Annual General Meeting Minutes

On Monday 6thJuly 2009

At V.C.D. Sports and Social Club, Crayford

In Attendance:-

Chairman: Alan Smith, General Secretary: Josh Stephens, Fixture Secretary: Andy Mead, Registration Secretary:

Sylvia Stephens, Fund Raising Secretary: Reg Leeds and member clubs.

Opening Remarks:-

The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.30pm.Welcome to the Fifty Seventh A.G.M. of the K.S.F.L

There are no guest speakers present at the meeting, but apologies were received from Ozzy Hosmer, Assistant General Secretary who was away on holiday and Gary Mears, Referee’s Secretary, New Birth in family.

Roll call for clubs and those absent were Crayside Rangers, Abbey Wanderers, Crayford Arrows, A/C Star, Bexley Park Sunday, Crayford. Erith Tigers, C.V. Sports, Cray Harriers, Pinnacle Hill, Blendon United, Charlton Cons, Crayfield, Morgans, S.T.C. Sports Club. Charlton St Germain and Swanley.

Chairman’s Annual Report

A big vote of Thanks to all Management Committee Members for their support and sterling work throughout the past season for whom they are to be congratulated without exception. Also to all our League Referee’s who show valuable commitment, week after week.

We have now experienced our first season of the F.A. Respect Programme, with some measure of success, and it is the Leagues policyfor the coming season to continue with these policies, we have still a way to go, but general sportsmanship marks from Referee’s are up, and many more complimentary remarks are appearing against match comments, so I congratulate Clubs on a good start in our first Respect season. The aim now is to build on this and clamp down on Clubs that fall outside this program. I can assure you this is the aim of this Management Committee if re-elected.

At this point I would like to Congratulate all League and Cup winners and Runner’s Up on their seasons success. I also applaud all Clubs that finished outside the honors. I know from experience how much harder it is to continue if your not experiencing success.

Also congratulations go to F.C. Olympia who won the Leagues Sportsmanship Trophy for the season and will play he referees on the 23rd August at VCD.

A big Thank You and well done must go to Reg Leeds who raised over £1000 in sponsorship for our Cup Finals. His and our Sponsors input is very much appreciated.

 It was sad to loose a number of established Clubsat the end of last season, but hopefully you will endorse our recommendations for new clubs to join the League to bring us up to strength.

One of the major disappointments of the last season was the fall in Referee’s match coverage and reporting which has made it difficult to assess the full progress and potential of our respect programme, it is my intention to write to all on board referee’s to establish if we can improve our coverage and match reporting, but I also clearly need your input to ensure no abuse of referee’s takes place.

In conclusion of my report it only remains for me personally to wish you all a very safe and enjoyable 2009/10 season.

General Secretary’s Annual Report

The season for me went well, No real big problems, lots of small niggles from lot of clubs, but that’s the same as always.

The League joined the FA Respect Programme not to much hassle, and it showed effect from the beginning, with more contented teams, and Referees.

The weather, a couple of weeks which did worry a bit, but as Andy will tell you gave him hell.

The use of electronic messaging went very well. At the end of the season there were only 11clubs who were not contactable by email, and received all their minutes by mail.

I know the address’s that did not receive my email. What I don’t know is who reads them and just forgets, or deletes them straight away. It is a real problem, the number of secretaries who forget things. But on the whole after two or three attempts I get through to even them.

I do ask if any secretary has changed his/her email address, or his/her company that does not want our mail, please inform me.

For those interested in figures, Last season was 37 weeks of league football, we played in all with league cups 753 games which included 40 double headers, and this does not include County Cups.

Our competition started with 65 teams and at the end of the season we had 62 teams left, loosing three on the way, and all near the end of the season. S.M.P from the Seniors, Bostall Park and Lexington from the Third, each for different reasons, S.M.P. not enough players, Bostall Park Secretary made redundant out of work, having to start all over again, with no assistance, and Lexington Secretary had a very bad accident playing who then spent lots of time hospitalised, with no one else to run the club.

Since the end of the season we have lost a further 7 teams, they are, Footscray Lions 1st team,

F.C. Elmstead, Glencoe Rangers, Elmstead Strollers, Hope and Glory Reserves, and 2 teams form


For the new season, 4 of our clubs have changed their names, these are, North Heath who are now One Bell,Ridgeview GT, now Ridgeway, The Rose Bexleyheath first team, now The Duchess and F.C. Olympia, are now R.O.D. Rangers.

