Nomination Template 2017
The AIP team is happy that you’ve chosen to apply for the up to $500,000 AIP. The AIP team is looking forward to learning more about your project, your team and the impact
of your initiative in your communities in the North.
– Kevin Kablutsiak, AIP Executive Director
Nomination Guidelines
- The Nomination should be provided in black ink, at letter quality, with no more than six lines per inch. Ensure that type size for fonts is no smaller than 12 pts. Condensed type will not be accepted.
- Use letter format white paper, 8.5 x 11 inches (21.5 cm x 28 cm), with minimum margins of 3/4 of an inch (1.905 cm) all around. Number the pages consecutively.
- Graphs and illustrations may be included, but will count as part of the page limits set. Extra or supportingmaterial (reports, videos, etc.) will not be included in the selection process in fairness to other Nominations.
- Single column presentation of all materials (text, graphs, or illustrations) is preferred.
- Please fully define any acronyms upon first use of the term within the text.
- Please note that Nominations are printed/copied for the selection process in black and white.
Nomination Checklist
In order to be considered eligible, a Nomination must contain all of the elements described in the checklist. You will need some time to complete the Nomination.
We encourage you to use this checklist to make sure you have completed all sections of the Nomination Template so that you can submit your completed Nomination.
A section may be shorter but not longer than the set page limits, but all sections must nevertheless be completed. When filling out each section, address each point in the order that they are provided. This will help with the evaluation of your nomination.
Please follow the detailed description of each section included in the Nomination Template.
/ 1 / Nomination Letter / 1 page / 2 / Nomination Summary
/ 2.1 / Administrative Summary / 1/2 page
/ 2.2 / Project Summary / 1/2 page
/ 3 / List and Role of Team Members / 1/3 page per member
/ 4 / The Knowledge to Action Plan and Expected Outcomes
/ 4.1 / Knowledge Base and Potential Overlap / 1/2 page
/ 4.2 / Outcomes, Outputs, Activities / 2 pages
/ 4.3 / Budget and Budget Justification / 4 pages
/ 5 / Sustainability / 1/2 page
/ 6 / Accountability of Project Execution / 1 page
/ 7 / Communications Plan / 1/2 page
/ 8 / References Sited / Short
/ 9 / Letters of Support (Max 10) / 1 page per letter
/ 10 / Short Resumes / 1/2 page per resume
/ 11 / Vulnerable Sector Checks / N/A
Section 1: Nomination Letter(Max 1 Page)
Please include a covering letter, signed by both the Nominator and TeamLeader of the nominated team. The letter should include brief information about the nominators and their rationale for putting forward the nomination.
With his/her signature, the Nominator confirms that he/she knows the quality of the nominated team, and that the project is relevant for the North and will have a profound impact in the target communities.
Section 2: Nomination Summary
2.1 Administrative Summary (Max ½ Page)
Please list in the following order:
- Project Title
- Category of AIP Nomination: AIP – Category 2
- Team Leader name, title, full address, email and phone number
- Nominator name, title, full address, email, and phone number
- Geographical Scope: Indicate in which region(s)/community(s) of the Canadian Arctic the project will predominantly take place or affect
- Total Budget Amount for project period and project duration(e.g. March 2018 to December 2019)
- Total Amount Requested from the AIP
2.2 Project Summary (Max ½ Page)
Provide a half page summary clearly focused on the anticipated outcomes and activities proposed to achieve these outcomes. Please write for a general audience using plain language as the summary may also be used for communication purposes, such as press releases and social media.The project scope should be clearly understood by reading this half page summary.
Section 3: List and Role of Team Members (1/3 Page Max Per Team Member)
Information provided in this section should clearly address the Selection Criteria on the “Team Diversity” as formulated in the AIP Nomination Guide.
In alphabetical order:
- Provide a clear description for each team member (1/3 page max) of his/her role in the proposed plan and of any experience, achievements, knowledge and/or skills important to the successful delivery of the proposed plan.
- Include the name, full contact information: hamlet/town/city, fullmailing address, phone number & e-mail if available, for all team members at the beginning of their description.
Section 4: Knowledge to Action Plan (K2A) and Expected Outcomes
This section consists of freeform text as well as budget tables. The budget provides information about the effort (time and funds) required for the project. It relates to the Selection Criteria “Impact”, “Sustainability” and “Accountability” as formulated in the AIP Nomination Guide.
4.1 Knowledge Base and Potential Overlap(Max ½ Page)
This sub-section should clearly:
- Describe the knowledge that is appliedto develop and deliver the proposed activities and anticipated outcomes of the plan. This knowledge, for example, could be based on research, gatherings, workshops, traditionalknowledge, or previous experience (e.g. of a small pilot project).
- Where there is significant overlap or reasonable cause for perceived redundancy between the proposed K2A plan and previous or ongoing activities conducted by the team, provide a clear explanation describing the differences between the proposed plan and previous or current activities. Clearly demonstrate how the prosed K2A plan is novel and innovative.
4.2 Outcomes, Outputs and Activities (Max 2 Pages)
This sub-section can consist of any combination of free-form text, tables or lists.
Describe expected social, economic, environmental, and/or health related impacts or outcomes the project is expected to achieve. Outcomes are changes in behavior, practice, awareness, access, knowledge, and/or skills. They can be at an individual, group, organizational or community level. Outcomes are often expressed in directional terms such as: increased/decreased, improved, enhanced, strengthened, reduced, etc.
