Key Bell Ringer Medical Terms Quiz Root 1-10Name
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1. Appendic - appendixAppendectomy - removal of the appendix
2. Blephar - eyelidBlepharospasm - uncontrolled eyelid twitch
3. Arthro - jointArthritis - inflammation of a joint
4. Bronch - bronchusBronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi (tubes from windpipe to lungs)
5. Carcin - cancerCarcinoma - cancerous tumor
6. Cardio - heartCardiology - study of the heart
7. Cephal - headCephalopathy - disease/disorder of the head
8. Cerebr - brainCerebrospinal - pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
9. Cervix - neckCervical - pertaining to the neck
10. Chrondr - cartilageChrondrectomy - removal of cartilage
11. Cranio - skullCraniotomy - incision into the skull
12. Adren - adrenal glandAdrenalectomy - removal of the adrenal gland
13. Arter - arteryArteriosclerosis - hardening of an artery
14. Cheil - lipCheilorrhaphy - repair of the lip
15. Chole - bile, gallCholecystectomy - removal of the gallbladder
16. Colpo - vaginaColporrhaphy - repair of the vagina
17. Aden - glandAdenoma - gland tumor
18. Angi - vesselAngiogram - x-ray of a vessel
19. Bucc - cheekBuccal - pertaining to the cheek
20. Calc - stoneRenal calculus - kidney stone
21. Aur - earAural - pertaining to the ear
22. Bio - lifeBiology - study of life
23. Col - colonColocentesis - surgical puncture of the colon (large
24. Cut - skinCutaneous - pertaining to the skin
25. Cost - ribIntercostal - space between the ribs
26. Gyne - womangynecology - study of woman
27. Erythro - rederythrocyte - red blood cell
28. Hemo - bloodhemogram - picture of blood
29. Enter - intestineenteritis - inflammation of the intestine
30. Dactyl - finger, toedactyledema - swelling of a finger or toe
31. Dors - backdorsolateral - pertaining to the back and side
32. Glyc - sweet, sugarglycogen - formed of sweet, sugar
33. Dyn - painacrodynia - condition of pain in the extremeties
34. Hepato - liverhepatomegaly - enlargement of the liver
35. Hydro - waterhydrotherapy - water treatment
36. Gloss - tonguesubglossal - pertaining to under the tongue
37. Hypno - sleephypnotic - pertaining to sleep
38. Cyt - cellcytology - study of cells
39. Hyster - uterus, wombhysterectomy - removal of the uterus
40. Dent - toothdentiform - in the shape of a tooth
41. Emesis - vomitinghematemesis - vomiting of blood
42. Histo - tissuehistoma - tissue tumor
43. Helio - sunheliotherapy - sun treatment
44. Gen - originate, borncongenital - born with
45. Gingiv - gumsgingivitis - inflammation of gums
46. Endarter - inside liningendarterectomy - removal of a lining
47. Laparo - abdomenlaparotomy - incision into the abdomen
48. Cysto - bladdercystoscopy - examination of a bladder
49. Derm - skindermatitis - inflammation of the skin
50. Gastr - stomachgastritis - inflammation of the stomach