Created by Kerry Moody
Week Beginning: 24.9.2012 / PLC: Magical Me. What makes each of us similar and different? / Week: PLC 4Key Question: What can we use our ears and sense of hearing for?
Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday Roald Dahl Day8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the weekend Introduce children to key question of the week. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then Whole School Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Physical Development : KM/LSm
Warm up: Play musical statues, encouraging the chn to move rhythmically in time with the music and to stand still as soon as the music stops. Instead of asking chn to sit out if they move after the music ends, praise those who remain still. (MH 30-50a; 40-60a; ELG links with EMM)
Main session: WALT: Move quietly with control. Work together to play a circle game. Play ‘Keeper of the Keys’ See All about me book pp12 for detailed AIA plan. (MH ELG)
Cool Down: Play musical moves. Key vocab: Skip, run, hop, freeze, mood, sad, happy, calm, angry, scary. AIA: Ask chn to find a space. Introduce the diff sound signals and invite chn to suggest movements for each sound, e.g. triangle + skip, maracas – run, claves- hop, tambourine freeze. Practise moving when they hear each sound and moves for them to copy. Invite chn to make sounds for each other. (MH 30-50a, d; 40-60a, c, ELG links with EMM) / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting HLTA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
TA: Ind Readers/Handwriting / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
HLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
TA: Ind Readers/Handwriting / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting
HLTA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
TA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
TA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
HLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
Children: / Children: / Children: / Children:
Large bunch of keys Large space, percussion instruments
Setting up Continuous Provision/ Outdoor Activities
TA LSm: Support PD/ ind readers / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj: N30-50b, c, d, h; 40-60e, h, j
Uses the language of ‘more’ ‘less’ and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects.
Warm Up: Show the chn the 10 green bottles, count them. Sing the song & ask ind to take a bottle of the wall. How many bottles were at the start? How many have we removed? How many are left?
Main Teaching Session: WALT: Count up to and backwards from 10.
Show chn the selection of counting objects. Ask: Is 5 more than 2? How do we know? Is 7 less than 10? Model counting forwards and backwards on a nor track to demo.. Model counting out 5 cubes/ 3 beads. Which are there more of ? How can we check?
Repeat with diff objects. Invite ind to count out a no of objects from a larger group. Ask ind to tell you the number of each item they have counted/which groups contain more/ less or fewer. / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj: N30-50b, d, e, f, k, m; 40-60 e Counts objects to 10, and beginning to count beyond 10.
Warm Up: Hand out cut out clothes to ind. Look at the no on your clothes? What no is it? Who has the number that is 1 more than… Who has 0? Ask chn to come and peg their clothes onto the washing line in order. Count from 0-10 then back. Ext Up to 20.
Main Teaching Session: WALT: Count up to 10 objects carefully. Ask chn to count out 10 objects & arrange in a line. Model touch counting. Ask chn to arrange objects in diff ways (circle, row from top to bottom, left to right, pile etc) and to count again. How many did you start with? How many are there now? Are there any more/ less? Can you arrange them in different ways? Ensure chn und that the arrangement of objects does not alter the count (conservation) / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj:N 40-60j Uses the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects.
Warm Up: Point to the class no line. Count on and back to 10 then 20. Which is bigger 5 or 10? Which is less 0 or 9? Which no comes after/ is 1 more than 8? Give me a no between 11 and 15.
Main Teaching Session: WALT: say which no is more or less than a given no. Ext: Give a no between 2 given no’s. Recap on adding 1 more from LC3. Demonstrate by building a staircase of cubes/ singing 1 man went to mow. How many now? What will the next no be when we have added 1 more.
Repeat using a diff pattern of steps e.g adding 2 each time. Ask ind to count out 7 cubes. Then 11 cubes. Which no is more? Is 7 more or less than 11?How do you know? Count out 9 cubes then ask ind to make a group which is bigger. How many have you counted out?
Repeat using bigger than, more than, less than, fewer than, greater than, the same as.