Please also describe any outputs resulting from the project’s activities. Outputs are the products, services, and/or completed activities of the plan (e.g. infrastructure that was built, resources that were developed, completed programming etc.). Multiple activities can lead to singular outputs (e.g. a variety of activities would need to happen over time to lead up to the completed construction of a sustainable housing unit).
For these proposed outcomes and outputs describe what the team is proposing to do (activities) that will lead to those outcomes and outputs. Include a strategy with respect to engaging producers and beneficiaries of the action plan.
Descriptions of the proposed activities should include:
- Timelines and expected completion dates.
- The geographical scope ofproject activities.
- Clear details of the activities
4.3. Budget
This section consists of freeform text as well as budget tables. The budget provides information about the effort, time and funds required for the project. It relates to the Selection Criteria“Impact”, “Sustainability” and “Accountability” as formulated in the AIP Nomination Guide.
4.3a. Budget Table
In the table below (and expand if needed), fill in the estimated total cost, team and partner contributions (cash & in-kind) and the amounts requested from the AIP for the proposed project duration of up to2 years.
Costs of Plan / Total ProjectCost ($) / Team and Partner Contributions ($) / Requested
from the AIP ($)
Items / Cash / In-Kind
- Salaries & benefits
- Team members
- Other salaries (please specify)
- Equipment/Facility
- Purchase or rental
- Operating costs
- Materials & Supplies
- Travel
- Meetings
- Team travel to attend AIP Award Ceremony in Ottawa (Feb. 2018)
- Other
- Communications (please specify)
- Workshops/Meetings
- Other (please specify)
- Knowledge to Action activities, excluding workshops and meetings (please specify)
- Other items (please specify)
- Impact Assessment (3% from AIP)*
- Totals
At least 20% more than total requested from AIP / Up to $500,000
* The AIP will hold back 3% of the total prize amount awarded to conduct an evaluation of future Laureate projects. The AIP is about the impact its Laureate projects have in Northern communities. The evaluation will be used to broadly communicate the successes and lessons from AIP Laureate projects. The results of the evaluation will be made available to Laureate teams to assist them with obtaining further funding from AIP Sustainability Partners, Government and others.
4.3b. Budget Justification (Max 3 Pages)
- Provide a justification, with comprehensible details and breakdowns, for each budget line item in the table above, including the explanation of cash and in-kind contributions from partners/team members.
- The nature and extent of the financial and/or in-kind commitments by stakeholders/partners needs to be confirmed in the letters of support.
Section 5: Sustainability (Max ½ Page)
This section should address the Selection Criteria “Sustainability”as described in the AIP Nomination Guide.
- Describe how the project will have an impact/legacy in the long term,e.g. What are the plans to maintain or carry the project beyond the proposed period? How will project benefits continue after project completion? Is local capacity being developed to sustain the proposed benefits of the plan?
- What are the plans to leverage the AIP award and Prize money by securing additional cash or in-kind commitments during and beyond the plan?
Section 6: Accountability of Project Execution (Max 1 Page)
This section should clearly address the Selection Criteria “Accountability”as described in the AIP Nomination Guide, and can contain free-form text, tables, or charts.
- Provide details on how the project will be managed.
- Describe how the team will oversee the finances of the project.
- Describe how progress toward expected outcomes will be monitored and reported, including methods and associated timelines. AIP Laureates will be required to provide periodic progress reports.
- Explain how you keep project stakeholders/partners, team members, and knowledge users informed and/or connected.
Section 7: Communications Plan (Max 1/2 Page)
This section should clearly address the Selection Criteria “Visibility”as described in the AIP Nomination Guide, and can contain free-form text, tables, or charts.
- Describe planned communications activities that will highlight your project achievements in the North and South by leveraging the recognition of being of an AIP Laureate via traditional media, social media and general visibility in public.
Section 8: References Cited (keep short)
Provide a bibliography of any references cited. (if applicable)
Section 9: Letters of Support (Max 10 letters; each max 1 page)
Letters of support are important for the selection process and the Selection Committee, therefore they need to be addressed to the Selection Committee. Letters should be original documents and signed by persons at arm’s length to the actual team members. If applicable, they need to indicate current and/or past associations with team members.
- Letters of support from project partners have to:
- Confirm in-kind or cash contributions that are mentioned in the budget
(Sections 4.3.a and 4.3.b). - Explain their function within the project.
- Explain why they are part or partner of a team/project.
- Other letters of support might come from organizations or personalities that know the nominated teams, its project plan and are able to confirm the capacity of the team and relevance of the proposed project outcome and impact in the target communities.
Section 10: Resumes (Max 1/2 Page/team member)
Provide a short resume for each team member, in the same alphabetical order as the team summary provided in Section 1 of the Nomination. Focus on experience, training, qualifications, and/or education relevant to the proposed plan.
Section 11: Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC)
Any nomination that involves working with vulnerable members of society such as minors, the elderly or persons with disabilities are required to provide Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC) for every member of their proposed team without exception. Nominations without VSCs for each team member will not be eligible. Information and guidelines for obtaining a VSC are available at:
It is the role of the Nominator and Team Leader to make sure that VSCs are obtained for all team members before the nominations submission deadline.