Assistant General Secretary’s Annual Report

This report was readout by the General Secretary in the absence of Ozzy Hosmer. Josh told the meeting that both he and Ozzy were very pleased with the way clubs are responding to what they have been advising them of how to save their club money as you will see from the report.

This season saw the league issue 268 fines, which is down by 172 from last season total of 440.

The total cash from those fines was £4136-00, which is down £3534-00 from the previous season of £7670-00, which means our players are achieving less costly football, at least from the league.

For a rough idea of the fines issued, which can still be bettered are listed below;

  • 10d Failure to inform match official 10- last season 15- down by 5
  • 11a Late match card 40- last season 49- down by 9
  • 11a No match card 59- last season 86 a massive saving 27- on last year.
  • 11a Incomplete match card 33-which has come down by 11- from 44- last season.
  • 10b Late Kick Off only 13- this was against 28- last season, that’s good for football as well.
  • And Finally 24a Non Attendance to General League Meetings 31- which has dropped a massive 27- from 58 last year.Tonight’s attendance will not help next year’s figures.

Fixture Secretary’s Annual Report

During the 2008/09 season there were a total of 756 matches cast including league cup games. 3 games were not played leaving a total of 753 games played during the season, not including county cup games.

Bad weather did disrupt the season with teams missing 5 weeks, due to frozen, waterlogged and snow on pitches which deemed them unplayable. There were also 2 weeks lost over the Christmas and New Year period and an additional week at Easter for some clubs. The decision to play 40 double headers was one which was not avoidable.

There has been a decrease in fines for late/no results and an item which will hopefully be eradicated next season.

Since the website has been started 3½ seasons ago, there have a total of 560,868 hits. The FA did update the website half way through the season, which we will all get used to in time. However there is now provision to store more data on this and the league committee shall decide what information we put on the website in the future. This has been mainly updated during the season by Daniella Mead and will continue to carry this work on for us during next season.

All clubs are reminded to send their permits into Andy Mead by the 15th August 2009 at the latest so that databases and fixtures can be arranged for the forthcoming season.

The Fixture Secretary will aim to get fixtures 2weeks before the month starts which will consist of 4 weeks fixtures at once.

Clubs are reminded for the forthcoming season that all County Cup game results, (whether you are home or away) must be rung through to the results line, so that further league fixtures can be cast and so that the league keeps up to date with your progression through the cup stages.

The phone number for the forthcoming season will remain the same as stated in the handbook as will the website.

The Representative side will be being arranged for the forthco9ming season, so if any club has any players could they email with details of the player (i.e. name, club, what position he/she plays and contact number)

Referee Secretary’s Annual Report

Gay Mears not being present General Secretary read out report.

This seasonhas not been easy and thankless at times, trying to find those last few referee’s each week to complete the coverage, and then being told after matches that the Referee’s had not arrived.

Our weekly coverage does not sound as bad as over the whole season, as we had anticipated we averaged over the season a weekly turn out of Referee’s of 86%.

Overall the season we covered 584 matches, and used three officials on all Cup Semi’s and Finals which gave us an overall average on the season of approximately 78%.

This season so far we have sent out over a 100 letters for Referee’s for next season, and I am hoping for the clubs, and for my piece of mind that next season will be a lot better for everyone.

Registration Secretary’s Annual Report

General Secretary read out report for Sylvia Stephens.

Thank you it’s another season finished.

First of all each of you have picked up two forms from your seats, these are very important. The first, Club Committee is mandatory. It will be filled in, and completed, and returned to me with your player registration cards, Sanction of players could be withheld until form is returned. Question from floor What if a club does not have a committee of three? Answer County and F.A. have deemed that for this season at least, the club secretary can hold two named positions i.e. secretary and Chairman, or secretary and Treasurer. The other form is also very important, as most clubs know. All players Re-registered for next season, names and numbers must be written on the form, and returned to me before they can be sanctioned.

To re-register a player who was registered to your club at the end of last season, the player will sign his registration card on the back, this will then be accepted by me, and rubber stamped over. When we have received your re-registered players cards, I will make up the number with new registration forms to 20, these will be free. After that first 20 all registration forms will cost £3-00 each.

New Clubs will be issued with 20 new registration cards.

Remember all photographs must be passport type, no others will be accepted.