Draw a table on the board:
My number / more / less
Ask ind to choose a flash card/ throw a dice add write it in the first column. model using a no line and ask ind to choose no s which are more and less.
10:00 / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj: N40-60 In practical activities and discussion, beginning to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting. Finds one more from a group of up to five objects, then ten objects.
Warm Up: repeat rhymes shared throughout the week and from LC2/3.
Main Teaching Session: Provide each child with a small drum or shaker. Use these for counting activities. Ask chn to shake/ hit a given number of times. Ask them to count your taps’ hits and to copy. Can they do one more/ one less hit/shake? / Adult Led Activity
Obj: N30-50b, d, e, f, k, m; 40-60 e Counts objects to 10, and beginning to count beyond 10.
TA to take the chn on a counting walk around the school. Count and record objects/ numerals in the environment e.g. no of classes, no of wicker dens, no of teachers, bins, sheds etc.. Support the chn to count and record (photographically/ pictorially using talk cards/microphones)
Key Questions:
How many …… can you find? Can you describe where you have found them? Does anyone recognise this no? Can anyone find this amount of objects? I’ve found a numeral on the playground – what no is this? Can you find some objects that matches this no?How many bins did we find? Where there more bins or more sheds? How could we record what no’s and how many objects we have found to show Mrs Moody? Remember chn may not be ready to form numerals yet – model drawing the number of objects and adding a tally for each object e.g. draw 3 bins and beneath write III – ask chn how many this represents? / Adult Led Activity
Obj:N 40-60j Uses the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects.
Model choosing a no card and count out that no of objects. Explain that you want to make a group that is 1 bigger – what would I need to do. Repeat modelling how to make a group that is 5 bigger, 7 less etc..
Ask chn to count out a given no of objects onto a tray or plate. Can you make a group that is more/ less/5 bigger, 7 less, the same no. Enc chn to compare with a partner – who has more/ less? / Adult Led Activity
Obj:N 40-60j Uses the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects.
Show chn a no line with missing numbers. Which nos are missing? Which no should come between 4 and 7? Make the missing numeral cards as chn suggest them. Give me 3 numbers less than 7. Tell me 2 nos that are more than 12.
Ask chn to sort a set of numeral cards into ascending/ descending order use to complete their own missing number track using the numeral cards.
Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL / Children: LA Rainbow Fish
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Hungry caterpillars
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Elmers
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: HA Gruffalos
10:20 / PLAYTIME
10:35 / Carpet session 3: L&S
· Recall s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m using letter fans/songs.
· Teach ‘d’ using action/song
· Play Sound buttons p 58: sad, dim, dip, dad, did, Sid, Dan. Discuss the use of capitals with the names.
· Blending for reading: Pic of sad face children choose correct word from 2 options using CVC words taught so far, e.g. sad, tin, p60.
· Practise reading high frequency words a/at/as/I p64. / Carpet session 3: L&S
· Recall – s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d
· Use PPT – point to and read.
· Play Quick write letters on chn’s backs/ IWB – introduce rhymes.
· Teach ‘g’ using action/song.
· Teach reading and.
· Segmentation for spelling. Teach how to play Full circle p63 as follows: got, tot, not, nit, nip, pip, pig, pog, pot, got.
· Ask children to help the puppet read the caption: Dad and Sam. (Point out capital letters.) / Carpet session 3: L&S
· Recall s/ a/ t/ p/ I/ n/ m/ d/ g using flashcards.
· Teach ‘o’ using action/song.
· Revise as, at, a, I, and. Teach reading on, no, go, not.
· Blending for reading: Buried Treasure p60. Which words are real? Mip, dog, nid, dip, cip, cat, gik, can.
· Write a caption: A cat and a hat. (Point out capital letters.) / Carpet session 3: L&S
· Recall s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o with flashcards.
· Play Quickwrite letters p55.
· Teach ‘c’ using action/song
· Phoneme frame p62: can, cot, cop, cap, cat.
· Teach reading can.
· Practise reading on, not, and, into.
