Approved October 20, 2015

Kentucky Public Health Association

Board Meeting

August 19, 2015

Members Present:

April Harris

Lisa Pollock

Crissy Rowland

Andrea Brown

Drew Beckett

Brandi Gilley

Ed Cecil

Janie Cambron

Louise Kent

Eva Stone

Tracy Aaron

Angie Carmen

Staff Present:

Jill LeMaster

Steve Bing

Proxies include Crissy Rowland for Kayla Bebout, Anita Black & Richard Wilson, April Harris for Georgia Heise and Brandi Gilley for Mark Hensley.

Crissy presented the meeting minutes from the previous May Board meeting. Drew made a motion to approve the board meeting minutes, seconded by Louise. Motion carried.

Executive Director Report:

Mr. Bing distributed his report electronically last week. He highlighted that we are still awaiting the invoice from the Maywood Country Club – in spite of the low attendance, KPHA will profit approximately $3,000 from this year’s event. Mr. Bing is concerned about moving forward with the golf scramble due to lack of participation. He has attended several Bevin/Conway debates and they have not made any significant comments regarding public health; Bevins has alluded to eliminating Medicaid expansion/ACA if elected. The Kentucky Rural Health Association (KRHA) meeting will feature both Bevins and Conway in late September. Dr. Brent Wright is a strong advocate with the Kentucky Rural Health Association. Steve would like to meet with Tina McCormick and Dr. Wright about how KPHA can partner and increase visibility. Crissy said she would be welcome to having a meeting and discuss the two organization’s relationship – she requested for Mr. Bing to plan a meeting with Tina, Dr. Wright, Mr. Bing, and several other KPHA Executive Committee members. Ed discussed what he remembers related to KRHA which involves the University of Kentucky and suggested speaking to Woody Dunn. Crissy said that the KHDA President is an ex-officio officer on the KPHA Board, which has been removed from the current KPHA by-laws but remains in the KHDA by-laws. Crissy would like a standing agenda item for each respective meeting to give an update. Steve announced that Bowling Green will not be present for the venue presentation later today but are interested in hosting. Ed made a motion to accept Mr. Bing’s report, seconded by Janie. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

Lisa presented an in-depth presentation with a comparison of each fiscal year from present to 2008 for revenue, expenses, and convention. Ed made a motion to accept the end of the year financial update, seconded by Andrea. Motion carried.

All financial reports were distributed electronically prior to the meeting. Lisa said a conference call was held between KPHA and KHDA and the budget changed for two line items: the management fee has been increased and membership and exhibits were also increased from the original budget. The Board also discussed the $3,000 marketing budget Mr. Bing requested; Crissy asked him to put together a plan to present to the Board. Janie made a motion to approve the recommendation from the Executive Committee to accept the budget, seconded by Andrea. Motion carried.

Lisa reported that the Joint KPHA/KHDA account activity has been consistent with past months/years with $114,000 in total assets. For the KPHA account, there is $120,000 in assets, $4,662 in income, and total expense with a $23,000 deficit, which is less than this time last year. April made a motion to approve the report, seconded by Andrea. Motion carried.

Old Business

a)  2015-2016 Budget

This has been reviewed in the Financial Report.

b)  Conference Comparison Review

This has been reviewed in the Financial Report.

Strategic Planning Update

Angie reviewed survey results at the last meeting. Crissy announced that several conference calls have taken place and three focus areas have been decided: KPHA Infrastructure, Education, & Advocacy. Brandi and Tracy would like to serve on Focus Area 1. Eva would like to serve on Focus 3. Crissy would like a draft plan ready for the October Board meeting.

New Business

a)  Conference Update – Drew said discussions have been positive with both hotels and the conference center. He encouraged the Board to be thinking about a conference theme. Discussion was held regarding the connection of public health and other entities, specifically mental health. Andrea suggested “building broader connections.”

b)  Check Signatory – Brandon Hurley would no longer like to serve as a KPHA signatory for checks. Louise made a motion to approve the recommendation from the Executive Committee to have Janie Cambron to serve as a check signatory, seconded by Lisa. Motion carried.

2016 Annual Conference: Venue Presentations

a)  Owensboro – Laura presented a packet of information including rates and quotes. She spoke about how OCC is looking to enhance their customer’s experience, including cornhole boards, umbrellas, and options to increase traffic for exhibitors.

b)  Pikeville – Presenters talked about local hotels and meeting space with the expo center. A trolley can be used from the hotels to the expo center and other parts of downtown. They highlighted the Hatfield-McCoy connection and presenters spoke about tours and live entertainment that are available for visitors, at no cost. They also offer a staff person to assist during registration.

c)  Northern Kentucky- Presenters highlighted Northern Kentucky’s central location for driving or flights, which is very close in proximity to an airport. A skywalk is connected from the Marriott to the convention center. A two million dollar renovation took place last year for the exhibitor’s location. Complimentary wireless is available throughout the facility. Both of the nearby hotels have agreed to honoring the government per diem rate – with a split block at the Marriott and Embassy Suites (offers a complimentary reception and breakfast). The Convention Center includes on-site AV services/staff within the package.

Discussion between the presentations included potential social activities such as a sponsored cook-out with cornhole. Also, it was encouraged to take in consideration the willingness from local host health departments to assist in conference planning. It is also important to consider the closest airport and travel accommodations for speakers.

Drew made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andrea. Motion carried.

The next Board meeting will be held on October 21st at 10:00am (Eastern Time) at Lincoln Trail District Health Department.