Kronauer Consulting d.o.o. Beograd je shortlisted za projekat“Improving recruitment and career development in the civil service“ i sljedece pozicije se traze u ToR-u:
Key expert 1:Team Leader (minimum 270 working days spread approximately evenly over the lifetime of the project).
The Team Leader will have the overall responsibility for the smooth running and timely implementation of all project components and the efficient use of project funds. S/he will be responsible for the field management of the experts' team and for overall components coordination. S/he will be also providing a substantial percentage of the technical assistance required for Components 1, 2 and 3.
S/hewill have the following background/experience:
Qualifications and skills
- University degree in human resources management and/or development, or public administration, or social science,or organisational engineering, or 20 years relevant professional experience
- Certificated professional qualification in HRM and /or HRD
- Proven coaching and skills transfer abilities
- Excellent negotiating and team management skills
- Computer skills
- Fluency in both written and spoken English
General professional experience
- A minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience in HRM and HRD in Public Administration
- Experience in cooperation with State bodies at the highest level
Specific professional experience
- Experience in development and implementation of HRM and HRD systems in the public sector in EU countries, with particular emphasis on recruitment, performance management, staff appraisal and career development
- Team leader experience in at least one international project of similar complexity
Key Expert 2:Training expert (minimum 220 days)
The Training expert will in particular have responsibility for Component 4
Qualifications and skills
- University degree in human resources management and/or development, or public administration, or social science,or organisational engineering, or 15 years relevant professional experience
- Certificated professional qualification in HRM and /or HRD
- Proven coaching and skills transfer abilities
- Computer skills
- Fluency in both written and spoken English
General professional experience
- A minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience in Human Resources Development in Public Administration
- Experience in international co-operation projects in fields relevant to this contract
- Work experience in EU Member States or in IPA countries in fields related to this contract
Specific professional experience
- Experience in development and implementation of HRM and HRD systems in public sector, with particular emphasis on performance management and staff appraisal
- Experience in training for trainers on methodology skills in all aspects of the training cycle
- Experience in providing detailed diagnosis of training needs, design of customised training, training delivery and evaluation processes, in the areas of HRD and HRM-recruitment and career development, induction, management skills and communications and interpersonal skills
- Experience in piloting and adapting training programmes