No registrations will be accepted without the club first having paid your League Affiliation Fees, Goodwill fees. and any outstanding monies.

All League fees will be paid by the 15thAugust as stated in the handbook, or a fine could be added as rule 2d].

Election of Committee:-

At this stage the existing committee stood down. The Chairman told the members that unfortunately Stephen Hughes would not be standing for the committee for the coming season; the remainder of the committee would be seeking

re-election and they would like your votes to include two new members to our committee;

Miss Daniela Mead, who has been handling our Web-Site the past two seasons, and she is to join us as Web- Site Officer.

Mr. John King, who will join us as Respect Programme Secretary.

A unanimous vote was given to return the committee.

Re-Election of member clubs to competition:-

The General Secretary advised the meeting that two club were seeking the vote of themembers for re-election for season 2009/2010.

  1. The League have received a letter from Royal Oak F.C. for re-election to the league being at the bottom of the disciplinary points schedule for this last season and second to bottom the previous season. The club is now under new management who will try to rectify this situation.

The Committee would propose that as the new management of the Club, has taken on the situation, that they are given the same chance as were the Plume of Feathers last season, which said ”This will be your Clubs last chance, and your club without remission will be expelled from its membership if its discipline shows at the end of the coming season 2009/2010.”

Vote: Unanimous in favour of proposal

  1. The league membership were asked to vote on the re-election of Barnehurst F.C for this coming season. The club has the outstanding debt to the league of £283-00 fines from not sending in match cards, or reporting match results etc which were doubled as league rules state.

The Club who very much want to continue playing football, cannot without time reimburse the league [time to get the players together] to collect money. The League committee who do not want to stop any players playing football, because their management have let them down, but will not put the burden of their debt on the remainder of the league.

The committee would propose to the membership that Barnehurst are given until Tuesday 1st September 2009 which is prior to their first league fixture to repay all their outstanding monies to the league and if not they will be expelled from our membership and the club details sent to County.

Vote: Unanimous in favour of proposal

Election of New clubs:-

The members were told that the committee had interviewed, and were proposing 8 new clubs and 1 Reserve side to join the league for next season. After the details of the Clubs were given, members would be asked to vote those clubs in, or if you require could question their Secretaries via the chairman:-.

  1. F.C. Plasma Reserves Details as main Club
  2. Manorwood F.C Mr Leigh Johnson Tele 01322 557641 Mobile 07876 642401
  3. Montrose F.CMs June WilliamsonTele 020 8300 4957
  4. Falcon Wood F.CMr, Danny HowardTele 07841 196400
  5. North Heath United F.CMr. Paul HorryTele 01322 338783 Mobile 07816 442850
  6. Dartford Invicta F.CMr. Peter Broadbent07779 972213 or Geoff 07590 507036
  7. The Tiger F.CMr. Antony DoodyTele 01322 284315 Mobile 07989 127951
  8. A.F.C. HeathsideMr. Daniel YoungTele 020 8306 1331 Mobile. 07748 771628
  9. Deportiva La CoronoMr. Adam MorrishTele 07534 509658

Adoption of Amended Rules:-

The committee propose the following amendments to league rules for the coming season. The Mandatory

Amendments to the Rules by the F.A. will be added to the handbook, but cannot be voted on by the membership.

The below rule amendments were voted on and agreed by the member clubs, with one exception which was that of 8M which has been amended following lengthy discussion with the clubs. The proposed change was as follows:-

“No first team player will then be allowed to go to the reserve side after the 01st December although a reserve team player will be allowed to go to the first team up to and including the 31st January”.

Rule 8 i] [1]

New Rule

No club shall Register or transfer more than three players from any club who are currently playing or have withdrawn the league during the current season.

Rule 8M Page 39 (Qualification of Players)

Current Rule: -

Clubs which have a second team shall be called (team name) reserves. The reserve side shall be the feeder side to the first team on all occasions, and the first team squad shall be complete for every arranged match. If the first team withdraws from the league, the reserves will then take the place of the first team in that division to complete the season. No player will be allowed to play for both sides in any cup competition

New Rule: -

Clubs which have a second team shall be called (team name) reserves. The reserve side shall be the feeder side to the first team on all occasions, and the first team shall be complete including cup matches for every arranged match. If the first team withdraws from the league, the reserve team will then take the place of the first team in that division to complete the season which will be decided on by the management committee.