· Help our puppet read a caption: A sad man, and Pot and pan. / Carpet session 3: L&S
· Recall s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c with letter fans
· Play ‘Chinese whispers’, adapt it so that the last person gives either the letter name or phoneme instead of the final word.
· Segmentation for spelling. Play Full circle p63 as follows: op, pop, pip, sip, sit, sat, cat, cot.
· Play Quickwrite letters and sing all songs with actions taught so far.
WALT: Listen carefully and talk about a story.
Know the correct words for different parts of a storybook. (title, author, illustrator, front cover, pages) / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj: Tues/Wed
Introduce the title of the book and author / illustrator. What kind of book do we think this is? How is it different to the non-fiction books we looked at last week? Spend time talking with the children about the structure of the book. Look at front cover, back, author, illustrator, words and pictures. Read the title of the book on the cover, pointing to the words Peace at Last as you say them. Repeat the title with the children. You might explain that peaceful means "calm and quiet." Point to the picture. Ask: What do you see here? (Two bears are sleeping peacefully.) What do you think the story is about?
Read the story and ask questions to enable the children talk about what is seen and what is happening. / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj: (LA 30-50b, c, ELG responds with relevant comments; U ELG answers why questions in response to stories; S 40-60d; R 30-50e, f, g, h, I, j, p, 40-60e, f, g)
WALT: Talk about and sequence the events in a familiar story?
Re-read story. Encourage the children to join in with repeated refrain "Oh No, said Mr Bear". Use an enlarged copy of the repeated ‘Oh NO! I can’t stand THIS.’ for children to read. Focus on the sequence of events and ask questions as you read through the story. What is happening in this picture? Where were the bears at the beginning of the story? Is it daytime or nighttime at the bear's house? Where is everybody going? Why? What is Mrs. Bear doing? Who falls asleep first? Why is Mr Bear putting on his robe? Can you make a noise like someone snoring? Baby Bear is not asleep. What is he doing? What kind of noise is Baby Bear making? What would that sound like? What does Mr Bear do next?? What is making a noise in the living room? What's happening now? What is making noise in the kitchen? Where does Mr Bear go to next?Can Mr. Bear sleep in the garden? Why not? (No.) Where does Mr Bear try to sleep next? What keeps Mr. Bear from sleeping? What is happening in this picture? What happens next? What do Mrs. Bear and Baby Bear bring Mr. Bear? How do you think Mr. Bear will feel today?
Wed: Sequence pictures from the story and orally re-tell Pie Corbett style with the chn joining in/ alternatively listen to the story as an ebook and enc chn to join in with repeated refrains. / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj: (L30-50b, c; 40-60a, ELG; R30-50e, f, g, h, I, j, p; 40-60e, g, ELG)
WALT: Write a sentence to match a picture to show our own ideas for why Mr Bear couldn’t sleep.
Re-read or listen to story Peace at Last. Recap on reasons why Mr. Bear couldn’t sleep and discuss how he felt at end of story. Talk about the noises they hear when they go to bed at night. Can they describe the sounds? What do you do at night if you can’t sleep? LP discussion and feedback.
Explain that together we are going to write a story about ‘Talking Ted’ who finds it difficult to get to sleep. Who else might be in the story? What noises might Talking Ted hear at night? Allow thinking time for each child to choose a night-time noise. Children make their night-time noise (quietly) for LP to identify. Talk about what Talking Ted does when he can’t sleep e.g. one night he even got up and played with his toys!!!!! Model planning puppet’s story, talk through the content of the illustrations as well as the writing.
Through Talking Ted demonstrate oral rehearsal of the first sentence ‘When I am in bed I hear the cats meowing and I can’t sleep.’ Re-read during writing and at the end of the sentence. Discuss the illustration that it will have a speech bubble with an angry exclamation. Rehearse next sentence so the children will know what comes next but do not write it. ‘So I call for my mum and she reads me a story’ Continue for 2 pictures then model ending Then I close my eyes and go back to sleep and dream sweet dreams.