Key Indicators of Performance
MUST [Satisfactory Performance] / SHOULD [Good Performance] / COULD [Outstanding Performance]COMMUNICATION
1. Contact with students /
- Be available in tutor base between 8:358: 50 a.m. each morning for tutees [in partnership with paired colleague to ensure one member of pair is always available]
- Accept responsibility for helping tutees to resolve any issues they face within the school – in the first instance, helping them to seek advice from elsewhere if need be
- Ensure their paired colleague and Head of House is aware of any occasions when they will absent during the first fifteen minutes of the school day and arrange for them to cover them.
- If both paired colleagues are absent, there must be a system in place for requesting cover via Jan Seber
- Ensure that members of their tutor group know how / where to contact / locate them during the school day if they need advice or support
- Assist tutees in accessing any help and advice they might need from other staff or outside agencies
- Assist other staff and outside agencies in liaising with students when and where appropriate
- Set aside a regular period of time either during a lunchtime and / or after-school when tutees can meet with them on a drop-in basis to share any concerns or successes
2. Contact with parents /
- Meet the parents / carers of each tutee on Academic Monitoring Day in September each year [or other mutually agreed time that month]
- Respond to all communications from parents / carers [whether by phone, letter or via Student Planner] within 24 hours of receipt
- Pass information from parents / carers to other staff, as relevant, within 24 hours of receipt
- Check and sign every tutees student planner at least three weekly
- Contact parents / carers to discuss concerns related to less serious behaviour / attendance issues, or to pass on congratulations for significant achievements
- Take all reasonable steps to obtain a signed ‘Home / School Agreement’ form from parents
- Check and sign student planners on a weekly basis for tutees experiencing difficulties
- Encourage parents / carers to check and sign their child’s planner regularly
- Contact parents / carers to enquire whether the school can offer any form of support when difficult circumstances arise
3. Whole Staff Tutor / House Meetings /
- Attend all Tuesday morning House Meetings [unless Tuesday not a working day for part-time staff]
- Attend all Whole Staff Tutor Meetings [unless not a working day for part-time staff]
- Offer support to Head of House – possibly accepting responsibility for certain tasks within the House or assisting in the preparation of resources etc
- Offer to lead / organise House Team Meetings in absence of Head of House
4. Contact with other staff / outside agencies /
- Liaise with paired tutor colleague on a fortnightly basis
- Disseminate information about tutees to other members of staff as appropriate [under the guidance of Head of House]
- Ensure Jan Brinkman is made aware of any tutee’s personal details that require amendment or adding to the school information system
- Compile any information requested on tutees by outside agencies [seeking administrative support for production of reports if appropriate]
- Liaise with subject staff / department or faculty heads where a tutee is experiencing difficulties in a particular subject
- Liaise with Head of House where a tutee is experiencing difficulties across the curriculum and agree a plan of action
- Act as first point of contact for staff in relation to members of their tutor group
- Act as first point of contact with outside agencies in relation to members of their tutor group
- Act as link worker with outside agencies in relation to members of their tutor group
- Liaise with SEN staff to act as key worker in relation to tutees with SEN – accepting responsibility for conducting reviews and preparing and monitoring IEPs
5. Attendance / absence returns /
- Encourage tutees to provide a reason for absence via the Student Planner; using these to complete the absence return each Monday morning
- Complete the weekly absence return for the form – clearing all absences each week and returning to Sharon Pridmore in Student Services by Wednesday of that week; making a decision about how to code absences using professional judgement
- Advise Sharon Pridmore in Student Services if a tutee has an absence of 3 or more consecutive days on ‘Absence Return’ for which you have not obtained an explanation from parents
- Contact home when a tutee is absent without communication of reason / is known to be significantly unwell to enquire about their wellbeing and demonstrate a level of care on the behalf of the school
- Work with the HOH to develop and monitor strategies for individual students displaying attendance and / or punctuality difficulties
- Monitor attendance of tutees via SIMS and liaise with HOH when a pattern of absenteeism appears
- Attend School Based Meetings (SBAs) with HOH and parents when issues relating to poor attendance are discussed; assisting with the planning and monitoring of strategies to improve the situation
1. Reports / Monitoring /
- Complete the form tutor section of the annual report for each tutee
- Complete a reference for each tutee during summer term of Y10 and update in Y11-Y13 as required
- Complete a UCAS reference for all Y13 students during the first half of the autumn term if required
- Discuss the content with any report produced with the tutee [as appropriate] prior to sending it
- Make every effort to visit Y11 tutees during their work placement and complete the ‘tutor visit’ report
- Complete any other references requested by tutees [where reasonable and appropriate] – i.e. Millennium Volunteer Applications
- Complete outside agency requests for information on tutees as / when appropriate [see above]
- Liaise with staff and appropriate others [with tutees permission if appropriate] to gain additional information for inclusion in reports / references
2. Learning Conversations /
- Conduct at least one learning conversation with each tutee every three weeks
- Ensure required processes are completed effectively and appropriately at key transition points, i.e. KS3 to KS4 [Options], KS4 to Post 16 [Further Education], KS5 onwards [Higher Education]
- Prepare and display a schedule of appointments for Learning Conversations with tutees over each three week period – copying to Head of House
- Maintain a record of all Learning Conversations through completion of the appropriate paperwork in staff planners
- Focus on key issues highlighted at certain points in the school calendar
- Support tutees [and parents / carers] in decision making process at key transition points, i.e. KS3 to KS4 [Options], KS4 to Post 16 [Further Education], KS5 onwards [Higher Education]
