Kenwyn Newsletter
Summer term 2018
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back after the Easter holidays. We hope you enjoyed the break and your time together. This term we will be beginning a new topic! Our theme for this topic will be ‘Do we like to be beside the seaside?’ We will thinking about what it’s like to be beside the seaside and investigating all the sensory experiences associated with this.
Throughout the summer term pupils will be exploring, experiencing and encountering this theme through:
Mark Making
Making marks in sand using tools and fingers
Making marks using brushes and water.
Making marks using forks spades and rakes.
Writing their name in the sand
Drawing pictures in the sand.
Music time
‘I do like to be beside the seaside’ song.
‘The day I went to sea’ song
‘Under the sea’ song
Sounds of the sea music
Explore sea side percussion instruments.
Explore and experience sea side themed dance and movement.
Messy play
Water trays—filling buckets and pouring through nets.
Seaside themed small world and sensory bins.
Making sandcastles using different coloured sands.
Combining seaside themed materials i.e sand and water, foam and seaweed.
- Making waves using bubbles
Exploring seaside themed objects and craft making using—shells, sand, rocks.
Exploring sensory touch—scales, slime, wet, dry, warm and cold.
Intensive Interaction
Encouraging interaction and communication using:
Explore flying kites,
Making sand castles
Rainbow fish story songs
Bubbles and other seaside games
Heavy Work
Row RowRow your boat actions and movement.
Flying flags and kites.
Catching bubbles.
Making waves.
Rock climbing using chairs and benches etc.
Catching and throwing beach balls.
Tray Tasks
Seaside themed posting activities
Sorting seaside objects i.e. shells, buckets, spades,
Sorting seaside objects using colours.
Find the ice cream cone game
P.E. Kits and Clothes
Kenwyn students will be having PE on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure pupils have their PE kits available on this day.
Other information
Kenwyn class students will continue to have Music Therapy this half term, which will take place on a Thursday afternoon.
Swimming will start again this term. It will take place on a Wednesday.
We will let you know exact dates soon.
If the weather is permitting, some of the pupils in Kenwyn Class will have the opportunity to take part in Enrichment Activities outside of the ARB in their local environment. This will involve short local walks and possibly some short trips on the school minibus.
Please ask a member of staff for any further information.
Thank you for your support,
Emma Bebb Area Resource Base Leader