain. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recall all previously learned GPCs
Sing alphabet song
Practice reading was, will, with p91.
Teach ‘ee’ using phonics scheme / Carpet session 3: L&S
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: see, tree, feet, weep.
Blending for reading:
Countdown p86 jeep, seem, week, deep, keep.
Reading captions activity Drawing p95: I can see a tree. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Be able to blend and segment in order to read and spell (using magnetic letters) VC words ox, CVC words jet, win, tax, vet, chip, shin, tang, thin, and silly words ix, jav.thip, jang.
11:00 / Carpet Session 3:CLLCT/HLTA
Obj:Sustain attentive listening responding to what they have heard by relevant comments, questions & actions.Read a range of familiar common words and simple sentences independently.
Chn sit in circle. Together look at a variety of pictures, plastic and soft animal soft toys. Collect relevant information from chn. Which animals do you know the names of? Where might we find these animals? What do you know about these animals? Where have you seen one before? Who has a pet? What pets would you like?
Show chn front cover of I Love Animals. What do they think book is about? Help them give reasons for their ideas. Locate & read title and author of book. Read book. Chn say animal word in sentence using picture to help them. Point to the word as they say it. Chn predict action part of sentence using initial sounds and what makes sense, e.g. ‘I love the ducks waddling to the water.’ / Carpet Session 3:CLLCT/HLTA
Obj:Sustain attentive listening responding to what they have heard by relevant comments, questions & actions. Extend vocabulary, exploring the meaning & sounds of new words.
Re-read book encouraging chn to listen to description of animals.
Put a collection of plastic farm animals in a box. Ask a child to chose an animal but keep it hidden from the others. Child describes what the animal does making reference to the text. e.g. it waddles to the water. Other chn guess animal. Repeat with diff chn describing each animal.
Then show chn the collection of jungle animals. Repeat the above activity ad observe which chn can work imaginatively to make suggestion for the habitat change. / Carpet Session 3:CL-CT/HLTA
Obj: To know that print carries meaning and that in English is read from left to right and top to bottom.To explore and experiment with sounds, words and texts
Recap on shared story. Introduce vocab setting and explain that this is where the story happens. Use examples of prev shared stories to discuss different settings. Explain that is book takes place on a farm. What farm animals do we meet in the story? Make a list on board as suggested by chn. Are there any farm animals that are not in the story? Have sentence ‘I love the pig’ cut up on card. Read sentence with chn pointing to a word at a time. Discuss direction of reading. What will happen if we read it from right to left? Read it backwards. Show chn cards with other animal names on (ducks, hens, goat, donkey, cow, pony, sheep, cat, turkey). How can we change our sentence? It must still make sense, e.g. ‘I love the cat.’ Make and read sentences with different animal cards / Carpet Session 3:CLLCT/HLTA
Obj:To use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.To write their own names and other things such as labels and captions and begin to form simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation.
Look at first page of book - ‘I love Jock, my dog.’ Author does not say why she loves her dog. Chn talk to partner and think of ideas to finish sentence ‘I love my dog because….’. Collect chn’s ideas. Choose one and count words in sentence. With chn’s help then write a word at a time on f/c, reading as you write. Chn help spell words, drawing on phonic knowledge. Together, read finished sentence. / Carpet Session 3: CLL-CT/HLTA
Obj: To use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.To write their own names and other things such as labels and captions and begin to form simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation.
Remind chn of vocab setting and ask how the animals would be different if the story took place in a jungle. Model writing a list on the board – refer back to those explored during Tues carpet session if necessary.
Who can recall what the girl said on each page about the animals?Remind chn that in the book it also described what the animal did – show chn page I love the cat washing her kittens. Would jungle animals do the same actions? Refer to diff jungle animals and ask the chn to suggest what each might be doing. Model writing: I love the gorilla beating on his chest.
I love the monkeys swinging through the trees.
Use examples suggested by chn to create sentences.
11:20 / Adult Led Activity: Poem – Use Julie Lacome's Walking Through the Jungle as the stimulus for writing.