- Ensure tutees maintain a record of the targets set during Learning Conversations through completion of the appropriate pages in their student planner
- Conduct extended Learning Conversations with tutees at critical points in school career – inviting parents / carers / other staff / outside agencies to participate as appropriate
- Contact parents / carers when specific issues arise during Learning Conversations
3. Target Setting /
- Set and review each half term, at least 2 SMART targets with each tutee during their learning conversations
- Review progress against target minimum grades (TMGs) with each tutee following termly monitoring (autumn & spring term) or annual report grades (summer term)
- Contribute to the target setting process by highlighting discrepancies and concerns in relation to targets to either Andy Wilson, Shirley Smears or the relevant departmental head
- Contribute to the target setting process by assisting in the setting of TMGs and PMGs using the available prior attainment (national and school test results) and potential attainment data (MidYis data)
4. Rewards /
- Collect House Point totals for Heads of House as requested
- Collect reward point totals for Heads of House during the summer term
- Encourage tutees to contribute to House activities and collect & redeem House points
- Value and celebrate the achievements of all members of the tutor group – regularly, explicitly and in a manner that engenders the desire for success
- Keep records – both individual and group – of rewards and achievements of tutees; displaying results in tutor base etc as appropriate
- Encourage the development of a culture of celebration of achievement amongst the tutor group, where peers acknowledge and value each others’ achievements and want to contribute to the success of their House
1. Form Time /
- Be punctual to all form times and learning conversations
- Register attendance of tutees to Monday form time in staff planners and use ‘Yellow Card’ system, contact with parents and / or any other appropriate strategies to encourage persistent non-attendees to begin attending; advise HOH if no improvement.
- Compete attendance returns for all tutee absences during previous week - via student planners – and pass completed return to Attendance Officer in Student Services
- Ensure the Monday morning period is used effectively to: Share all information contained within the Tutor Folder; record details of specific events, Learning Conversations etc in student planners
- Undertake whole group activities with the tutees that promote a strong group ethos and encourage peers to be supportive of each other
- Undertake whole group activities [with both own and paired tutor group] that promote a strong group ethos and encourage peers to be supportive of each other and the wider community of the House and school
2. Assemblies /
- Attend all House assemblies – arriving at 8:30 a.m. to supervise admission and registering of students
- Attend Yeargroup assemblies, as directed by HOH – arriving at 8:30 a.m. to supervise admission and registering of students [requiring staff to miss ‘Staff Briefing’ on those days]
- Follow-up topics raised in assemblies, during form time
- Encourage tutees to participate in assemblies [in liaison with HOH]
- Lead House assemblies with form group
3. Discipline & Uniform /
- Check tutees uniform whenever they are present for form time, assembly or learning conversations
- Liaise with Student Services and parents / carers to address any uniform concerns
- Ensure new uniform cards are distributed to all members of form at the beginning of each half-term
- Initiate and monitor [in liaison with HOH / Student Services] target cards for tutees to address identified behaviour or attendance issue
- Contact parents / carers to discuss ongoing issues of discipline and / or uniform and agree a way forward
- Liaise with staff in relation to the above
- Act as link worker for tutees experiencing extreme difficulties; co-ordinating the support and liaising with parents/carers, staff and outside agencies as appropriate, under guidance of senior pastoral staff
4. Checking Planners /
- As ‘Communication – Point 2’.
- Check that students have made Parents’ Evening appointments and contact parents / carers if concerns
- Check and sign student planners on a weekly basis for tutees experiencing difficulties
- Offer parents/carers advice on how to use student planners effectively as a means of communication
- Encourage parents / carers to check and sign their child’s planner regularly
- Follow up issues / concerns highlighted by parents/carers or staff within the planner
- Assist tutees and parents/carers in co-ordinating Parents Evening appointments
5. House Activities /
- Participate in whole-school House activities with a form focus, i.e. Sports Day
- Assist in the nomination of House Officers as directed by Head of House
- Encourage participation of tutees in House Events as appropriate
- Encourage tutees to run for House Office as appropriate
- Participate in some whole-school House activities
- Lead / help organise House activities in liaison with HOH / House Officers
- Assist tutees in preparing applications etc for House Officer roles
- Assist in the process of interviewing and electing House Officers
1. PD /
- Participate in whole-school PD days as directed
- Contribute to the organisation and/or delivery of specific aspects of whole-school PD days [under the direction of Stewart Beckett]
- Encourage tutees to build and maintain individual Progress Files
- Lead the organisation and/or delivery of specific aspects of whole-school PD days [under the direction of Stewart Beckett]
- Follow-up topics raised in PD lessons and / or assemblies, during form time
- Assist students in the building and maintaining of their Progress Files
- Assist students in the production of CVs, personal statements, application forms and other key pieces of documentation related to their personal, social and career development
2. Student Council /
- Assist in the nomination of tutor group representatives as directed by Head of House
- Encourage tutees to participate in Back Chat and Student Voice and promote understanding of government and democracy
- Assist with he organisation of Back Chat / Student Voice under the guidance of Heads of House / Stewart Beckett
3. Peer Support / Jack Petchey Award /
- Provide tutees with information about these aspects of school life as directed by pastoral staff with responsibility for them
- Encourage tutees to participate in these key aspects of school life
- Support tutees to participate in these key aspects of school life through assistance with applications, advise on specific issues etc
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