Obj: To listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, songs rhymes and poems and make up their own.To attempt writing for different purposes.To extend vocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of new words
Explain that they are going on a jungle walk, sometimes as themselves, sometimes pretending to be animals. Encourage the children to listen to the words and interpret them creatively - for example, looking out for strange animals and struggling through long grass. Make the relevant animal noises with the children. After sharing, encourage them to remember all the animals they found on their jungle walk and produce them from the basket. Can the children remember the order in which they found them?
Model writing first verse: Walking through the jungle, what do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be? Ask chn to suggest animal and sound before modelling: Roar! Over there! A lion looking for his tea.
LA: Focus on choosing 1 animal and writing I can see a……….
MA: Use writing frame with learning partner.
HA: Work with LP, choose 1 animal and write own verse / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
HLTA: Spellings and
Handwriting Focus
Children: LA Snowflake
Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA / Children: MA Rainbow
Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA / Children: MA Raindrop
Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA / Children: HA Sunshine
Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA / Children:CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
11:50-12:00 / Handwashing & Lunchtime
1:00 / Carpet Session 4: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10
1:15 / Carpet Session 5: Obj:(K1,2,3)
WALT: name and talk about the different animals in our World.Prior Learning: Ask chn to draw or tell you about as many animals as they can think of at the beginning of the unit. What do they eat? Where do they live? Record this information.
Talk to the chn about their pets. Does anyone have an animal living with them at home? How would you describe your pet? Has anyone been to a farm? What kind of animals did you see there? Has anyone been to an aquarium/ zoo/ on safari – what animals did you see there? Show chn a DVD/ clip/ use small world toys to ascertain chn’s current understanding of animal types. What can you tell me about their size/colour/pattern/features/body parts/ how they move/ what sounds do they make? TA: AL IEP TARGETS / Carpet Session 6: (C1, 2, 3)
Obj: To express and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings
Introduce chn to picture and artist of Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) using PPT.Explain that that we will be using the painting throughout our topic to help us learn about animals and learn new art techniques.
Where in the world do we think the painting was painted? Talk about jungles - where they are, who and what lives there. Use the atlas to show the children countries where jungles are found, such as India, and of course the tropical rainforests in South America. What can we see? Why is it difficult to find the tiger?What is the tiger looking at?
TA: AL IEP TARGETS / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Play alongside children who are engaged inthe same theme.Talk about personal intentions, describing whatthey are trying to do.
TA: AIAJungle Explorers:
Into the Jungle – Go into role as expedition leader. Check everyone has got their pretend backpacks and discuss with children what they decided to bring along. Talk about different roles such as leader, cook, first aider, photographer, map reader, diary keeper or lookout. Explain to children they will need to follow slowly pushing aside the plants and creepers. Encourage them to look around and keep quiet for jungle sounds (use recording) Help children to tick off the wildlife on their lists. Set up camp, cook food, sing songs and go to sleep. (C5)
CT: Observing/ Ind Readers / Physical Development – Dance
See Separate planning
  • LCP Movement 2– We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Session 1 and 2: Listen to a story and re-enact the narration with clear body actions and facial expressions.Work through the dance from the beginning.
TA: AL IEP TARGETS then Ind Readers / Carpet Session 6:
See MTP Spring 4 RE/ SEAL Plans:
RE SoW: Special Places - WALT: Talk about a place that is special to me
  • Talk about places where the chn feel safe. Favourite places and why. Talk about the homes that we live in. What is special about the home? Look at books and pictures showing a variety of homes, ask chn which ones they would like to live in and why.
  • AIA: Drawings of favourite places. (PS2)
  • CIA: Ind activities to include small world house and role play
1:45 / Adult Led Activity
Obj: (K1, 2, 3)
CTAIA:Work with grps of chn to sort a collection of various toy animals. Ask children if they can sort these animals into sets or families. Work from their starting point to ask them to sort by: Habitat/Type/Size/Colour/Those who can swim/cannot swim and so on.
TA: TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
CTAIA:Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) Techniques to develop and model throughout the PLC as part of large scale collaborations and individual pieces represented: